The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)

A I'l KAMI Or" lU SIIAMls. Tllli MORNIW, Parasols Parasols A tI.NASAN riU MI'tllHH, At, lliiiiliwiii Ihe Recipient of a HostlM-fill Oolil VvitU'li. rlCHNONAI. MliNTION. -Dr.

Itochon, successor to Dr, Colo, is now in readiness to answer oil Id for piofesslonal service. A New Knterprlso, On Friday and Saturday there will lull grand opening of the Five anil Tun Cent store, armory building, Glen street. This establishment is the largest of its kind in northern New Y'ork, and carries ON THR MOUTH HlllK. Itnlim ur mid l'firrlmuit I', Niitiil Irulil Muutll UIiiiim fr'slU. William Kohiuson, Huil-oii sir.

ci, is threatened wilh a fever. Mrs, James Dolnn, Main is sii and under the cure of Dr. hiie. Ai re-t It, Moroml of a Truy Wmnitu Hliu Una mlilU Tuu Often. I l.i.ziu Hayes was married to Kuls-i i Ferguson at) Troy a little upwards of year ago, The couple did not live happily and Ferguson enlisted and went west.

About a month afterwards l.iz.zic married a man named Vanyea. Her inother-in-law preferrisl a charge of big- uuiy and she was indicted by tin, grand jury of Hensselaer county last spring, Mrs. Vanyea avoided arresi by leaving with her husband for Cauada. Olllcers have been on the woman's trail sli ce, AHKKKTKI) IN MUKKAU. A few since District Attorney Rhodes, of Troy, Icumcd that the coupli were living at Sandy Hill.

Un Monday afternoon Ollicer Hazlehurst arrived at the latter place and Instituted a search. which was rewarded hy Uniting Vuuyea and his wife at a huuse on the Moreau side of the river, where the ImsUiinl has been employed in Sherman's mill. The woman was taken into custody and brought to the Middleworth house, where she was locked in a room and detained until yesterday morning, when she was taken to Troy. She was accomianied hy auyea, who appears to lie HKVOTKII1.Y ATTACHKt) Til IIKK. When first locked iu the room at the hotel Mrs, Vanyea cried bitterly.

She soon recovered her comtosure, however, and seemed to take a more philosophical view of the situation. She was calm and si'lf-possessed when she left to take the train yesterday morning, in company with the officer and Vanyea. TIIK I'lilSONKlt'S Al'l'KAUAM'K. Mrs. FergUBOn-Vanyea is a prejHwscss- ing brunette, apparently of more than average intelligence, and about thirty years of age, She says her first husband enlisted and she supposed he was dead when she married Vanyea, According to her story she and Vunyea went from Troy to Rutland, where they remained until a few months ago, when they came to Sandy Hill.

VANYEA IS AN ORDINARY INDIVIDUAL without any striking personal attractions and rather below mediocrity from mental standpoint. How the woman could have found iu him an nlllnity is lillleult to understand. She was lodged iu the Troy jail yesterday. Her case will have a hearing at the October ses sums. e.

Amuiement Notes, The Haymakers, of Lansingbtirgh, will cross bats with the Iludsnns this afternoon. Nines composed of fat and lean men respectively will probably occupy the liainond next Monday. Judging from the preparations progress, the "raene Operetta to be given by the pupils of the union school at (he opera house ou Thursday and Fri day evenings will be a grand success, The object of the entertainment is nn miuently worthy one and it should re ceive hearty support. I lyatt Frost, the veteran manager, al ways travels at the head of a good show, Thii has been his custom for nearly forty years, Now ho announces the appear ance of Van Amburgh, Charles Keiche Brother's new show at Ulcus Falls, ri.lay, June 20, when the circus, museum, aquarium and menagerie ran all lie seen for half price; that is, twenty- live cents, with one ticket admitting to II the departments, Fred Cunningham and Miles Stratton, two well-known athletes, will contest in a half-mile recc on the fllens Fulls track half-past seven o'clock to-morrow vening, for twenty-five dollurs a side. pwards of a year ago theso nien, with veral others, engnged in a race on the grounds of the Hallston Athletic club.

