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" A fA M flV H fW W PM , blindar Momibf» al If. J. çXjl*’ l DAT!« ü i ) è © c c f t i Tw"*«**’*' »gi. »*»•»— i*x arati» e«« y«*r •« m*k* « I *cto#tL»gtj. Ttö I« Éfrièl^ l« »«bterfbm Ttrmi, mm ui «s*«»«« i-b Work null i « h 4 Fähry fiftflh fia l*h»tnpl«t«, Cftrtfh, BlU -H*ft«L. PwI pn , Clffttifir«. I ai't'i, gVÜ^hili« .%<■., Ae. K*#cotetl ••»U;, eht«)»ljr su# 1 IM I t» 9 W «M paar wl«k (Hf»W Io oo I T.. HM« dlnl«u nik« • Duplat« * . umA «tuuadt—l»- 1 VOL 13. TOM’S RIVER. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1S63. NO. 80. lun. una» fl**g »M fl «Wd IfcHi 4 it»« w«ei g etfj. Ml The following line* wer« batnlod to 1 M j ut M hiving bun picked up on ou* of the battlefield* of Virginia I A Keceih llallad. 01 «»Mr 4«Mri(»Uön r»r ui« *1 ikt* Obe«. » ftii (M 1 .... .... ' AB. itrH R **n «ml 4*1 Writ« Ther* v u oa the * tììt uhorain», A kuadrwl i hum. ml beroM. Wb.-a MH'MUi «ul bwld« lb« iwtrap, A drv«niitig of the Whit« Houm j I Aid ,'luarl led o» « ilut mor**« moil Ivy crept aixMit the window», ami over the ruitic porch had climed •«No, ma’am, but aho areni iato I meadow and got nato ep, and we lb the nut P r o h i i l n i l SP»B**a. W. AHDER80* MAfiKKH ATTORNKYATLAW and solicitor in CHANCERY, Ttm’i Jftvor, >’m Jtrstf. OMcf hi the Court Uoum. dît If Tow'« River, fHcemW. I«M. F.J. Spear. CcuMeDer et I.«*, end M«*ter la CLaero Office at Tom'« River. N. J. fnm’» Ri«»r June It. 19(3 -If. A. 0. M’Lean, Attorney and Counsellor at L a w , knp MAfirftft AMI KSARtMKfi IV CIIA VO.MV , U bi reinorrd Ift iW hnld, find occupi** tbe oWcf f«rui»rijr ftf Judg* Y red*«I bur*. V the cotfiei *f Maid wtre«! I*fi«iini to tlw Depot. •I Hvhold, J*iiy ift. UWI-lr. S, H, S hr eve, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. iliSTEK IN CIIANCKRT OFFICE «I Ike COO Hi II008K. TOM 5 RIVER. NEW JE R -i.f. orni *l»«r Ori. 11, 11*1,—H Joel Parker, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. FREEHOLD. N. J Att 'dnlhc Oueat. County Court». Uljrtlh, IM I- If- W alter ,S. Oliphant. A ’tortir>nf |jw nati Sol teller le t.hnncrr> . Orti«*»: .l/dui Street, in Arcft-i# BuMiUng, Muinl H*»lk, N«w Jerwey. opt. I», IM I-!y. H. WAINRIGrHT, > wrrn BISHOP S l LUFBÜRROW, ITUOI.K^M .F . AMI KKTA1.K . MEAiRK* IN Berries & Produce Of AM . KINDS. Sla ni No. 13 Of,positi* 15 7 West Sim t, Het flnrclty «ml HoSiftRon Std.N'ew Y rk. i h. k. î Hiior. J. s. lufuvrrow N w Ymk, July 9, !*»r«2.- t v . F. J. Weigel. Watches & Ambrotypist, TOM'S RIVERj N. J. Ail kind« of trfitcHc* A time pieces effilé fully tv j paired an« I w;trrti>*1e l. Ambr-itypea Taken at Short Notice Turn’d River,.Inno lS,lMt>2,- ly. BLACKSMITHIN G.— TIMÎ SubM«ribcr rvMjiectfully announce» tliut In I t'Aiitiiavcs the lilacksinitliiii^ business, ut bis old I fi4rnfi.ìi» the Tillage of TOM’S RIVER, and will he clad to attend to all orders,dispatch nil [ j«»« that iMdËnieiid* and the public muy laver him irith. iu a wuriuuHii-’ ike manner, and at reasonable prices. Special utteiwtilen given to Horne S ’ eeing, also to I ironine Fari« Wjwmus and Carriage*. PAUL n. SMOCK. Tom’« ltivcr, June 18,1862. ly. J. H. SHINN 6r CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, C O O P E R ’ S P O I N T , N. J. —* 0 * - k (iciifrttl Aasoitmcnt of [ Chur, I.cmuer. Riiu , Bciluino Ihnwiir. DOORS, SASH MOULDINGS, STONE COAL, | WINDOW GLASS. FAINTS, OILS, AC., AC O hHand and ('heap for Cash. Camden, N. J., Nov. 26, 1802.—Om . Real Estate Agency. | The Subscriber has opened an office for the sale *’*d purchase of | HOUSES, VILLAGE LOTS, FARMS, AND PINE LANDS, tlu i "','1*8 a '1 wlio luive properly of »ny kind to u®* 1:10leave with himKU*n mans or descriptions U\ W 4^ c^°o«e, W ith terms, Ac. / *w>kofrecord will be kept, with adescription 1 »*flc".P,ece of property, so that parties desiring forniriti!*n H6 ttt <^nce °')ta*n a‘ * necessary in- Property will be registered without charge. CHARLES* L. DAVIS, T , “ Ocean Emblem” Office, lorn h River, Feb. 18. 1803. & »V°A* AT % \ *o»«’aiutv»R. ccs as ? co ,if j THE subscriber respcctfull}’ informs the public J H»at he is prepared to receive all whomarfavor th? a ca"* a,ld no painswill lie «pared to rnak [ ,nl,r «*y pleasant and agreeable. oommodeous sail boats will always be ready, :xP ,ericnced cawtninH , te courey parties who I ? Jnde,*ir.c the Island Home, or: tue beach, or V l 0tr.er ^0,ir<linKhouse on our shore. [ j p.er* 'onBwh° desire will always Weaceom- j w ,tl1 horses and tiarriages at reaaooablo GEORGE GRAY ATT. f*m* 9W , April ?5. , ^ V . Iy. Around Mb right, and around hU m r , And round hU ltfl they galloped, While McClellan »at betid« the iw ijtp A dreaming of the Whit« House. Th«y captured hi» piek«t«f burnt hit «Hip», Hi» <ontribands they walloped ; They pby t*d the devil with «verythliig, «And rod« nronnd MeClelktn. MeCI«llan »at on rotonac*» bank, With thrv« time« fifty thouaatid. Wat scaled beside that grand old «ireain, A drimtuing of tbi' White House; When Stuart rode with rider# hold, Tb«y nuftiliered ju»t three thouaaud, TboA** »lurk ing honn*» and «tarving men, The! iTo*fed that flowing river ; Around hit right nod around hi* rear, And jound his left they thundered. Whjle McClellan mtt beside the stream A dreaming of the White lloii«e. They helped thetiiaelve« to the good thing» then*, And provender they plundered. Those «tnrvlug hunte« ami »tnrvlug men, That rode around McClellan. 31l Country llauir. I My country home, how fair and free, j Appear* my rountry home to me! j The rocky height, the lonely glide i Within the woodland’s doopoet shade ; Where the eweet songsterof the wood Pour forth, of melody, a flood, f Which to the ^oul u tmusport brings, |Th it bears it Home on heavenly wing*. I My country home, around it bloom, j The wild Aw*or« in their rich perfume ; The utreiiinlets there, with murmuring *«*ng, Through field» and meadows How along ; The »wallow th -re her matin sings, When first abroad the morning (lings ) Her rosy light, on lake and hills, i*o drink thv dew which night distils. U\ country home, thrice hallowed place 1 How fondly I thy features trac •; Thy Imuible church, the purling rill, Tito school house old. the j»u*y mill. Th? pastor’s house, whose generous door j Is ope* hi the rich and phor, Where h**, with chit Iron, friends, and wife, i derenely pass the years of life. My country home, I turn to the«, When J. from city fain would fle*t To leave its busy bustling throng, That uiove« with hurrying pace along, And ¡n thy *h:uic find sweet repose At morning's dawn, at evening’s close, And bless the hour which gave to me, country home, po fair mid free. If beauteous thus inv home below, h! what shall heavenly beauty show! Shall there the wood« in living green, With bin!», and (lower«, »ml •tin be seen ? Shall little brooks sing in my ear, The same glad song that pleased me here ? And shall tho moon in beauty glow ? And radiant mi« lilx beams bestow t Although my country home I prize, Yet in that World beyond the skies, 1 see a hom*o that ne’er shall fade, Where sorrow ne’er the brow may shade, Where tears no more »hull diin the evo, Where love and frisnd;hip never die* That home to gain, those courts to see, Turn home I’d leave, though dear to me. roue« along ten of trumjvct creeper«. There wan a rude ita l at the door» way made of lit«« little boughs of the while birch Iwiaicd together in fan* taalic faahion, and here Grandmother Harrington wee wont to ait, with ber grey woolen knitting-work. Ok! what a treat we used u * Lttlf.h.kli.Iat’ i tit heavy cltur her there •laeping.* Ob! there were anxious hearts in Dea- con Ham tig tou« toowu hutM** that Ki to !!« mg lit Very funte erodici but not once Her cheeks I led with favi (hi tender! ▼wot d on her mother’« ; did «bu speak Col timed and her eye r; her «limpidi an ut un • breast, icrtmtly I spark* A Tin ¿Hint tacl4«fiisf the War., Nine or ten year# ago, a ciharii of j o no of (lie towns in \lmcastoro portiou j of MassscbuaoUs was uoyosliy stutpec- ! lei of a crime whtult the statuto cannot easily reach, hot whiJi deservedly brings upon him guilty ul it the ! cunî ipu i upright teas whie and the î ,*«l thv min Pbi jr V .»'on* » lilt dille* "i ed Ar ! > had î long summer afternoon chi »ent half tho i!ug butter* ry object, amisav—■■ '’Ptoitso.siuturKate, isn't it-»sc most tig enough?’* flies, ami arranging « vegetable baby j 1 lire« days pasted «-days ot incessant house, with hollyhocks for our ladies' |watching and weariness, And towards parasols, ami tea-pots manufactured out of veritable poppy*pnd« ; ** I wish I were you, and then I could be happy length, having invented his property where it coubt I mi easily nintmged by Itis wife, he suddenly dtaaptK ared, ioav ng her a cornfor tublu hom*o ami the care of two boys, ton and twel ve years old. Tito Hist feat that he had sought a vk>* evening tho little lvose opened her blue eyes after a restless slumber, She seem- ed much better, sad the mother glanced til liny loi.jf, with nothing to trouble 1»io|«efully up to the kiwi phynkiuii U n-1l€nt ww pnrll.v tliepelled by tic , roc n ) ding over her. umkuljr nr;mguwt nt » f hi« ofi'uir*, »mi I tliodwcovery that ft U»gurrn,lv|n . >1j tho family Mtoup w u miauiug from tlfi; j parlor t.iblc. Not much offmt wa.sl '* You could, could you f (n i Kute'« j "I cannot nuy nhc'« better, moduin. chfi-ks (ln.lird *« ibc put aw»y from |<<od known I wish I could; but Itoue tlirm her heavy bsmla of black liulr ; ( munt die before midnight!” And the U, thv tt .llt wind « brvdh |Vrf'uut* v,\h«lvv - - f Jfif 1« i 'HmIb)' Troia h 111«, frais tale». Mow tin* playful break Duriti out with (lea. From it* «ht-lmre*! ao«dt, Aittl liWAf, so (hs! C«iw, IHtb? iati*L‘af .‘-pdas, WV* give tlw bstifi« ; Com %unti ruurut u« Hitag Tity hwcn H fion vr-band*. “ you think so, nnd tlmt'e all yon know j teure Mood in glittering drop« on the | about it. ! have a tlimwnnd thing« to |good mnn’a check«, ves me. There’» Ro»u, for inetnnee.— The niotlier'a grief wa* not noi*y.— Mother ex|K CtK mo to I«; ronatuntly She quietly liftod her darling from the taking enre of her, and nhc’a the great, bed, and aut down with her in her arena. c*t little torment yon ever n w lty I KnU stood hy, gobbing, no if already the way, girl», let’« start uftcr tinme |tho brand ofCain were on her brow. to traoa the fugitive. When ul- j ter ward, tact« were developed which o». | taboliahud hi« innocence of tho crime j charged, it wan found impoaaiblc to | oonnnunicftte witli him;and aa the pub- by " Angie," and we «halt hope to hear licution of the «tory in tho column« ,,f | from her very* oltup : |$«ltaflu;5u Pathetic Little Story. There were throe of us—Kate, An nett and my self—and we were going into the old wood to hunt strawberries- Oil ! it was such a delicious day in June. The birds sang till the air was fairly vocal with their melody, and all the green trees nodded their heads in approbation ; the very brooks seemed to have * he general inspiration, and danced along through the meadows as if keeping time to the quickstep of the furies. Annette Summers and I had been in- vited to spend the half-holiday with our school-mate, Kate Harrington.