Ticket news: West Ham away (2024)

Initial ticket information for our trip to the London Stadium has been announced...

West Ham United
Premier League
Saturday 21 September
Kick-off 12.30pm
London Stadium

Ticket sales information

Ticket sales for this match will be as follows:

Please note: In preparation for phased adoption of digital tickets, the entire upper tier allocation for this fixture will be in digital form. Tickets in the upper tier will be sent to supporters the week commencing September 16, via email and will need to be downloaded by supporters on to their Apple/Google wallet.

Tuesday 3 September from 10am until 11:30am: Tickets will be sold to season ticket holders on a loyalty-point basis, one ticket per person. The number of loyalty points required will be announced on this website no later than 9:30am on Tuesday 3 September.

Tuesday 3 September from 12pm until 1:30pm: Tickets will be sold to season ticket holders on a loyalty-point basis, one ticket per person. The number of loyalty points required will be announced on this website no later than 9:30am on Tuesday 3 September.

Tuesday 3 September from 2pm until 3.30pm: Tickets will be sold to season ticket holders on a loyalty-point basis, one ticket per person. The number of loyalty points required will be announced on this website no later than 9:30am on Tuesday 3 September.

Tuesday 3 September from 4pm: All remaining season ticket holders who have yet to purchase can purchase one ticket per person.

Wednesday 4 September from 10am until 11:30am: Tickets will be sold to members on a loyalty-point basis, one ticket per person. The number of loyalty points required will be announced on this website no later than 9:30am on Wednesday 4 September.

Wednesday 4 September from 12pm until 1:30pm: Tickets will be sold to members on a loyalty-point basis, one ticket per person. The number of loyalty points required will be announced on this website no later than 9:30am on Wednesday 4 September.

Wednesday 4 September from 2pm until 3.30pm: Tickets will be sold to members on a loyalty-point basis, one ticket per person. The number of loyalty points required will be announced on this website no later than 9:30am on Wednesday 4 September.

Wednesday 4 September from 4pm: All remaining members who have yet to purchase can purchase one ticket per person.

Tickets will be sold online only.

Accessible Supporters Application Process

Supporters who require accessible tickets can submit an application form found here; which can be submitted during the relevant selling period. Alternatively, supporters can call our access team on 0371 811 2012 or 0044 207 915 1950 (international callers) to reserve your tickets or enquire about further information. Personal assistant’s tickets can only be allocated via the above application process.

Accessible Parking at The London Stadium

West Ham United have six parking bays available for away accessible supporters. Please indicate at the time of your ticket request. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Supporters will need to provide the car registration and confirm they are happy for it to be passed to West Ham United.


We have received an allocation of 3,001 tickets which includes an allocation of 19 non-ambulant and 19 personal assistant tickets. Ambulant tickets will be taken from the main allocation.

Dispatching of tickets

Lower tier tickets will be posted out via first class post. Please note: the entire upper tier allocation will be digital tickets sent to supporters via email. Tickets will need to be downloaded by supporters on to their Apple/Google wallet.

Duplicate tickets

Supporters who do not receive their tickets by post should email the ticket office on Friday 13 September no later than 12pm. Please note that away duplicate tickets can only be collected by supporters in the booking.

Loyalty points

Supporters will receive three loyalty points for this match.

Ticket prices

Tickets for this match are priced as follows:

Adult £30

Senior (Over 66) £25

Under-21 £25

Junior (Under-18) £25

Non-Ambulant Adult £25

Non-Ambulant Senior (65 and over) £25

Non-Ambulant Under 21 £25

Non-Ambulant Junior (Under-18) £25

Ambulant Adult £25

Ambulant Senior (65 and over) £25

Ambulant Under 21 £25

Ambulant Junior (Under-18) £25

Personal Assistant - free of Charge

Useful Links

Ticket office opening times click here

Frequently Asked Questions click here

Match dates and ticket on-sale dates are subject to change.

All ticket sales are subject to availability. Please check the website for the latest information.

Ticket news: West Ham away (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.