Stratton left the track after going a quarter of a mile, and Cunningham finished iu 2:14. The ruce to-morrow evening ill probably decide tlieifquest ion us to hich is the faster of the two. No ud- inission fee will lie charged, otnmenoeiiient ICierrlnes of tllll union Hcliool. Tho commencement exercises of the Sandy Hill union school will take place 1 11 ddleworth hall this evening. The xercises will consist of essays by the graduating class, vocal and instrumental laiisic by the pupils and music by the or- hestra.

The following will receive di- omasand certificates: Diplomas Sara McCurty, Haltie M. l'iersons, Lydia M. Piersons, Theresa Mason, Ella C. Griswold, Intermediate certificates Mary Doyle, Katie IJrannon, Angie I'ettit, Gertie Iilggart, Jennie Mo. Farland, Daisy Calverly, Ella Mason, Edward Riley.

Preliminary certifi cates (loorge Riley, Sarah Vorce, Gertio Hammond, Lizzie Toole, Emma Cronkhite, Nettie Hammond, Minnie Clark, May Chapman, Kittie Cushman, Alice McCarty, Anna Stiles, Alice Gates, Frnnk Bowen. Mary McCormick, Fiank Acklcy. Kestern rig Iron Association, YeBterday was the ojicnitig day of the annual meeting of the Eastern Pig Iron association. The members met at Pittsburgh in the morning and took a special train to Lyon Mountain to inspect the mines and works of the Chateaugny Iron company. After dinner they returned to l'lattsburgh and made a tour of Inspection of the bloomurics and terminal facilities of the company, To-da) the association will visit tho mines and works at Crown Point, Hammond-ville, Port Henry and Minevillo, after which the annual business meeting will be held.

It is probable the session will close with an excursion through Lake George. The Lske (leorge atestn Vatht The Lake (leorge Steam Yacht company have filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The Incorporators me Frederick I), Hubbcll and Edwin White, of Caldwell; John Phelps and Reuben 8. Ripley, of (Jueensbury, and Ilerstell I'olvln, of jIIuiih Falls, The objects of the coinpniiy Include the building, owning and running of steam, soil or other boats, ships or vessels on Lake (leorge, Tho capital stock Is 17,000, divided Into fifty shares, to It rare It WEDNESDAY MCUN'INO. JUNE 24.

MV'i- Si fast ilii'I vyi-W 4U atulTtu p. in. ljlk- liiMirdTO II ill North ami fiwf, vlu 11. II i. in, mill 1 ill1 Ii.ihi i.

in. Voi'fli li-i A'iliMinl uk it iihivi l- 1 Smith CloiiM h'yilli. 4 til nil it Otiitii hir MiIIm, cir swhM'h Mills ml Kurt Ann 1 luiml.ij uixl Sinnnltiv ill 12 UH in. Fit'iirli M- untithi p. in.

(' I Foil nth, 1'iiri: w-hi lit it. in 'J: 0 4 lt mui p. in. uth til Aiimny- ll'Um 1'dintn on ifnorjf m-rth uf (' divnl .10 u. in.

Fivm-li MoinitJtin, Iiiikc (ii'oiK'', WarivuMiurHli unit in tun ihn. in North via Adir-ii'lm Hallrontl, tntijuliitjf HITl'ltdtttHrflt 11 ijih in, Nnrili and wwt via Whitehall mui Itutluinl- I' li i ii. ni Lliki' Ufiittft' -II 15 p. tn. Smith illi'Lis Fulls ii n.

in. IJuttfiiKlni' Pal trim (ii'lawold's MNUi ami We rmt Ann-'rufrtilny, Tinirmliiy rind Sal iilavut 1 i ii. in. Of.hji.. I lot; us-From M.

until f. M. ti-imi A. until HI A. M.

II. 8. 1UTI KWHtN, tSTuu Stah has a larger circulation in the Town (if tliun any other paper published. ill Al. IM.I IMiS St.

Juliii tliu Hnptisl's iluy. ii i anl warmer wc.ilur pro- du'lfil for lii-ilay. The Ciiuailiii'iK wiil t-iijny tlt-'insi-lv to-ilay al Wliitt'liall ami CoIkh'S. The J'llmsiowii IioIiIh its ullilctii- gunii's aint ruoi'H to-ttuy, Boml annual cxuiuiimlitm of pu- iiils at St. Mary'H aradfinv, Cluiruh Htl'i'l't.