— Deacon Harrington’s old fashioned brown house fronted toward the South ; behind it stretched a broad green mea- dow, and still further back was a densely wooded acclivity, famous for flowers and berries in the geography of every child in Ryefield. I used to love to look at Deacon Hariington’s old brown house, even in those early days, when I had not g single notion of artistic skill in my curly head. I know that combined to an eminent de- gree tho elements of the picturesque. The low roof, which sloped backward nearly to the ground, was grey with, atrawhcrrlea in the woods, now «he is out of night tor a minute, so she won't tedse to go with u«," We were half way itcro«» the mea- dow, when we heard a »weet voice, crying, “ Please, sister Kate, Hose wants to go, too." I turned around, I remember, ami thought linn- bt-auIlTul wan the little creature coming towards us. She wu« very unlike her «¡liter Kate. Kate was a brunette, but the little white-robed figure tripping across the meadow had a pale, Hpirituul face, and long curls o* golden hair falling to tier tiny waist.— There was a Hush oil her cheek, anti a look of eager, beseeching interest in her large blue eyes ; and sla- stretched her dimpled arms towards us, and kept crying in her earnestness, * ' I’leuae, girl«, wait for Rose.' A look of vexation crossed Kate's face, and she called out in n tone of ex- treme irrabiljty, "G o bock, Rose, you're too little to come! Go back ! go buck !'' Kate always had it way of being minded, and the little one put her fin- rers toiler eyes, ami silently tinned toward the house. W e hurried on in the direction of the wood, without giv- ing a single glance backward. I think Kate’s conscience reproached her for her selfishness, and I know my own pleasure was spoiled for the afternoon. We found plenty of strawberries, red and ripe, among their beds of leaves ; tliers were little blnc-eyed blossoms, too, that kept reminding me of Kosici and I was not sorry when the sunset shadows lengthened, and we turned to go home. We had gone down the hill out of the wood and crossed several rods of the meadow-land, when Kate said, in a hoarse whisper, " Sec there, girls, what is that white thing by the brook ? Do you see it I’’ We saw it and hurried towards it.— It was Rose. At first we thought she was dead. Scarcely seemed tho faint" cst breath to steal from her parted lips, and the pulsation of her heart were so weak you could scarcely lcel them. She was 'll a kind of trance-! ike sleep. It wan some time before we succeeded in wak- ing her, and then her limbs seemed chilled and stiffened by the subtle damp- ness of the meadow land atmosphere.— She conld not stand. How many times "Please, nuttumit/’ said tho little one» at length," am I big enough to go to heaven !’’ "Yes, darling," was the tearful an- swer; “Jean« loves little children.’’ “ And, inumna, do you «'pose he'll torgivo mo for sitting down in the mea- dow to watch Katie, when you told me I nmsii't over stay there?" "Vi-s, my pot, tho good Savior will forgive you for any thing, if you arc only sorry; hut Rosie do.-su’t want to go to Heaven, and leave mother, docs she?" I heard somebody say I must go when 1 was utileop, mother— a bennti" fill lady, with Oli! such shining white wings, and she- stretched out her arms to take mo, but 1 did'ut go. 1 woke up to kiss you nnd sister once more.— Please kiss me, Katie. Little Rose won't never he naughty any more up in Heav- en, and I’ll grow big before you come, Katie, so 1 can play with you up there!” There were tear«, sighs, a funeral nnd a little coffin. The rosebud open- ed its petals on the bosom of Jesus.— The little enrtli-iluwer wits lug enough for heaven!” Ixsn.TKD tiik W rong "Goose.”—A bashful gentleman of Holly Springs, Miss., took a violent "hankering” af- ter a fair seamstress of tho town, and after a great deal of hesitation finally brought his courage up to the sticking point, and made an cveniag call on the lady. He found her busily engaged at her work, pressing off a garment with a tuylor’s goose. She, however, receiv- ed him very courteously, and continued her work. A bevy of the seamstress’ female friends dropped in a few minutes after our heroic friend had subsided into si- lence, fur he found it absolutely impossi- ble to mantaiii a eonversatio n with the lady. The sudden entrance of the vis- itors, instead of relieving only added to his embarrassment, and lie sat in si" lcncc until bis situation became pain" ful to all, but to none more than to him" self. All efforts to draw him into con- versation proved abortive, and it be" came a matter of serious concern to the ladies how to relieve the gentleman of his embarrassment without a catastro* pile, for ho was well known to all of them as a gentleman of great worth, baslihilness being bis only frailty. •fha rum« Far tlw U.i an Embi«a An Knigmit. lowing enigma and conun- c been scut !o the "Emblem“ that afternoon the little darling had begged us to "make a chair” for lien, with our own hands, and we had an- swered that we couldn’t stop. We made one now. She twined dimpled arms about our necks, and held on very tight ; but she didn’t speak, except once, and then she only said, " Ain’t I most big enough, sister Kate?” Mrs. Harrington met us at the dosr, with a wild look of alarm. "Good heav- ens, Kate?” she exclaimed, “ what’s the matter with Rose?" And taking her from our arms’ she discovered that her clothes were alnMst saturated with moisture. "Kate, my child, why don’t you speak ? Has Bose been in the water?” The seamstress finally got through with her work, and called out to the negro man in the kitchen; "John!? The door opened, and a stout burly* her i negro stuck his head through tho door, way, and said : “I is here, Missus.” "John, will you take this r/oosc out?” Our bashful friend sprang to his feet in an instant and exclaimed; "I beg your pardon, Madam, for in- truding on you but, I ’ll go out my self /” And before the lady could explain her meaning to him, he had gathered his hat and made hisexit, which was follow- ed by the frantic yells of the girls. I am sorry to add tbatlittle misunderstanding mad* an old bacholor and a old maid. (Ovoroi widely circulated journals failed to recall him, b« w»s generally suppos- ed to bo dead. At the outbreak of the present civil war, hi« eldest son. now a young man, was induced by a friend, a captain in a Western regiment, to enlist in his company. Ho carried himself well through campaigns in Missouri and Tennessee, and after the cupturo of Fort Donelsun was rewarded with u First Lieutenant's commission. At the bat- tle ot Murfreesboro’ lie was wounded in the lott urm, but so slightly that he was still able to tuke charge of n squad of wounded prisoners. While perform- ing his duty, ho became aware thut one ol them, a middle-aged matt, with a full, heavy beard, was lookiug at him with fixed attention. The day after the fight, as the officer was passing, the soldier gave the military salute, and said : " A word with you, if you please sir. You remind nie of an old friend.’ Are you from New England ?” “ I am," “ From Massachusetts ?” " Yes.” " And your name ?” Tho young Lieutenant told his name, and why lie cumo to serve in a Western regiment. 1 thought so,” said the other, and turning away lie was silent. Although his curiosity was much excited by tliu soldier’s manner, the officer forebore to question him, and withdrew. But in the afternoon be took occasion to renew tho conversation, and expressed the iu- tercst awakened by the- incident of the morning, “ I knew your father,” said the pr.'s m- cr. "Is ho well?” "W e have not seen him for We think he is dead.” I I aiu a word of ten lettura. My ", 5, 9, 10 , U what a boy and girl My 5, S My 10, î called. My 1, , 9, fi, is a fruit. 5, », fi, is what a loved friend 9, 4, is what become« giri* best at night. My 3, 5, 4, S, 8, fi, when cold is hoi. My 10, 5, 9, 10, is what traitors ought to W. My <5, 2, 4, 8, would moke a good iic.k-tic for Jeff Pavia. My whole is a kind of a man liked better by tho rebels than hy moat of th# readers ot the " Emblem.” Conundrums. 1. What is it that has teeth larger than the rest <*f its body ? 2. What has arms hut not hand«, La- dy but not legs, tongue but no mouth 1 3. What lias a mouth larger than it« heart? A mur. years.— Then followed such an explanation of the circ*mstances ofhis disappearance as the young man could give. lie hud never known the precise nature of the charge against his father, but was able o make it quite clear that his innocence had been established. “ I knew your mother, also,” vontinued the soldier. "I was in love with her when she married your father.” "1 have it letter from her, dated ten days ago. My brother is a nine months man at New Orleans.” After a little desoltory conversation the soldier took from under his coat a leathern wallet, and disclosed a daguervotype case, The hasp was gone, and the corners were rounded by For tho Ocean Emblem. Ati Enigma. I am composed of 9 letter*. My 9, 8, 4, 5, 0, 8, is a name of a boy. My 7, 8 , 7, 1, 7, 8, 9, is a name of a girl. My 3, 2, 4, is something wo see eve- ry day. My 1, 2, 7, 8 , is a very useful article. My 1,5, 0, 8 , 5, <i, is a name o f a place. My whole is Homethisg good to drink. M. E. L. The other day, a precocious young six-year-old broke out very abruptly with, "Father, what makes negroes black?” Father tried to explain the supposed reasons to suit hi.*, comprehension, and in the course o f his remarks said that they were descendants of Ham, ono of the sons of Noah. Georgia pondered u while, and at last brightening up, lie said, very gravely : " Was it smoked bum, father ?” Answer to enigma of ten letters in last week’s paper— “ Dictionary.” An- swered by “ Laura” and “ Eillcn.” wean "Will you oblige me,” be said, ” by looking at this alone ?” Agitated almost beyond control, the young officer took the case and hurried away. He bad One day, a little friend of mine, see- ing tlie picture of an elephant in a book, cried out, ' Oh, mamma, here is an animal with a tail .on both ends !” Walking with my little five year old last fall, on a very windy day, which promised vain, lie said, “ Mamma, why docs not God take all the dust up before it rains?” I t ild huri that the rain would settle it. “ Well, then, how does Ho get the scon the picture before! It represented du8t llp ?__oi. ;lre there roads up in Heaven, to make dust on?” a man and a woman, sitting side by side, with a buy at the kneo of each- The romant c story moved the to n" luandur of tho division to grant the youth a forlougb, aud botli father and son reached home last week.— Wor- cester Spy. As the shadow of the sun is largest when his beams arc loivest, so wo are always least when we make ourselves the greatert. I then saw what troubled him. had beeu told that God made man out of dust, and could not see how the ra«- term] could all ho collected. Oar little Johnny was talking one day of a “ ragged man” near them, when his older sister reproved bins, tolling hint that the man would hear. "Oh, stofi/'said he, " gt> bind ,LIs i cars while I tel! yon !" A;}?