IS III pl uKri'hK, Mih. 1'atrii'k lei tnt ninvt, Uiwl alioiit uini' o'clock last Khu liatcl Im'ch troulilcil with epilepsy fur some tunc past. Kuisliirt 'ainciiin, who ruii" an cx- lieiwccn dlcns ralU ami rci'k Ccti(rc. has just put a lint covered ritf on his route, The state tioard of claims, Jude Northup prciiidui, opened session ut Sandy Hill yiistcrdity for the hearing of claims in this Hvcliou. It.

K. (icore Metiuwn, rtuid lec turer of the (jrand chapter of the state of New York, conferred the lioyul Arch degree at Masonic hall last evening. William Mediums was intoxicated on Uncus street last evening and refused to go home when requested to do so. Ollicer Drollctte escorted him to the station house. Shaw Ih'olhers' tannery al Wells.

Hamilton county, together with eight tenement houses, was destroyed Ity lire yesterday morning. Loss, ifM.OOO; in surance unknown. A delegation of rench citizens, ac-iinpauicd hy the i'rench Cornet band, will leave on the early (ruin this morn ing for Whitehall. They will take special at Fort Edward. It is said Unit the Alliany Morittity K.vpress has liceii sold to Wulter K.

Hur- inh, who will take possession July 1. I'rof. Lewis lloss, now director of the Ihiilley ohservalory, ill have editorial charge of the paper. A telugnnu received yesterday an nounced the death at l'ltiladdpliin of Aliram Cox, prosperous stove manufacturer of that city. Jlr.

Cox was a biother of Isaac ilott and s. A. .1. 1'earsall. of this village.

A numticrof Warrenshurgh's liuest young men pur)Kse hlowiug their hrains out. They are ahntit to organize a brass lund under the leadership of John L. Tuhhs. with the people of Wuirenshurgh for a time, at lei-t. The unoccupied store in the Armory building, (lien street, has Is-eu Icai-cd by James Lunt, of Kitehburg.

Masc, who will open on Friday slock of kitchen ware and novelty goods. He wiltalso have live and ten cclil coliuters. As a special attraction al Pintls-burgh's Koiiith of J.ily celebralinn Napoleon Washer, of Ivecseville, pro-loses to diop IMItcct into Lake 'ham-plain. He has times jumped into the Ailsahje river from an altitude of eighty feet. A strawls'lry and ice-cream festival for the benelil of the Saiilor ls ridge Methodist Kpiscopal chuich will Isi held nl Ihe of Kmnii I'rcemaii, Kinghui.

Wednesda evening, July 1. Free convey rtiiou wiil be furnished Ulens tails puilies who desire to attend, Says an exchange "A good many newspapers are clamoring for half-holidays for the 'poor over-worked clerks' In stores. We wonder if these same tender-hearted papers show any mercy to the 'poor overworked' reporters. There is no class In the community who work more hours than rejiorters." Yesterday a gang of men removed the old boiler in the Uix irou works preparatory to putting in the new and larger one. In the machine shop water wheel has been connected with a portion of the shafting for the purpose of running two lathes and a drill required in executing urgent orders for machine work, Thr? Fruffsftlnnnl Convener.

A StaU reporter who visited Sandy Hill yesterday saw in one group a well- known druggist, a popular physician, who is also a coroner, aud a somber tin dertaker, The three members of analo gnus professions were In earnest consul tation, The subject of their discourse was of course unknown to the scrilie, but Ihe thought occurred to him that fellow's life wouldn't be worth a nickle had these three worthies the opportu nity and disposition toeut It short, ll1il for ths OrniMl Jury. W. II. Lyons, of Pittsfleld, Muss who was arrested at Fort Edward by Ofllcer Andrus for sending ohsceno pictures through the mill, was arraigned before United States ('ouimlssionerSylvestnr at Troy yesterday and in default of bail helil for the grand jury. The Temperature, The thermometer at Steuart's crockery store registered as follows yesterday: Twelve P.

almve) three 4(1 above; six A. 40 above; nine 08 above! twelve 72 above) three f. tt 70 alicvej six v. 08 above) nine r. (10 above, M.

Dunham, for the past live years employed as book-keeper at James I Libby it company's factory, Park street, will leave le-xt week for Los Angeles, California, to reside permanently. For a icw nays pusi several oi ins co-workt'is have been devisin plans to give him farewell surprise, and at the same time provide some substantial token of es teem. These plans matured last even- ing. Shortly after eight o'clock about twenty-live persons, representing the heads of departments and weekly em. ployesof Libby company, visited the residence of Mr.

Dunham, The surprise proved ploasnnt, as it was decidedly complete, for the genllcnun was found In Jlr, Dunham piiseuted himself Charles Fennel, in behalf of the donors, presented him itli a watch mid chain. The timepiece bore the following Inscription: "Presented to M. A. Dunham by his friends and eo-workers. Dated, June INNS." Mr.

Dunham responded feelingly, af ter which all partook of a Isainteous re past. Then followed vocal and instru mental music, in which Robert Sims and daughter rendered materia! assist ance. The parly bade their hint and hostess good night at a late hour and left iu the licet of spirits. Dunham family ill rem iin in (Hens Falls until next spring, when they ill join him iu the Golden stale Itrul Transfers. i he following sales of real estate were recorded iu the olliee of the county clerk, al Caldwell, during the week cud ing 011 Saturday last: June 15 Ilerstell Collin to Matildu Ea twissi, conveys premises ou (itell striift in the village oi (ileus Falls: con sideration, June 15 'Daniel livelaud to C.

Armstrong, conveys acres in the town o( JobnslMirgti: coiisiileratlon, one lobar. June 15 ScvuiiMil- C. Arnistroiw Ann livctalul. conveys acies in the town of Johiislitirgh; considera tion, one dollar. June la Heiirv olvin lo lteniauun Wood, convevs live acres 111 the town of WarreiiKburgh: consideration, 5.

June 15 (inlllii and wife to George W. Craunell, conveys 258 acres in I lie town of Luzerne; consideration, 1 1.1150. June l.i Georue W. riiunell and wife to Martin (Irillin, conveys land iu the town of Luzerne: consideration, June 10 John K. Porter and wife to John C.

Cramer, conveys lands in the town of Caldwell; consideraMon. June Hi Marion Truesdell and wife to Jennie K. Hamilton, conveys lands iu the town of Luldwell; consideration, oue dollar. June 17 Meredith II. Little and wifi to Anna M.

Cronkhite, conveys hinds on Harlem street, iu ihe village of Glens rails; consideration, June 1 1 Charles J-raser and w-ife lo Henry Colvin, ronveys live acres in thi town of Warrensburgh; consideration, sixty dollars. June 17 Grillin, 2 and ifi to Henry Colvin, conveys live acres in the town of Warrensliurgh; considera tion, eighty dollars. June i 111IKI1 anil wile 10 lleisey Tracy, convevs 100 acres in tin- town of lloricon; consideration, 4MHI. June 18 JamosO. Porteous and wife to George E.

Montee, couvevs lands in the village of Luzerne; consideration, ,50. June 10 Lewis Itrown toAileu Drown. conveys ninety acres 111 the town of luccnsiiury; consideration, .11111. June lit Allen nrown lo Lewis Itrown. conveys ninety acres 111 the town of (jueenshury; consideration, one dollar.

June 20 Jnmes vv. Harris ami wife Lift-let Harris, conveys live acres in the town of (jin-eiishury; consideration, June 20 Eber J. Joalyn and wife to Sidney VaiiDuseu, conveys twenty-three acres iu the town of lueensbuiy; consideration, :l.50. June 20 Adelbert J. Calkins lo Naomie Calkins, conveys 124 acres in Union 11 of Luzerne: consideration, June 20 Martin Collin to Sanford Collin, conveys undivided one-half of lamls iu the village of (ileus Falls: con sideration, $100.