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i*x arati» - [PDF Document] (3)

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A f A M f l V H f W W P M ,b lin d a r M om ibf» al

I f . J .ç X j l* ’ l D A T !«

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Ttö I« É frièl^ l« »«bterfbm

T trm i,mm ui «s*«»««

i-b W orknull i«h4 Fähry fiftflh fia l*h»tnpl«t«, Cftrtfh,

BlU -H*ft«L. Pw Ipn , Clffttifir«. I ai't'i, gVÜ hili« .%<■., Ae. K*#cotetl ••»U;, eht«)»ljr su#

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«M paar wl«k (Hf»W Io oo I T.. HM« dlnl«u nik« • Dupla t«* . — umA «tuuadt—l»- 1

VOL 13. TO M ’S R IV E R. N EW JERSEY. T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 21, 1S63. NO. 80.

lun. una» fl**g »M fl «Wd

IfcHi 4 it»« w«ei

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Ml The following line* wer« batnlod to 1 M j ut M hiving bun picked up on ou* of

the battlefield* of Virginia I A Keceih llallad.

01 «»Mr 4«Mri(»Uön r»r ui« *1 ikt* Obe«.

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AB. itrHR**n «ml 4*1 Writ«

T h e r * v u o a the * tììt u h o ra in »,A kuadrwl i hum. ml beroM.

Wb.-a MH'MUi «ul bwld« lb« iwtrap,A drv«niitig of the Whit« Houm j

I A id ,'luarl led o» « ilut mor**«

moil Ivy crept aixMit the window», ami over the ruitic porch had climed

•«No, ma’am, but aho areni iato I meadow and got nato ep, and we lb


P r o h i i ln i l SP»B**a.W. AHDER80* MAfiKKH


Ttm’i Jftvor, >’m Jtrstf.OMcf hi the Court Uoum. dît IfT o w '« R iv e r , fH c e m W . I « M .

F . J . S p e a r .CcuMeDer et I.«*, end M«*ter la CLaero

Office at Tom'« River. N. J. fnm’» Ri«»r June It . 19(3 - I f .

A . 0 . M ’ L e a n ,Attorney and Counsellor at L a w ,

knp MAfirftft AMI KSARtMKfi IV CIIA VO. MV,Ubi reinorrd Ift iWhnld, find occupi** tbe oWcf

f«rui»rijr ftf Judg* Y red*« I bur*. V the cotfiei*f Maid wtre«! I*fi«iini to tlw Depot.•I Hvhold, J*iiy ift . UWI-lr.

S , H , S h r e v e ,Civil Engineer and Surveyor.


TOM 5 RIVER. NEW J E R -i .f .orni *l»«r Ori. 11, 11*1,—H


F R E E H O L D . N. J

Att 'dnlhc Oueat. County Court».Uljrtlh, IM I- If-

W a lt e r ,S . O lip h a n t.A ’ tortir>nf | jw nati Sol teller le t.hnncrr> .Orti«*»: .l/dui Street, in Arcft-i# BuMiUng, Muinl H*»lk, N«w Jerwey.

opt. I», I M I - !y.




Berries & ProduceOf AM. KINDS.

Sla ni No. 13 Of,positi* 15 7 West S im t,Het flnrclty «ml HoSiftRon Std.N'ew Y rk.

i h. k. î H iior. J. s. lufuvrrowN w Ymk, July 9, !*»r«2. - t v .

F. J. Weigel. Watches & Ambrotypist,

T O M ' S R I V E R j N . J .Ail kind« of trfitcHc* A time pieces effilé fully tv

j paired an« I w;trrti>*1e l.Ambr-itypea Taken at Short NoticeTurn’d River,.Inno lS,lMt>2,- ly.

BLACKSMITHIN G.—TIMÎ SubM«ribcr rvMjiectfully announce» tliut In

I t'Aiitiiavcs the lilacksinitliiii business, ut bis old I fi4rnfi.ìi» the Tillage of

T O M ’S R I V E R ,and will he clad to attend to all orders,dispatch nil

[ j«»« that iMdËnieiid* and the public mu y laver him irith. iu a wuriuuHii-’ike manner, and at reasonable prices.

Special utteiwtilen given to Horne S’ eeing, also to I ironine Fari« Wjwmus and Carriage*.PAUL n. SMOCK.

Tom’« ltivcr, June 18,1862. ly.


C O O P E R ’ S P O I N T , N. J .—*0 * -

k (iciifrttl Aasoitmcnt of[ Chur, I.cmuer. Ri i u , Bciluino I h n w iir .



Oh Hand and ('heap for Cash.Camden, N. J., Nov. 26, 1802.—Om.

Real Estate Agency.| The Subscriber has opened an office for the sale *’*d purchase of| HOUSES, VILLAGE LOTS, FARMS,

AND PINE LANDS,■ tlu i"','1*8 a'1 wlio luive properly of »ny kind to u®*1:10 leave with him KU*n mans or descriptions U\ W 4 c °o«e, With terms, Ac./ *w>kofrecord will be kept, with a description 1» *flc".P,ece of property, so that parties desiring forniriti!*nH6 ttt <nce °')ta*n a‘* necessary in-

Property will be registered without charge. CHARLES* L. DAVIS,

T , “ Ocean Emblem” Office,lorn h River, Feb. 18. 1803.

&» V ° A *


%\ * o » « ’a iu t v » R . c c s a s ? c o , i f jTHE subscriber respcctfull}’ informs the public J H»at he is prepared to receive all who ma r favor th? a ca"* a,ld no pains will lie «pared to rnak[ ,nl,r «*y pleasant and agreeable.oommodeous sail boats will always be ready,

:xP,ericnced cawtninH, te courey parties who I ? Jnde,*ir.c the Island Home, or: tue beach, or

V l 0t r.er 0,ir<linK house on our shore.[ j p.er*'onB wh° desire will always Weaceom- j w,tl1 horses and tiarriages at reaaooabloG E O R G E G R A Y A T T .

f*m*9W , April ?5. ,^ V .Iy.

Around Mb right, and around hU m r ,And round hU ltfl they galloped,

While McClellan »at betid« the iw ijtp A dreaming of the Whit« House.

Th«y captured hi» piek«t«f burnt hit «Hip», Hi» < ontribands they walloped ;

They pby t*d the devil with «verythliig, «And rod« nronnd MeClelktn.

MeCI«llan »at on rotonac*» bank,With thrv« time« fifty thouaatid.

Wat scaled beside that grand old «ireain,A drimtuing of tbi' White House;

When Stuart rode with rider# hold,Tb«y nuftiliered ju»t three thouaaud,

TboA** »lurk ing honn*» and «tarving men, The! iTo*fed that flowing river ;

Around hit right nod around hi* rear,And jound his left they thundered.

Whjle McClellan mtt beside the stream A dreaming of the White lloii«e.

They helped thetiiaelve« to the good thing» then*,

And provender they plundered.Those «tnrvlug hunte« ami »tnrvlug men,

That rode around McClellan.

31l Country llau ir.

I My country home, how fair and free, j Appear* my rountry home to me! j The rocky height, the lonely glide i Within the woodland’s doopoet shade ;

Where the eweet songster.» of the wood Pour forth, of melody, a flood,

f Which to the ^oul u tmusport brings,| Th it bears it Home on heavenly wing*.

I My country home, around it bloom, j The wild Aw*or« in their rich perfume ;

The utreiiinlets there, with murmuring *«*ng, Through field» and meadows How along ;The »wallow th -re her matin sings,When first abroad the morning (lings

) Her rosy light, on lake and hills, i*o drink thv dew which night distils.

U\ country home, thrice hallowed place 1 How fondly I thy features trac •;Thy Imuible church, the purling rill,Tito school house old. the j»u*y mill.Th? pastor’s house, whose generous door

j Is ope* hi the rich and phor,Where h**, with chit Iron, friends, and wife,

i derenely pass the years of life.

My country home, I turn to the«,When J. from city fain would fle*t To leave its busy bustling throng,That uiove« with hurrying pace along,And ¡n thy *h:uic find sweet repose At morning's dawn, at evening’s close,And bless the hour which gave to me,

country home, po fair mid free.

If beauteous thus inv home below, h! what shall heavenly beauty show!

Shall there the wood« in living green,With bin!», and (lower«, »ml •tin be seen ?Shall little brooks sing in my ear,The same glad song that pleased me here ?And shall tho moon in beauty glow ?And radiant mi« lilx beams bestow t

Although my country home I prize,Yet in that World beyond the skies,1 see a hom*o that ne’er shall fade,Where sorrow ne’er the brow may shade,Where tears no more »hull diin the evo,Where love and frisnd;hip never die*That home to gain, those courts to see,Turn home I’d leave, though dear to me.

roue« along ten o f trumjvct creeper«.