June 20 Arnold Milliard and wife to Augustus F. Smith and another, convevs lands in the town of Luzerne; consideration, fiiVI. 4fr Doutney in the Tolls. Thomas N. Doutney, the temperance 'clurer, who was cxiieetcd lo pilch his tent in Glens rails soon, has got into trouble, as from the following associated press dispatch: TriiY, N.

June 22. Thomas N. Doutney has been posing as a tetutier- ance advocate, in Troy and vicjnity, since last winter. lie held crowded meetings in the cry hall during the winter, an 1 had a great following. For the past month he has been running a "mammoth tent lyceum." He couldn't pay his bills, and bis cash receipts were recently attached, He owes considerable iu Troy for wages to employes, advertising, etc.

This evening a detective from Providence, R. appeared and ar- rested Doutney on a wurrant charging I1I111 with having jumperi a bail bond lust full in Providence, where he had been holding "revivals." He is en route for Rhode Island. Later. Doutney was taken to Provi dence, where it was found Hint his ar rest was Illegal, no requisition frr his body having been obtained. He will lie re turned to Troy and will doubtless make warm for the Rhode Island ollicer who took him In custody.

A Our Advertisers, Church At Plialen, the leading Troy dry goods dealers, talk about bargains iu laces in their new advertisem*nt in this Issue. Visit the store of M. A. Wiggins, Uurd's block, Glen street, if you wish to insiect a fine line of embroidering silks nud foreign snd domestic wools. Instruc tion is also given in Kensington embroidery, Snnily Mill.

Charles Clements left yeilerdav for (lloversville. W. B. Guy and M. F.

I Inn is left yesterday afternoon for a short visit to Ijike George. A game 11I bull between nines composed of fat and lean men will Is-played some day In the near future. Station Agent Fish has received a relic in the shaiw of an olliee desk, Is well worthy of a place In any col-1 lection of antiquities, I a wcll-selooted. stock of glassware, tinware, yellowwure, woodenware, toys and fancy articles of every description. The proprietor, James Lunt, has fur some years conducted one of the tlnest stores iu Fitehhurg, and is thoroughly conversant with the bnsiiu ss, lie 011 hand at the opening.

ItHrgHliis In Check UooiIn. Ladies, Mr. Fowler calls your attention tn his special bargains 'for to-day. He olfers all wool cla ck goods in hllln and white, black ami white and brown and while at only lorty. eight cents, worth seventy-live cents.

These goods are suitable lor anybody, but especially for misses, as they nr-i very iluralile, will not fade and can be washed. Every lady knows what cashmere beige good's arc. They are the most stiiiable suin-incr wool goods in Ihe market to-day, and are worth sixty-live cents, but our price is iiiaile at only fuity-two cents. Sect hem. M.

A. ICC 9 MS' GLENS FALLS WOOL STORE Hum 11 lull lliit til AROZIXHS.CIIHMLLES, Kml'roiiliTy Silks. IVm-ali A I1 1I1 -I A'i Ail II rynuiu'M Ik-nf Zi'tthj at pei'minci'. ALL COLORS mui CulumhUi tin Miantmvn.Oi-nimn Sum my and Knitting Varii. hihirnrtiiiiiH in Kfimlnirton KnilirnMi-ry.

SliiitipiMK ilnm-tfi ttntrr. All ni'W Mtttrrnt. Hurd's Block, Stroot. Crandell Closes, FAMILY GROCERIES I'ltnVlsliiN 1'. 1 1:11, in' i- ill n.iM'K.niiAiisyrii.

II.UVu, lite. No. 3 Bay Gicns Falls V7. II A. P.

MtisHH FOWLER'S SPECIAL SALE I THIS DAY ONLY piki'Ks ALL-WOOL PIN HEAD CHECK Al wnilli Two COLORED BEIGE CASHMERE At mull, l'5e. mi t'jf GETTING KNIVES BLACK SPOONS AMI I'liKKs OI HIT I.KAK I Ml A II ASTIdt A I.I, ASKHW II AT A 1,1. wn no Co to 60 GLEN ST line 1 In-Id iu til In P. uvct, The Jeweler ALWAYS RELIABLE I'rii- low hh jnm! jf In ran iH.sfihlv H'll'l I'tl Hi yll'H lit- IU'lVr-t, fttnl till' WH'C- tiii much lnrjfi'1' than Hint il any (illc III II US M't ilttlu DISCOUNT TO LANDLORDS. fa fa fa fa fa fa fa 1 0 0 0 0 if- o.

o. 3 V) L. a 0) a 0) 3 ft A 11 4 Mrs, McSvveeney, of the Mansion house, Is sMiiling a week at Victory Mills, (he guest of Mr. anil Mrs, P. Sin han.