There wan a rude ita l at the door» way made of lit«« little boughs of the while birch Iwiaicd together in fan* taalic faahion, and here Grandmother Harrington wee wont to ait, with ber grey woolen knitting-work. Ok! what a treat we used u* Lttlf.h.kli.Iat’ i

tit heavy cltur her there •laeping.*

Ob! there were anxious hearts in Dea­con Ham tig tou« toowu hutM** that


mg lit Very funte erodici but not once Her cheeks I led with favi

(hitender! ▼ wot d on her mother’« ; did «bu speak Col

timed and her eye r; her «limpidi an

u t u n • breast,

icrtmtlyI spark*

A Tin ¿Hint ta c l4 « fiis f the War.,Nine or ten year# ago, a ciharii of j

o no of (lie towns in \lm castoro portiou j of MassscbuaoUs was uoyosliy stutpec- ! lei of a crime whtult the statuto cannoteasily reach, hot whiJi deservedly brings upon him guilty ul it the !

cun îipu i

upright teas whie and the î,*«l thv min

Pbijr V

.»'on* » lilt dille*

" i ed Ar

!> had î

long summer afternoon chi»ent half tho i!ug butter*

ry object, amisav—■■'’Ptoitso.siuturKate, isn't it-»sc most tig enough?’*

flies, ami arranging « vegetable baby j 1 lire« days pasted «-days ot incessanthouse, with hollyhocks for our ladies' | watching and weariness, And towards parasols, ami tea-pots manufactured outof veritable poppy*pnd« ; ** I wish I were you, and then I could be happy

length, having invented his property where it coubt Imi easily nintmged by Itis wife, he suddenly dtaaptK ared, ioav ng her a corn for tu blu hom*o ami the care

of two boys, ton and twel ve years old. Tito Hist feat that he had sought a vk>*

evening tho little lvose opened her blue eyes after a restless slumber, She seem­ed much better, sad the mother glanced

til liny loi.jf, with nothing to trouble 1 »io|«efully up to the kiwi phynkiuii U n-1l€nt ww pnrll.v tliepelled by tic , roc n ) ding over her. umkuljr nr;mguwt nt » f hi« ofi'uir*, »mi

I tliodwcovery that ft U»gurrn,lv|n . >1 j tho family Mtoup w u miauiug from tlfi; j parlor t.iblc. Not much offmt wa.sl

'* You could, could you f (n i Kute'« j "I cannot nuy nhc'« better, moduin. chfi-ks (ln.lird *« ibc put aw»y from | <<od known I wish I could; but Itoue tlirm her heavy bsmla of black liulr ; ( munt die before midnight!” And the

U, thv tt .llt wind « brvdh |Vrf'uut* v,\h«lvv - -

f Jfif 1« i'HmIb)'Troia h 111«, frais tale».

Mow tin* playful breakDuriti out with (lea.

From it* «ht-lmre*! ao«dt,Aittl liWAf, so (hs!

C«iw , IHtb? iati*L‘af .‘-pdas, WV* give tlw bstifi« ;

Com % unti ruurut u« Hi tag T it y hwcnH fion vr-band*.

“ you think so, nnd tlmt'e all yon know j teure Mood in glittering drop« on the | about it. ! have a tlimwnnd thing« to | good mnn’a check«, ves me. There’» Ro»u, for inetnnee.— The niotlier'a grief wa* not noi*y.— Mother ex|K CtK mo to I«; ronatuntly She quietly liftod her darling from the taking enre of her, and nhc’a the great, bed, and aut down with her in her arena. c*t little torment yon ever n w lty I KnU stood hy, gobbing, no if already the way, girl», let’« start uftcr tin me | tho brand ofCain were on her brow.

to traoa the fugitive. When ul- j ter ward, tact« were developed which o». |

taboliahud hi« innocence of tho crime jcharged, it wan found impoaaiblc to | oonnnunicftte witli him;and aa the pub- by " Angie," and we «halt hope to hear licution of the «tory in tho column« , ,f | from her very* oltup :

| $ « l t a f lu ;5 uP a th etic L ittle Story.

There were throe of us—Kate, An nett and my self—and we were going into the old wood to hunt strawberries- Oil ! it was such a delicious day in June. The birds sang till the air was fairly vocal with their melody, and all the green trees nodded their heads in approbation ; the very brooks seemed to have * he general inspiration, and danced along through the meadows as if keeping time to the quickstep of the furies.

Annette Summers and I had been in­vited to spend the half-holiday with our school-mate, Kate Harrington.— Deacon Harrington’s old fashioned brown house fronted toward the South ; behind it stretched a broad green mea­dow, and still further back was a densely wooded acclivity, famous for flowers and berries in the geography of every child in Ryefield. I used to love to look at Deacon Hariington’s old brown house, even in those early days, when I had not g single notion of artistic skill in my curly head. I know that combined to an eminent de­gree tho elements of the picturesque. The low roof, which sloped backward nearly to the ground, was grey with,

atrawhcrrlea in the woods, now «he is out of night tor a minute, so she won't tedse to go with u«,"

We were half way itcro«» the mea­dow, when we heard a »weet voice, crying,

“ Please, sister Kate, Hose wants to go, too."

I turned around, I remember, ami thought linn- bt-auIlTul wan the little creature coming towards us. She wu« very unlike her «¡liter Kate. Kate was a brunette, but the little white-robed figure tripping across the meadow had a pale, Hpirituul face, and long curls o* golden hair falling to tier tiny waist.— There was a Hush oil her cheek, anti a look of eager, beseeching interest in her large blue eyes ; and sla- stretched her dimpled arms towards us, and kept crying in her earnestness,

*' I’ leuae, girl«, wait for Rose.'A look of vexation crossed Kate's

face, and she called out in n tone of ex­treme irrabiljty,

"G o bock, Rose, you're too little to come! Go back ! go buck !''

Kate always had it way of being minded, and the little one put her fin- rers toiler eyes, ami silently tinned toward the house. We hurried on in the direction of the wood, without giv­ing a single glance backward. I think Kate’s conscience reproached her for her selfishness, and I know my own pleasure was spoiled for the afternoon. We found plenty of strawberries, red and ripe, among their beds of leaves ; tliers were little blnc-eyed blossoms, too, that kept reminding me of Kosici and I was not sorry when the sunset shadows lengthened, and we turned to go home.

We had gone down the hill out of the wood and crossed several rods of the meadow-land, when Kate said, in a hoarse whisper,

" Sec there, girls, what is that white thing by the brook ? Do you see it I’’

We saw it and hurried towards it.— It was Rose. At first we thought she was dead. Scarcely seemed tho faint" cst breath to steal from her parted lips, and the pulsation of her heart were so weak you could scarcely lcel them. She was 'll a kind of trance-! ike sleep. It wan some time before we succeeded in wak­ing her, and then her limbs seemed chilled and stiffened by the subtle damp­ness of the meadow land atmosphere.— She conld not stand. How many times

"Please, nuttumit/’ said tho little one» at length," am I big enough to go toheaven !’’

"Yes, darling," was the tearful an­swer; “Jean« loves little children.’’

“ And, inumna, do you «'pose he'll torgivo mo for sitting down in the mea­dow to watch Katie, when you told me I nmsii't over stay there?"

"Vi-s, my pot, tho good Savior will forgive you for any thing, if you arc only sorry; hut Rosie do.-su’t want to go to Heaven, and leave mother, docs she?"

I heard somebody say I must go when 1 was utileop, mother—a bennti" fill lady, with Oli! such shining white wings, and she- stretched out her arms to take mo, but 1 did'ut go. 1 woke up to kiss you nnd sister once more.— Please kiss me, Katie. Little Rose won't never he naughty any more up in Heav­en, and I’ll grow big before you come, Katie, so 1 can play with you up there!”

There were tear«, sighs, a funeral nnd a little coffin. The rosebud open­ed its petals on the bosom of Jesus.— The little enrtli-iluwer wits lug enough for heaven!”

Ixsn.TKD tiik W rong "Goose.”—A bashful gentleman of Holly Springs, Miss., took a violent "hankering” af­ter a fair seamstress of tho town, and after a great deal of hesitation finally brought his courage up to the sticking point, and made an cveniag call on the lady. He found her busily engaged at her work, pressing off a garment with a tuylor’s goose. She, however, receiv­ed him very courteously, and continued her work.

A bevy of the seamstress’ female friends dropped in a few minutes after our heroic friend had subsided into si­lence, fur he found it absolutely impossi­ble to mantaiii a eonversatio n with the lady. The sudden entrance o f the vis­itors, instead of relieving only added to his embarrassment, and lie sat in si" lcncc until bis situation became pain" ful to all, but to none more than to him" self. All efforts to draw him into con­versation proved abortive, and it be" came a matter of serious concern to the ladies how to relieve the gentleman of his embarrassment without a catastro* pile, for ho was well known to all of them as a gentleman of great worth, baslihilness being bis only frailty.


Far tlw U.i an Em bi«a A n Knigmit.

lowing enigma and conun-c been scut !o the "Emblem“

that afternoon the little darling had begged us to "make a chair” for lien, with our own hands, and we had an­swered that we couldn’t stop. We made one now. She twined dimpled arms about our necks, and held on very tight ; but she didn’t speak, except once, and then she only said, " Ain’t I most big enough, sister Kate?”

Mrs. Harrington met us at the dosr, with a wild look of alarm. "Good heav­ens, Kate?” she exclaimed, “ what’s the matter with Rose?" And taking her from our arms’ she discovered that her clothes were alnMst saturated with moisture. "Kate, my child, why don’t you speak ? Has Bose been in the water?”

The seamstress finally got through with her work, and called out to the negro man in the kitchen;

"John!?The door opened, and a stout burly*

her i negro stuck his head through tho door, way, and said :

“I is here, Missus.”"John, will you take this r/oosc out?” Our bashful friend sprang to his feet

in an instant and exclaimed;"I beg your pardon, Madam, for in­

truding on you but, I ’ll go out my self / ”

And before the lady could explain her meaning to him, he had gathered his hat and made hisexit, which was follow­ed by the frantic yells of the girls. I am sorry to add tbatlittle misunderstanding mad* an old bacholor and a old maid.

(Ovoroi widely circulated journals failed to recall him, b« w»s generally suppos­ed to bo dead.

At the outbreak of the present civil war, hi« eldest son. now a young man, was induced by a friend, a captain in a Western regiment, to enlist in his company. Ho carried himself well through campaigns in Missouri and Tennessee, and after the cupturo of Fort Donelsun was rewarded with u First Lieutenant's commission. At the bat­tle ot Murfreesboro’ lie was wounded in the lott urm, but so slightly that he was still able to tuke charge of n squad of wounded prisoners. While perform­ing his duty, ho became aware thut one ol them, a middle-aged matt, with a full, heavy beard, was lookiug at him with fixed attention. The day after the fight, as the officer was passing, the soldier gave the military salute, and said :

" A word with you, if you please sir. You remind nie of an old friend.’ Are you from New England ?”

“ I am,"“ From Massachusetts ?”" Yes.”" And your name ?”Tho young Lieutenant told his name,

and why lie cumo to serve in a Westernregiment.

“ 1 thought so,” said the other, and turning away lie was silent. Although his curiosity was much excited by tliu soldier’s manner, the officer forebore to question him, and withdrew. But in the afternoon be took occasion to renew tho conversation, and expressed the iu- tercst awakened by the- incident of the morning,“ I knew your father,” said the pr.'s m-

cr. "Is ho well?”"We have not seen him for

We think he is dead.”