The morning Lake George special is in charge of Conductor Thomas Ross, formerly of ihe Troy and Allianv belt line. Daniel Sheehan, Cherry street, is preparing to leave for Chicago, where he will lake up bis leiidence penua ntly. Fred Turner has been appointed con du-'tor of the Delaware and Hudson mixed train running between liitehall and Rouses Point. Assemblyman lliunes, of Olmstead- ville, was in town Monday evening and took the stage for Ilie south bound "sleeper" Hint night. Ex-Assemblyman Geoigi, Northup, Granville; L.

Potter, Seliuylerville George West and wife, of Ticouderoga, registered at the Rockwell house yesterday. II. J. llurdick, N. SI.

me, 1 1.. I. lei: Kenyon, Job Daggett, Tliiirmair, Roland Hack, Stony Creek, were among ihe up-north guests at the Mansion house yesterday. John II. Hiiskiu, of New York, a leading Tammany hall politician, and well known in is section, was a guest of David Murdoek.

Fort Edward, on Sunday, and left Monday al'leriionii for Montreal. --The -bowing were entertained at the Aineiieaii house yesterday: Mrs, II. I). llurton, Fred Hurtoii, Stewart llrowu, Lake George; William U. Waddell, John McGinn, Indian hike: Mis.

Itraley, Mrs. Hayes, Warrensburgh: J. E. Iliirnham, Corinth. Ju-lge John K.

Porter it. from Wateifonl ton friend in Saratoga that he is getting ls-tter and will souii g- to his summer rrsidcuce ut Adirondack, on the eastern shore of Schroon Idie. Judge Porter siilfered a strnke of apo plexy alsiut two months ago, au-l his re covery has been remarkable. Nrhrnou Luke. Our jeweler, D.

C. liailev, is iu New Y'ork purchasing goods. Charles Iturwell is spending a few days at the metropolis. Hon. L.

It. Locke has the Lelaml house in sTfect order and expects guests very soon. The smiling countenance of Miss Kale Shcehy, Adirondack, once more apH'ars on our streets. Frank Norton, of Ticonderoga, as sumes his old position at the Omlawa. lie is well known in lown, an.

I well liked. D. C. liailev has sold his slore of furniture to M. ('.

Pilkins. wh buy and keep constantly on hand full assortment of gisuls. Ihe attendance at Hurwel! 1 1 11 11 r's Muhdi ill is still incn hi- evening the rink was crowded. Thomas Connors took the pne, a live-dollar pin liuavited to the fastest sualer. lioitd Overseer Jason Palmer is im prming our and sidewalks, fil ler his rule we claim lo have hett walks and more of them iu Sebrooii lliaii any illage of its size in the ninty I.

H. Washliurn ami family arrivt-i at the Ondawa on Thursday last. 'I'liey have iiiinle this house their headquarters for several years. Washburn is sec rctai of the Home Insurance company New- York. Among the arrivals at the Windsor were: W.

Halleuback, Glov ville; W. 1 Fni'inan, A. C. Fri-enum. rl Henry; Frank L.

llickok, Hurling- 1. M. J. llickok. New York James Caiiron, Riverside: J.

I. Taylor View; Dr. Dunn and wife, Cyrus Kipp. Poltersville. w.

L. snernian and wile. 01 imcw Tk. have taken rooms at the Ondawa the summer. Mr.

Sheridan is an w-ell known in the profession Since his lasi visit with us, eight years nun. be has visited California, Australia, and various places in Europe. During two years which the gentleman spent Iiihii he kindly interested himself in some of our lis-ul theatricals, contrihiit- 1' largely to some charitable oh ects. We notice in the Jcssciyer of June 5. 1111 article reflecting on some one of our hotels.

The correspondent savs "our town issiiueriug from the dis- uiifort of those who make night hid- iiis. Isniig crazed with rum." Now the nets are that it has liccn a common ri luai that there is less drunkenness and street braw-ls in our villagethan in asolis. "Ihe otlicers of the law kept at a safe distance, consequently they were not harmed. So much for a cense coinnniiitty. Several guests havi ft." says the correspondent.

The olli -is of the law iu tins town wiil com Hire Ii voraolv w-ith olticials or other towns In the county, and the attack on them is uncalled for. To the strangcr lio Intended 10 ppend Ills or her vaca tion at our place, it woulil appear that owing to the "midnight brawls" this otild be place lor himself and family to sojourn, consequently would recreation eisewh re. we w-ouid onimend that this correspondent ban- lie his lien with little more care, at list give facts. The "several guests who left" consist of three, who came here to seud a w-eek, leaving for the tit*kills for the balance of fie month. They will iiKain take up their rooms in town on July I lor the entire mouth hver) thing looks encouraging for a good harvest for our hotels, which are all in readiness to receive guests, John Deli'luiutv.

an exisrienced hotel man from Troy, has been secured by lind- ird Hunter to take charge of the Wind ir house wine room, June 32. Cat orr a Foot. While Thomas nud Willie O'Brien aged live and three years respectively; were playing with a hatchet ut Jackson Washington county, Sunday, the elder cut off the younger's foot. Cuuglit a round Hear. Our Schroon Lake correspondent writes that Miner Itraley caught a bear weighing iiofl pounds at that place last Thu rsduv.

on WHiil, Sheritr Johnston, of Salem, as in town last evening. --Ex-Supervisor Ste tart, of Argyle, was in tow yesterday, He snys he it not a candidate for any olliee this fall, Charles Dean, who has been travel ing as advertising agent for Sautclle's show, returned home yesterdiiy. lb- says Situtelle has had large houses wherever he has exhibited, The performance has been much improved since It ex- hlhlted in this locality, It showed at Keeseville yesterday, HAVILANDS GILBERT 500 PARASOLS In all Rtylt'H anl at low prir A nice coaching pnrful at Murk Hiitin MiumI, with lure, at very SUMMER SILKS thirty-two to seventy-five cents. COLORED SILKS warranted, ut 1.1X1. BROCADE SATINS In black nil colors, all silk, nt ninety II vii wilt: worth l.iH.k lit our Black Silks, $1.25, $1.50.

We warrant every dress pattern. Hosiery Hosiery Call and we our twenty-live nut line in lalitri' and enl's. lnlit-n' it'll L't Summer Underwear Twt nty-Hvu tlr.vi1. BEAUTIFUL India Mull Robes! From 13.50 to $7.50, hi hi in twelve yanla of material and niri ynrdi of I'nihroiilery for trimniiiitf. Havilands Gilbert, 100 Glen Stroot, Glens Fall? WALL PAPER BARGAINS Arc now I in at Crittenden oCowles GILT PAPERS! l-'Min twi-iity-tlvt-1- til" npwanN Shades and Fixtur; REDUCE PR ICES.


RIDCE CLENS FALLS. Miss Libliiu Olds, of ri-. Ii. tit, i of Mrs, Iheodore Coiiistiick. Thir street.

nnurowj isiewuri jesteiiiay com iiieuccd the erection of new First street, II, Teurse Hose company is prac ticing tor the 1' on i.dwai.l loin uaiiieut un the I'ourtli of July, (Jeorge Duty, he Main street druggist, has purchased and now runs an urn te delivery wnmi. Miss Annto Sullivan, daughter of II, Sullivan, Main street, lias gone to Al bany and New York to visit friends, uva niiisi, who liasliem visit mg friends in tow the past week, re turned to her home at (livenlleld Centre yesterday. -A street sprinkler is a cnil.g easily during dry and windy weather, i esterday the village was enveloped in clouds of dust. The McOarry Imselmll club have ae cured the Corliu lot on the l'arks' ferry road for a ball Held. Several new mem hers have rcceutly Isen elected (o llll va cancies cnused by resignation.