I I aiu a word of ten lettura.My ", 5, 9, 10, U what a boy and girl

My 5, S My 10,

î called. My 1,

, 9, fi, is a fruit.5, », fi, is what a loved friend

9, 4, is what become« giri*best at night.

My 3, 5, 4, S, 8 , fi, when cold is hoi. My 10, 5, 9, 10, is what traitors ought

to W.My <5, 2, 4, 8, would moke a good

iic.k-tic for Jeff Pavia.My whole is a kind of a man liked

better by tho rebels than hy moat of th# readers ot the " Emblem.”

Conundrum s.1. What is it that has teeth larger

than the rest <*f its body ?2. What has arms hut not hand«, La­

dy but not legs, tongue but no mouth 13. What lias a mouth larger than it«

heart? A mur.


Then followed such an explanation of the circ*mstances ofhis disappearance as the young man could give. lie hud never known the precise nature of the charge against his father, but was able o make it quite clear that his innocence had been established.

“I knew your mother, also,” vontinued the soldier. "I was in love with her when she married your father.”

"1 have it letter from her, dated ten days ago. My brother is a nine months man at New Orleans.”

After a little desoltory conversation the soldier took from under his coat a leathern wallet, and disclosed a daguervotype case, The hasp was gone, and the corners were rounded by

For tho Ocean Emblem.A ti E n igm a.

I am composed of 9 letter*.My 9, 8, 4, 5, 0, 8, is a name of a boy.My 7, 8, 7, 1, 7, 8, 9, is a name of a

girl.My 3, 2, 4, is something wo see eve­

ry day.My 1, 2, 7, 8 , is a very useful article.My 1,5, 0, 8, 5, <i, is a name of a

place.My whole is Homethisg good to drink.

M. E. L.

The other day, a precocious young six-year-old broke out very abruptly with,

"Father, what makes negroes black?” Father tried to explain the supposed

reasons to suit hi.*, comprehension, and in the course o f his remarks said that they were descendants of Ham, ono of the sons of Noah.

Georgia pondered u while, and at last brightening up, lie said, very gravely :

" Was it smoked bum, father ?”

Answer to enigma of ten letters in last week’s paper— “ Dictionary.” An­swered by “ Laura” and “ Eillcn.”

wean"Will you oblige me,” be said, ” by

looking at this alone ?” Agitated almost beyond control, the young officer took the case and hurried away. He bad

One day, a little friend of mine, see­ing tlie picture of an elephant in a book, cried out,

' Oh, mamma, here is an animal with a tail .on both ends !”

Walking with my little five year old last fall, on a very windy day, which promised vain, lie said,

“ Mamma, why docs not God take all the dust up before it rains?”

I t ild huri that the rain would settle it.

“ Well, then, how does Ho get thescon the picture before! It represented du8t llp ?__oi. ;lre there roads up in

Heaven, to make dust on?”a man and a woman, sitting side by side, with a buy at the kneo of each-

The romant c story moved the to n" luandur of tho division to grant the youth a forlougb, aud botli father and son reached home last week.— Wor­cester Spy.

As the shadow of the sun is largest when his beams arc loivest, so wo are always least when we make ourselves the greatert.

I then saw what troubled him. U» had beeu told that God made man out of dust, and could not see how the ra«- term] could all ho collected.

Oar little Johnny was talking one day of a “ ragged man” near them, when his older sister reproved bins, tolling hint that the man would hear.

"Oh, stofi/'said he, " gt> bind ,LIs i cars while I tel! yon !" A;}?

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M **>X * 1frit atm! A. F. Stanton E»

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Í ih» jury brui guilty.

Moalur foi I ÍK* tendent

The StateI dictmcnt fun j uf Edward Hrinley ! brought iu a verdict

tor, Ilf fur» d<


Tin* It*inty Collector, try 0. Qulick.

choice uf a old Cullec wan liters

»cl »red re-» lev ted Th» ufficili

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Em .

Ih» Hrid.

f the bua ine#«, fl nan rpvrt,

McLean for

ya. Edward Laker. I fl­itting timber on the latidii

! Ac,, of the Hoard, together with that of > the t Vdlector, will, aa ao<*n u poxattde, j U puldinlirii in the E u m .

T errible A rr ié ra i i l P »H Mm -

iIUy Kf h a MmiohceUi tv

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Mr, Bunion ilt limeet lug, and the Kanten Company v

Ador some diam matter. Lewie Shin

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Ih» aiMmat elf P> (h* J&Mtev rf th* Onmu KmtJrtt ■ Dâr pftrlww Ma* Sis i - ‘ili» tfy#i*ohl ^üw ant re

lidie» to my UH rwAmiAAiraikwi on ih»lab je fi of th» t l ih i , and flttdt itteon* I a latency in my logic. ¿ Thia may N> br ' eauao I bay» ita ted conciti» lona, with-! out thr reasoning» which led to thrm. ! Í have r im writUMt l.umr«llv, in Um» the moat bu«y port hut of th» Agl imita val year, and utt that account fwrlisp#

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Ocneral Urani ha*, sin. *- thè ahwra ilmpati'h wsg 'ccirvd. burrwd thè city

Capital uf klleeieeippl,juat up trota Jackson re.

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»brig abandoned Vick*. , mArching on the r d n

1 (Je Ih» -cn ** leu bail for

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Par ('.vii. aoA <atr Native Und ! ,r a e OCEAN EM BLEM OFFICE

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A freight car wa* thrown from the | .rack o f th* Raritan and Delaware Bay ! Railroad, a day or two sine*, at Port Mrmstonth, nearly canstng the death of one of the mwt faithful employees of the road. It aeema that it waa a new car, and there waa noma defect in it* running gear, ar a stick of wood mast

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D E N T IH T R Y T *


iisv'wn, w»*« imdi MONDAY. U

ri»* iit*** IkcWill Im* t«*|»t»V |*> i

at inti tim«.

iiiot th.t u*. rvcio*. »•drfeV. llot*i, in ili» ■II, at Jaur sad r,„ ala K-Uf* at IVaiMrj. Tka rad lu aar nnrfM.iao


** Old Dog Joe.’ ’it, did you ever haTe a.Huadcr, did you ceor hare a good,

faithful old watch d og f Do you re­member the real pleanure you enjoyed when in your boyhood day* you romp *4 up-in the green lawn at home, or at rolled iu the dark old wooda, while the old dog outered into the eport of a nqulrret or rabbit chaee with all the zeal of the practical aportamen ? Did you ever go with the wiry old terrier into the barn, and enjoy with him a good rat hunt, and while you rattled the old board* and rubbiab, did you mark with what nervona anxiety your faithful companion watched for the ap­pearance of Mr. Rut? Better «till, hav« you in later year* experienced that pleasant feeling of security which ever attend»' the honest bark of your aentinel, a* iie stepped forth in the darkneas of night and demanded cf thr approaching Rtrauger the " counter- *ign," which alone would admit him to your quiet home ? If ao, you will doubtle»* often dwell upon those scenes and tncmnriea of by-gone days, and while saddened by the thought tlmt those sunny hours will return no more, you will doubtless acknowledge " ’ Tis sweet to remember.” It is these little homely memories that make us children again. Such a faithful old servant has left us. “ Old Joe,” us he was familiar­ly ceiled, is dead. Ercrybody loved " Joe,” but none so well as the good family where for many years their old Mend lived ; and none can realize his loss so veil as those who saw him stagger into the house last week and fall dead at their feet. Feeling bis approaching death, he rushed home as if to whine out his last good, bye. “ Joe” was thoroughly loyal, and seemed to show his sympathy in a marked ^manner whenever the " war news” arrived. But he died a victim to his sociality. lie walked out to take the morning air, and picked up a piece of poisoned meat and died in a few mi­nutes. The community have a much higher regard for the dog than for the

Defendant.The State v*. Barziila I.uker.

iln tmont for cutting timber.Retracted hi* plea o f not guilty, aud | have fallen from the lender upon th­

read guilty. Fined five dollar«, *nd | track, frightening the inmate« of the to atai.d committed until the fine and ' « r , ,n 0f whom remained in the car, coets of pro*ecutioi) b« paid. ; however, excepting Anthony George,

Thurmiay Morning Jemea N. Law- who jumped out and w** terribly mi a- rencc, who wa* under recognizance to 1 g l ^ ’ hi* leg broken, aud.it i* feared, appear aod receive aentence on an in-' internally injured. The phveician hopes dictment tried laet term, for malicious (^.t hie limb may be saved, though am- mischief, In killing two oxen belonging putation at one time eeemed inevitable, to M dliam Allen, was called on hi* re-1 y , George wa* the wood-aawer of the cognizance which wsa forfeited, and the I ro, d> anJ . very ititllfui .„ a trusty court ordered it to be proaeeuted. The I man whole amount of the recognizance is |♦900


resolution was uuanim and a couituitU'O co

Charles Chambers and Chari appointed,

The amount required to I our citizens t* $30,000—a it-* gnificnu*t when we ci great advantages which our will derive from the enterpi

We arc m«*t happy to bo to the anxious public that there ia no longer a doubt a* to the complete and early success of the undertaking. The

tonti for tii» i id o i to dt

ur halla of U| (•fritti the CIUM!

misty sdop* ; cMc hss gone ogsitiisialing of - whil

rigl the

« their treason la and slave prConstituí Inn, w

es L. Itevi*

i» rained by 1 lionsaia quite 1 juat ire to sit, mui

insider the condition of thinur»community j Uni*an ss it was ; I1» '\ j 1res«on with the 1able to say »Uvlimitier«, whir

• In..j

neglecting rv, and th*

nst tliem by default, i also forfeit* slave ■operty. 1 bold that rhich f* by implies- are equal and ex*ct st Itself destroy the which existed in the

Ibat it nhoulii pnuish losa of properly to

hut ui an Uh to i>, Ila, wa* shot reaching for a

n-giment, taken at Koto- on WrdnestUy while cracker at Belle Isle Prison. Our pris­oners were compelled to walk fmn their plsora of captain at Frvdericksbuig to Richmond, tht-noc to CSty Point.— Some gave out on the march. A mem. her of the 30th New York Regiment

i died on the route. •

slavery, and that it o f their homes and the Northern sxpem thing les* tlisii the

houli! and* I • of thi »bove w

The U. S. transport stcsmi r Conway from Port Royal, 8 . C, arrived at N ew York. Monday morning, report* : On

help p.y 1 tin- 14th iu*t at 8 p.m., offCharleaton, ar Anj heard heavy firing in harbor, which eon* uld be in- 1 tinned until 6 p. m. Wc supposed it to

way with iveet them

------------------- Committee ha* already some $82,000I n " f 6 from Ceor*° . subscribed, and other responsible par- j ust^ « ,he cause of Inw and order! ^ t,H' Hoixlnd* attacking the batter-

The Circuit, and Oyer aod Terminer j *’ i'X»n, or the 14th I egimcnt N- J. , t jct arc ri.atly to invest in llm good | tiiroUj,||(lut the world, in weakly rt- ,c* ,,n Morris Island, then adjourned for the term. | ®.l,v^ ' " ‘.'f. "h° f t th.C work as soon as opportunity is afford-; frainillg rr(,m ,|IP punishment of crime n ¡„ reported that Gen. Hooker -.eems

and t-luodshcd, or unjust to the North ] to 1» much gratified wi'li his visit to in not lightening its war hmd by every the President. The rebel* have been

In the Quarter Sotttioo., an Indfet-10aMtk- publ'^ed at Msrtin.burgh, j ^ t)|em to sign -the paper*. A. F ment w»s moved, against John H. Coh ' R George is a Tom s Ibvcr boy, and gtanton, E»q., opened the list with afur cutting timber. The evidence did not sustain tlitt charge and the defendunt was acquitted. Masker for the State.— Spoer for the Defendant.’ Tho sessions of Court have been very lengthy thia term, an unusual amount of business having been transacted.— It ia a matter of congratulation to cur citizens that ao much vigilance has bceu exercised iu bringing to justice those who have bo long been guilty of crimes, heretofore carried on with impu­nity. Wc hope it will soon lie believed that “ tha tea}’ o f the transgressor is hard."

musket in defence of the Constitution We trust he will adopt a* his own the | t() ajpoo motto of the Gazette, and “ join onr- selves to no party that does not carry I the Flag and keep step with the music of the ‘ Union.’ " Add to that tho doc- trino of every Union man to “ Strike I 8tnte of excitement and alarm, in con-

subscription ef $10,000 ; ethers of our do||ar ,,f property which should right, j making new aud extensive earthwork citizens have subscribed from $100 Opjf„||y i* „ „h an(j devoted to that cb- [ ^ „ g t|,c r u|ge of hills in the rear ami

Lost In the WoodsThe citizens of Tuckerton

ject. to the left of Fredericksburg. There1 have argued that while I did not, | j. a report that all available soldier*

as a Democrat, believe sny legislati n - o-i\v on detached m rvice near Washing-- , . . . j ncceasarv to have secured tito dual de- tun Ilnltim-uv, unii along the railroadcently thrown into an unprecedented - , ... . j,j* '-««so of slavery, I did not deem what | nru to lie sent to Hooker s army forth-

.... .. . , . , . „ . . - , , , , „ - the Republican* have adopted as their With, tlmir | lac a tuba supnlitill the last armed foe expires,” and wc sccinencc of the temporary loss in the . 1 , . . . ,, . •, „„ „ . .... ,- 1 1 ' J - i i platform, in placing a limit to it n« Pmns Ivanm militia.- Tnbui thave a type o f the true and loyal m» wotsl. of two prominent and h\gUy | than jlwt und m(Mk.ratc.dier of New Jersey. ___ esteemed young ladies of that village.; ^ Dfmtenl tbihk, lh, two , „.ition*

They had taken a horse and carriage in j contraj ictory and ftnUgoni.tic. 1 view the aftcrn.inn und gone out for n short

O rd ination and Installation.The Ordination and Installation of I

Rev. K. P. Kctcham over tlie Presbyte­rian Church o f Tuckerton and Mass Ri- 1

i them Democratically conservative. As ride. Penetrating insensibly into tiie for-1 D. m0Crttt , wmlJd have preferred not

which for many miles stretch

l® -O u r community is very well I vcr,took place on Tuesday evening, 5th accommodated in nearly every branch j services commencing at o’clock, of trade— our large and fine stores The services were introduced by an meeting the wants of every one—but it j appropriate and wc.l-executud anthem would seem as if a Fish Market would 1>V the choir. The sacíament of baptismbe not only a ¡laying institution to the proprietor, but would be a great conve­nience to tho entire community. It would be really a benevolent enterprise, now while provisions are so high, to get up such an institution. Arc there not parties who would club together and make it a “ Btsck concern;” employ some industrious young man whose time could be had to take charge of ic( and after he is well under way, let him " run” it on his own “ hook.” Either of our markets could easily attend to such a branch o f trade ; or, if not, the basem*nt room could probably be obtained x-licrc Border & Cornelius formerly did business. We hope soon to see a place opened where at any time in their season, bass, weak (?) iish, clams, oysters aud “ suckers” will be exposed for sale.

cstsaway from the coast, they found them* selves at dark bewildered and unable to find their way buck. Becoming very greatly alarmed tl cy drove rapidly on, but in tlie wrong direction, wandering

' puppy” who can thus endanger thelifa o f a neighbor’s dog, cat, fowls or row. Others in our village have suf­fered in this manner, and we arc very sure that the author of this mischief will be found out. Seriously, this is top grave an offence to pr.ss without an effort to cheek it, and if there is no law upon the statutes which will reach this indiscriminate, wholesale poisoning, we trust that our Prosecuting' Attorney will improve the opportunity at the next session of our Legislature to have a law enacted which may bring to a just punishment the thoughtless, miser- ab'e wretches who are reckless enough to s >w poison even upon their own pre­mises.

■gu VVe are informed by Benj. Reed, Esq., that negotiations have been com­pleted with the Messrs. Burke, of Mary, land, for the establishment of extensive nurseries in this town. We are satis­fied that such an enterprise will pay well, nnd will meet with that encourage­ment and patronage from the citizens c f this part of the State which such an enterprise claims at their hand*. We have not the pleasure of a personal ac- quiubtanee with the Messrs. Burke, but their antecedent* and testimonials are *ach as to entitle them to the confidence of »11 who have occasion to deal with them. Wtt welcome our new neigh­bors, and wish um»m «no»**» heyoai their meet «anguine anticipation*.

A P rison er Loose.On Monday evening about 9 o'clock,

our cit'zins wore alarmed by the ring­ing of tho bell of tlie County Jail. As soon as possible they reached the spot and learned that a prisoner named Al­bert Aker, from Brick township, had broken from his cell and taken “ French leave.” Sheriff Courtney being absent at the time, his wife rang the bell to ob­tain assistance, but it came too late.— lie was locked up for a brutal assault upon a young girl, and having secreted upon his person, or been by some one provided with the necessary tools, he cut an opening through the brick wall and escaped. There is a report in cir­culation that he has been seen some fifteen miles away, and it is sincerely to bo hoped that he may be re-arrested and provided with a set of wrist-jeuiels at tlie expense o f the State. One thing is certain, that if the Sheriff gets his hands on him once, Mr. Lightfoot Aker will find it much more difficult to “ change his spotiS’ than ever before.

Sinee the above was in type, wo learn from Sheriff Courtney that the prisoner was recognized by some parties at Ber­gen Iron Works, and having arrested him, he is n-ow enjoying tlie quiet of the “ county boarding house” once more. He states that he had assistance fiom the outside, in making his escape, and i so, we beg that the proper authorities will promptly bring--iv justice' Hm guil- y assistant.

was then administered ill a solemnly impressive manner by the Moderator of Presbytery, Itev. Samuel Miller, of Mount Holly.

An able and eloquent discourse was delivered by Rev. I). IGed, of First Church, Camden, N. J., from the text,“ We also believe and therefore speak.”

Prayer was then offered by Rev. J. H. Frazce, of Tom’s River.

The Moderator, after explaining the design and desirableness of Ordination and Installation, propounded to the can­didate and the people the usual consti­tutional questions, after which, witli tlie co-operation of the other clergy present in the " laying on of hands of the Pres­bytery,” the candidate was solemnly or­dained to the work o.” the ministry.

The right hand of fellowship was then extended to him by tho Moderator, and the following members of that and Neighboring Presbyteries, viz : Rev. J. H. Frazee, of Tom’s River ; Rev. A. H. Brown, of Absecom ; Dr. Reed, of Cam. den ; Dr. Perkins, of Allentown ; Rev. J. A Blauvelt, of New Egypt ; Rev. Mr. Freeman, of Squan Village ; Rev. L. C. Baker, of Camden ; and Rev. John Chester, of Burlington; after which Dr. Perkins proceeded to give the usual charge to the Pastor, and Rev. A. H. Brown the charge to the people, in which, after congratulating the people upon the evidence exhibited of their zeal and efforts to minister to the comfort and efficiency of their Past« r, especial­ly in the recent erection of a commo­dious and highly creditable parsonage, he earnestly exhorted them to continue faithful to the obligation into which they had now entered.

Not the least impressive scene of the occasion was the assembling of tbo people at the close of the exercises to extend the hand of welcome to their new Pastor.

Notwithstanding the unfavorableness of the weather, the attendance was un­usually large. We are most happy to learn that the churches at Tuckerton and Bass River are in a flourishing condition, and with the untiring zeal and energy of their new Pastor, strengthened and cheered by the prayers and co-operation of his people, they must, by the favor and blessing of God, enjoy a continuance of temporal end spiritual prosperity.

through bridgelcs* swamps, und over blind and dangerous roads un il the liar, ness was hopelessly broken,and the horse entirely unmanageable, when in a terror which can be appreciated only by experience, wet and cold, and thinly clad, they sank exhausted, for the night, In this c mdition they continued fur ov­er three hours.ntterly prostrated in body and mind when they were rescued in an almost insensible state by two of tlie many who had, at dark, eagerly gone out in search of them. They were found six miles from home, and being fondly eared for by their friends at home, us they were anxiously sought for by the community at large, they have bo far recovered as to feel no inconvenience from their alarm and exposure.

N. L. E.

We would call attention to the adver­tisem*nt in another column, of the sale of Samuel Perrinc’s Stock, furniture, &c.

to have interfered with slavery, either by platform or legislation, but if the Republican* have, a* 1 believe, simply sought to place a future limit to a ne­cessary evil, and have not invsded Southern rights, nor violated tho Con­stitution, to do it, 1 hold theircourse to be moderate and reasonable, even if it lias involved the country in war. For war ensued not by lb-publican leg'sln- tion, nor by infringement of Southern rights, but by Southern riolatioe, nnd 1 hold that we Democrats aru now bound to aid the Republicans, during

| their term of office, with all our might and power, first ts conquer a peace, and then to rneto out such penalties us our Constitution legalizes, aud aa the Republicans rcc fit to inflict.

1 hold, with the editor of the Demo, crqt, that wc cannot too carefully re­frain from punishment not aanctioned by tlie Constitution, and believe tint her- use tho rebels have broken the com­pact, we are at no liberty to do so. If the Constitution does not legally admit of the extinction of slavery now, much as 1 deprecate the evil, T conld bear with it, but an I believe it does, Î hold that the golden moment should be seized,and

Tho pupur* by (lie last utenmcr from Europe indicate« a more friendly ton« toward« tiie United Mutes than hu» ap­peared for*- me time, ami u itiNpotutioii in exhibited to d;>u-ii»s tlie point* i.f grievances between the countries, and arrange them amicably. Minister Adams’ colicilatory iqteeeh has produced the best possible effect, and in conum-nt* ed «ui approvingly iu all quarters, inclu- ling even the London Time*.

MARRIED,On tlit* Uth iii-tf., by Rev. S. II. Juh itiou,

Mr. Liai io*. W. Couuvüi’, of i'ork«4 Kl ver, to Ml*» Ml zu'T. F retío li. oí A iwheWl.