Some of the recent additions are good players, The mills are already ttulfcring on account of low water. Monday niirlit live gules in the Morgan mills Nos, II and 4 were shut down rive hours for lack of lriving power, and yesterday tvo gate-! In the upper mills lay idle from tliesuiiK1 cause. No water is now running over the dam. Dogs are becoming a decided uui sunce in this town liecausc of ih-dr mun is and savage proclivities, own, is of sheep frequently suffering from their ravages. Kecently John 'onliu hid three sheep killed and several badly iu jured hy vagabond mongrels.

His dam age has been placed at twenty-six dollars. The assessors re-xirt IJI7 dogs in town. Yesterday two residents of South (ileus Falls, one of them a well known ittache of the legislature, went to the big bay," up the river, on fishing trip. I hey sat patiently on a log for several hours awaiting a bite. At last the heavier man of the pair announced he hail a nibble, and judging from the way it jerked liis Mn, it must lie a gixid one, A minute later he landed a pumpkin-seed alsiut as large as a silver dollar.

le looked at it in disgust, muttered Blank the picked up his tackle and returned home. Kurrognto' Court. The following business was transacted it surrogate's court ou Monday jinliei il settlement was made of the accounts of Fn W. King, as administrator of the estate of Bridget Haley, late of Wuirenshurgh, and a decree of distribution entered. There being no appearance of uuy of the parties concerned in the proof of the will of lteiibeu Varmim, late of ltolton, the proceedings ere discontinued, A judicial and Una! settlement was made of the accounts of (leorge M.

C'ri-pen, administrator of Ellen Crip-n, administratrix of the estate of Dallas Crip. hii, late of (ileus Falls, deceased, mid decree of dislnbut'on entered. In the matter of the application of Flmer l'erry, executor of WHIett S. Ferry's will, for leave to sell real esiate, the pr-K'eedings ere adjourned to July 15, al 'hestcr, to take proof as to the issues iu the matter. flleni, FnIIh Mve Htnck from the liyri.n Liipluim, president of the (Jlens Falls Live Stock company, is nowl in 1 til county, Colorado, where the company's extensive cattle ranch is located.

Li'roin a letter just received from Mr. U. pliaiu' we Ii arn that lie has purchased ihree Hereford bulls, one of hich is the celebrated imported and registered bull, I (re ton Hoy, lorn February 10. 1W4; recorded us No. 10,054 iu the "American Hand Hook:" weight, 1.3tJ0 pounds, and measurement at girth six feel nud nine This animal ill he placed at the head of the company's herds.

They have iilsiudded to thcirliiock 100 tw year old imported Hereford heifers. The lamb crop is large, there being upwards of of them, and jtho wool now being clipped promises to be much heavier per head than in any previous year. The grazing is good and the cut tie present a thrifty appearance. A Mew Post of the Hons of Voternns. Comrades F.

E. Mitchell and Jesse Young, of Post No. 8, flallston Spa, in Post No. 88 of the department of New Y'ork, Sons of Veterans, nt the rooms of the U. A.

It. lost evening. The following nre the ofllcers of the new post Commander, D. Iliggins; sen ior vice commander, L. L.

L)avis; junior vice commander, V. W. Hkym: chaplain, J. W. Heed; quartermaster, L.

D. Mutott; ofllcer of the day, V. F. Rangeri ofllcer of the guard, F. Brown) surgeon, Streeter) council, F.

8, Pike, L. Mar- ber, H. Stevens; adjutant, Ilurber. A name for tho new post has not yet been selected. gillek Work.

Pretty rapid work was that done yesterday by Horace JuckBon and Peter Hums, 'longshoremen at the (liens Falls company's dock. They stowed 1,208 barrels of lime In the bont Lewie McCauley iu just four hours. It should also be taken into consideration that the McCauley is a hard boat tostow, as the fourth Her of barrels sits close against the deck beams. Oevltt Lodged In Jll-Miner HHI at Large, Andrew Devltt, who escaped from Hn-lem jail on Saturday, and was recap tured by Ollicer Hyatt at Fort Edward OU Monday, us reported In yesterday's Stab, was returned to his cell in the jail at Salem yesterday by Under Sheriff Johnson, lliney, bis pal, Is still at large, 1 1' to.

The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.