OFIn te rn a i R e te n u e


NOTICE TO TA X -P A Y E R S.The tuuiui.l duties ami tux«*» absossed iindrr

the net of Congress to provide In oiitwl Hi ve-nuu, Ac,, .part'd .Inly lit, 1262, haw In com* duo mid jumibl«*.

Tbo subscriber will bo at his Oflice »1 Tom's River, iu the. county of Ocean, until further notice, to receive the mini“.

All perrons who shall neglect to pay the duties uml taxes assessed upon them by vir­tue of the above mentioned tie*, to th* subicri* her, within tho tin)v above bpecitinl, will iw li tide to pay t.-.u per cent, additional upon lb« amount thereof.

WM. I: JAMES,Deputy Collector.

Dated May 18th. tf

----------- . ~ | the curse done away forever.The New Jersey soldiers wounded in Rcciprocating the expressions of good

the late battles are nearly all iu hospit­al at Washington and vicinity. Ar­rangements arc making to secure their removal to the hospitals in Newark as si in as possible.

The funeral of General Stonewall Jackson, killed at the battle of Frcd- ricksburg, took place with great, pomp and ceremony at Richmond on Wednes­day of last week. Jefferson Davis and a groat many other rebel dignitaries followed his remains to the grave.— There was also a grand military dis­play.

Gen. Burnside’s General Older recites the proceedings of tho Vallandigham court-martial, the finding of which is a sentence to close imprisonment during the war in some fortress, to be selected by the Commander of the Department. Tlie order names Fort Warren as thé place of confinement.

Vallandingham’s democratic friends in various cities in tlie North are holding meetings, denouncing the Ad­ministration, hissing and hooting at the mention of President Lincoln’s name, and passing resolutions denounc ng this traitor’s arrest and imprisonment- Ail loyal people concur in the verdict- ■whereby he was sent .to Fort War­ren.

feeling with which the Democrat closes its review of my communication, I con­tinue to be and sign myself

D ev.



G ood H ope# o f Success.


Reported Evacuation of Vicksburg.

&c., &c.We receive news of the capture of

Jackson, tho capital of Mississippi, by Grant’s army. It appears that the place was taken by some independent body, it is supposed of our cavalry, white Grant has reached the railroad running from Vicksburg to Jackson at Edwards’s Station, only 18 miles east of Vicksburg. Grant himself de. feated the Rebels under Gen. Griggs at Raymond on the 12th, the Rebels losing 700 men. Next day Griggs was reinforc-

Tlu- Diseases o f E rror.Les Maladies d'Erirur.)

I. Jotni P. (Igik’U. M. I»., author amt pub. 1 ¡slier of tin* shove work, il.i hereby promis« amt agree to mill (tree of charge,) to »of young man who will write fur it. a rain)ile co, py for perusal. The proper otmly o f maslfistt ia Max. This valuable work ia Issued «'"1 scat forth for the benefit of suffering human­ity. It treats ill simple language on all tlie illsi a» -» ol Error, lncludin Seminal 1\ fat­ness, fieri ons Debility. imligcBtion, Melan­choly, Insanity, Wasting Decay, Impotent Ac., giving safe, speedy, and effectual pre­scriptions for their permanent Cure, together with much valuable information. All who fa vor mo with a desire to read my work shall receive a sample copy, by return mail, fre# of charge. Address

JOHN B. OGDEN, M. D-,CO N.ssau St., New York‘my 21 3m

A d m in istra tor ’ s Notice.The creditors of Mary Johnson,

ed but again defeated at Mississippi May 21*U l*5*-

and ethers interested, are hereby n°U« a report of the several claims and ‘ ‘_n>

- -P' l against the estate o said dccedexhibited against the estate 'o sam »w ^ aud of the amount o f the estate.jvi 0fto the Orphans’ Couit °t th f j “ ,y nolb Ocean, on Friday, the 31st day V r c t* at which time and piaeo exceptions

w A s a K i o y g g f t , .

I«d with j

A (lm ii)l«tt(iter ’ s N otice.The creditors of James S. Bunnell, dece»-

cd, aud others interested, are hereby noun that a report of the soveral claims and doraa" exhibited against the estate o said dreedc» and of the amount o f the ostatc, will be m to tho Orphans’ Court ot the county of O c g -.11 Kridnv. the 31st day of July next, at v0 Lon Friday, tlie 31st day of July u . . . . -- bs time aud placeS d" Administrator.

May 21st, 1863. 2m ___-


i*x arati» - [PDF Document] (5)

«rf Uw Su m of Hum i* m j. U » » l f t l l m t l » , « A r m a i I n n a s m J • I M a v M « , r t q m n r t i t o I * r o a d * o r l a k e « by «.ty statut« of this » u t * M o t « i n ;•urrof «U of «J17 county (a u»ia alai«, or tacoaaory or propar (0 U mado.

March OritoUrr ai«f N onaU rAppnurd, Match «, l i l t

A a act to a «ih orto and «natilo Allvatern« Iron Company to h lamia and rval ««uto te thi« «tate

S H I R I fO S A U .a» ***»»• «Ta•**!»»• «nt •<a.m «• aw4nat­

ta, «n*4 ««ite fM<»«*11 «art « *Nr«.,!» »» .. <>•**• «W V» «M h4 I» rota •» iMU.« ¥•*&»,ino «a Marcar, ma V i 4ty < «•< m a a*. . « • h«w, vi »«»In IMI Uro «•n«v hr Mw

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Uh«« or tiavd bvloro any auch aurrufat« Ha It enaolad by tte- «anata and Cion•hall aad »ay be made and taken, telerai Aaeembly of the State of .New Jaribly of the State of New Jai-

j i h « ü ¡*»4». Ueamnti. IÍJUwi. r n n a n u n r«wS T Î T u 4 4 .a a * t « k a m « * t a „ t«■'la' ____


to f * f bb étto. ««*• w r m«ift.

t* umili, fto#r«fito.

TO SHOW CAUSE.da it* *m>Uc*ti«s ef Xarf.rt t lli«n aad Tar­

ar 0 Iraaa, AdanaUntter. at Usatelfl. 10m, tee.

appropriati« a of Siate P

Tari«* G, trou« «ml Mafgaroi Hier». Adtnln- WMlor» «t tteirol H. Ilten, dverMed battu* ttklkhcd te lit. t'ewrt, trader oail, a jw*t «ad uar aaaeaal #f i l« (Mroobid ...lai. aa<i tetria «I *»ld ter**«*.! r t n * ; H au »«ara thaï ib«(.rraonal «euta n t tl* tafd ! tainVI H. U|*r* »•I««i8trlrai 10 |»t hi* (Mata, and r«|a«ailR| tb* ‘ ait « f il* Court ta tfe# p t-e s t i.« ,I l ta matered j ifcto Ali t**r**W9 iototvyêartt ta itoî Usé«, tffift* fui“«!« au4 pp*l Pitib' nf flto h I4 |)||it,i II 1 lilttra, Abgpuf bffiifp th* l «tift aî (b* f"otirt j liidiü a! To a 'a Kivrr, on tho 3I*t iloy ©f JhIt ucil, fa *Uoar f«hu«c whr »0 Mucb of th» mai*1 laate. I bann-ata. Irrldl ta-arot» aad r*»l m ata «,( tbr aald ItaaVI II. HVn, ikffiOUffid, aliutllU not b# «oM m «rIII b« 1« ray fej* 4HMa 1vr ibd rtotls* Ihcmif, •• Ut» csw mû» iratilrp, purpo«o o f p ijr iog

11? tb« Ctart LKWls tflÎIS'N,Mat U. tm HuntifAit.

lb® ab«e»c* of •arrofalc, by Arni Ufon* My, Thii ifai Allentown Iron Comi*«tty *»y m««irr in ebftttcery al Un« «ut#.

3. A mi be it enicttd, Tb«l ìf iity pcqr. iaoo «hall wilfully ami cumipily awaar ! or affirm falaely, in or by an oath, affirm, j tioo or affidarit made or taken in purau- ; ance af thia act aedi peraan aliali be ! deemed guilty of perjury aiM puniahed ; accord in g ly .

3, Aud be it enacted. Tint i aball take er ect immediately

Approved March 24, I8G3.

ibiJa «et

An Act niAkin«fobbed«

I. lie It «mi (inumai Aiit’

I Jersu ), T lfèt ihu muiu

! dollar« be «ml is here h

i corpor«tit*n of tbo »Ut« of Ptntityl* v ioii, chartered on tbe twelfth of April, la the year eighteen hum! red and Aft«« one, «bill be and ««id company in brrr by auth yriaed and empowered ti» receive «ud bold, in fee at tuple or otherwiee, land*, tenant«, nod realvat ate aitiiate iuthi* atate not exceeding one thouaand acre«, «lid to lea**, «ell martafe, or otherwise tiae or diapoao o f the interest and estate of «aid corporation in ««id land«.

4. And be it e

„ _____ wm*b# »rttaq» af t w ' i t o w » . ia ta * ml(torn, to Mia ctoUl « I Oh m , Ni * ifraiy,

Aa. I A4 Uat iifwa Mei W U mÌ, ai»Uè ito •M tXMhltA« Ol 3b* I *• tt Mp «4 U»* à**è*l' n t»l toa mi itoli »f tMif llrrberi, 4*«„ aituAi* nt Um Tuvtotfi « a»«*b. Ni Um e«*»w»u ol (to i* , tolto ui Ha« JarMtjr, mm Hm vart Mèi et I aiianím« il¿»#r, bt |toto«K al tbt &ÿtih ut*i curt!pf uÿ l*ec Na. i, Aa miflfé mi MkM éítMlffit [ UtMtr« rutili**’« ftuulk ibMuyot é>«rte* n 4 fiftot a Iaah» « m I it c ii i «bi<M to Im «tfilli e f l<*( Nu. 3 t Uh»w* • 11) nartN »ialjf I«* J*«»*«** *■*( tAfAiy etuilu» | Uaac« (V aeftb tbifiy n i étfrrM aa4 Bittre etimiir* t t o len trtotn» ; « ta f f 4 to t« « i l* >tvti é#ett* Wfto. I»#Bty fkiliM I « |*t jtbot c« ti~ «tiltil«« C0itUlttif| tu*»!) i bn»* urto atxt »ighiyUuwi buaittétM to t « fff» b*M*f li*# «Ai** t o fO N é to 3<t*fpb H ffkto k i Tban«4 0. Wrtvbt ufil t i l i , A>4 *tM*to, k f « f eti PfU'jfiM N OffiffifA ffi’HHfty eUrb*» oÄkffi. Ai T ea 'i Ritto, la took 3 to detti«, «•a# S3, « t .

Ko. i. Ali Uni affiato traci aad i»nrM«hi to t*aad Mt'uii ta ib* riMag* to Hrrkorueili#, *Md j oa tbt fo ftb«ffitot «to to lb# btgbwfr »

Ut H*w Mill to ibe l«l« iv»i« |i

f t * thevfto fJ ia fH . I rn# JÊMmmrni r » « r K f W f t r w

cm me b a t e et May tue-a. erw Iiti»»««’ *r ai a ir V» praeCr*bU. ye» will

I M|«trrt| le «Mk» rotura» k> Ik* Am<«i>ri A«-of Ik* Ul r Mott la irktek tiri rotóte,

IM. Of ik» «RHwat la »«acet uf tetter endgeld filai» fu na*

14- Of tk* murtagM kepi la* at# or hi**, amitbfic vim«.

W Of titilan! lablfa b*p< IW m p ar tor« fib. Of rifbia at |il«*4*»mt WAaatt, aa.l ibafr

vain«. ,JUi Of lb* A»fMiat o f y «nr itam a IW t k

year «ndin« ito itn tto 3t. IM Ib jwrue wilt b» n^iiiraiio friura hi« io. i1‘tone,.to tor aptoffyñi« ib« ttmrtm ft ota i it if dffiHfffi‘1 ft« tu ruiblr tb* Aabteft kor to fdoii)« vkd fedentoa that I b«

V.lat IableA**'mid*


4 »•>•*** "' " Iteuai *4n c i r ft OâSAAkltUL TMMt.

f * f j * 1* 1« a * f% «»4# '"«teA A m *ro«k «4 d'ter*M» te a « . Tt tea *» <*»<w*4

ral*#, k*th* ■nwutHjrftero tTatewa*« k»<#au»e»ea*aakB«Me etedk

mat*, i*.. irta* <■«.• “ Afif W » u m i m * Ml»I« ut ml »tlu«iä*m* «i tito (tort«:*

TAYLO R O i RONS»1 nnt* mrîçît fm »m*» «* «««**» -'f

«M kr ttn utO» km wúi ir u r iM.,.f r “ ” * ■ * - ------ - -

•«Ir IUhm

t» «H«m It thj j Nto».—Ife

k¡H1*4 «


C.l •a.. hqu11. to tb r «t •

Iridi*fri, «1

p.tnr, r.kllroa i, rtili ■bo4 t or liriéjf«, 1

*vnl tai fruiti divii from to«.

i af larotito r.'cei m i britrtmAaguit Alto, labi, wtli be utk<

pf Aiitfuet 31, 1142, Iti 'otti** .1*. »*0 *1« of dock in atty btnk, Iti*ty,_uviitti' litoti tu itoti, traili

omi bendi, «Ivambom »itlffih baffi«* tb*dm*tcmt d trada p<iìil, aiti be ex- In thn Cito**« *tf tKttoo


f tll

OttDER TU SHOW CAUSE.Adwainie-Ol ih* «|.| lu-jtl.ui ..f Wm A. l.o*.

trattar «r .Vrkral.k Urti*, th e\1 llliun A. (xnr, Adwlal.lrouir of N. tt.mlah

Lrtla. ilrwaard h*liu ( rxlilhiUU lo IklaCmirl, . « kr*jlk a jote ■«.( lm* x retu l of Ih* por. ioli4 «tata»* atte iloht* of »»iti d***#**.!. vkrro. kr k w « r . Ih.al Ikr pamamttl rof»tr of aiid Vlieaiak Urti. |» iitaufi- h-ut lopay bla 4*1,1«. « 4 rooti*alln* tbr »14 ut thè Court In Hi* pu-iu- !**•: Il U»r4*ro4lh»l all prroaa. lnl*rr*tcd in thè lttit.ta trorw.nl. an.l roal trlalr of aolit N a te m i loill», »(turar befurv Ih* Court, »1 Ih* l'oarl HoUar »1 Tom'« llltrr, tm Iti* Rial da; of i s l i tirati lo attua rati»« wlty *o studi of Ut* ulti lauda, tanagwttt*. kariflitàsMiiU »mirati aalalr o f III* »alti Srbomittk te i a. tir rru*.| ahoultl Boi Irraoltl ita aill br auffirlrnl to p»V bla drbta or Ibr rntidnr tb.-r ■ f. aa tb.’ c u e «tur mittlrr.

liy Ite Court. I.KVVIS H11INN,Mi) li. L'ut nurittfal».

A d in iiite lm to r ’a N o llc r ..tt un ( irpliatiikM.'tMirt ««IH to Tutti*« Uivvr,

in «mi fui Hit* rotini v of <A'«*.u». oli Tbuiedny, Uh* I Uh Uay o( éitly. lMliX In Ikc iiMttn of il li uhi (i. 4

(l«>iuti, (tornili li« «ti « • limoliuiil K titffi. Ite-tito ( uuk.U- a. \W limai li. t'Uayioii. «'liHiiiitoinlor «to Itontol

C "k. late oi ilio tc>n u*Jiii> i.f Jn«’k»uti. In ti.# «•inii.lv oi ti rju. UiCtìa*»tidt l-y w-nttii i* ut il»« or* f'k tm • «airi ul lite l'teUtil) ol Occhi», lierrl»}' sivcn *i lire ti ih- • U'Ui wr» 4*i tic «ito Uà ut- C'ouk, ile «-ito, lo ex Ili teli 1« iti li!« uticWr «ulti* f»r t (Ili Dite- S tl. tildi l*ÌUitili* tolto il« U MDiIn BR.I IJ't tIle* r-mtc « it ili) « x iuuiiiN« fi «eie i he* U li k'ny of May K. I». mito, ori tu j «riti bw foievtr I ai re«l Irum l'ftMCC tifili «r III • «il Itili tll' MI II Mi.

kkilXLVU u. fiuJbVTON,»\dui r.

Tuiu*i» River, Slay t l . iaéiSL bn

A d i u h i l x r a t » r ’ M ÌNoticc.Al un prphutts' Cluni ht*Iti ot T, iu a Itlrrr, In

miti ft.r tbr coutil! ut Ve nu, im Tbiir-.lut. tbr Otbtlav o f '!:ty. IM3.1.

In Ut* tituib-r of ( ì.urtju ,l> Kort. Adnain'r. ofV Inaulvrul tetulr. Jo-tt I.. Mourr. tir*. Il'rulli* K. Kort, Adyiiiilrtrator of John !..

Moorr. lai# «I J i.-k-.in lowiwbtj», tir*., bv <11- rrctlos of Ibr Orphuia' l.'nitrt ol tbr oetint* of Orr-tii. l i j f i i . * < n.itirr le th* crodiloru ol ati.l Juliii !.. .Virou*. tlror.ist-tl. lo rxbibit lo Min. iMt.lrr o.tih or ijflrm ition. llirir rluiina miti ilrliitiuda nttniiiat Ihr rat»Ir, u libiti a;\ iuoiiIIh troni thè 14th il,tv uf ll.tr, 1 <113, in |t,*v wlllh* lurrvrr trrril fratu ju-owirutiuif or rrcovrr- liiKJlir tutiiir.

GKUUGE K. FOllT. Atlminiatrntor.Tulli'» llivri , Muv 21. 1CI.J. lui

m'uair and , it« of N#w!

t fivu thuiiaamt, 7 »ppfopriat'u! for J

oft ibe itidebl- ( I nee* incurred by the former keeper pri-1 j or to March the fifteen, eighteen hundred I and eixty two.

3. And be it unacted, tliut the «late ' Iruaenrerpuy the »um of live th.ueaml , dollars to the preaeut keeper, upon tin.' 1 warrant of the ffiovernur, for the purpoer afurcHuid

3. And Iki it euui'ti-d, That this act ‘ ; aluill take t-fluel iiuincdiately.

Approved March 13, 13f>3.

1 An Act to provide for the recording of | ei rtaiu paper* in the effleu uf Secretary ! of State.

1. Beit enacted by thu Somite mid) ! Oenerai Aaaemhly o f the State of New I Jeraey, Hut it *lm)| lietlu* duty of the aecretury of »tale, in addition to filing I

j iu hi* office the cortihciites of thu urrait* j ization of any iucor|Hiratiou under the j general iueorpoiatiun luivg of ti 1 i-s I atute. or of any acceptance of a upeciul!

I charter, or the locution or survey of any


4L Tl


TREES, PLANTS, VINES, ETC./ aÌ m m m i R v t f i H t f . Y m r m r t t »

f'TABI.HHRn i :s i .Aii Mud» uf c u c i r m u a . Appi*», rv i- .,

( ’Nffirri*"*. Hteitto. iNtoffiiM», Aurlcuui* (juincti, Ac. HR S tit PRC tm . I l à f w m « (»oo t»e*«ikln«L ;) * HifmrH#, ; Naiybirr i« , 30

• M

P ublic Sale o f Ifoum hohlGoode, lioreee, H oge, 4 y .

Tbe SubMrlbvf «pill "ITrr i t Public iklv, al till ratUfttfc M tbe B«**ch. on

T H U R S D A Y . S t » 0 / M AY.Tl»«» fuila** ii»f dc«criiM*4 IVoMfty

T w otoil iitnia a«ri*nk| m u |I I'imIi ,& Corn, • mimb**r uf Voting Cidlk), _1 lion*. toiU*liU» for « urk or family u*v, I Wm gun, m « « « W r of Hog«, lot of Pouliry, 4c. Ac.,

Abo, ■ iirgc quattUly of

H O U SEH O LD F U R N IT U R E ICfttttotoing of ( ‘Hiir*. Taiil«*«. agrvnl rtH eiy of

IL*u« « id Hteti lmg,Slant)4, Hnrtfnu*.(*uplM»«ft)«. Etiffien. Fork«. Hpoon«. Ae.. tog<*tb**r wtlfe n f i t o l ffiirifl) o f nrtlcUn not «p**c)fl«to

Sdlffi will Ukffi place nl 1 o i io c k , P. M nn l •bould the day prove »tunny, the «ale will ttike |kUe«T lb« next fair day, to the aoine place uni hour.

m l* 3w SA M U E L PE RIU N K .

M i i n t p s n t i t l t ' u r r f i i c y .AM* wKm dffiiilrffi can obttia (*nv«riut>ffiiit mumII

**ur ein'ffi gito l.ffignl sitinpkt, of every iieiidn»in.t- I **n, it tbffi rmtntei of ti»fE X C IIA N O E B A N K o f N E W JE R S E Yn ilw Ylllngffi of T*mi*w Itlvcr.f ont \ 1 vffif. J»p. 7 *|R*?3. iff


►ft|«gyffiffiw Rn«RttHk «Hiuî;

rth toxiv law* twitPW flitit tirato#'Huk»î wtt*ffit {31 Suiilh th»irty *4* ilmin««« «■•t iNirUrafi fluii»*» tot

ruf Ju«them, («i by UutlrtgTffiffifl VVf.tg«wn»»crulay «jHffiffc lute, ch. -by 4«


po II. «rin

•tei >«ri, i

line mi ihe Ni me South Mxii-twi I l*n ^ f vIm in* io tkc pi »fffi « >f Utew

li, rttnUluluf iHctit) file uìt,|i tilt-Infili tu* b«lii( Ih« traci « **wvf) ed lo Htl'M) tferburl in« «I m nuli ri»Uh fro«t Ihe lidia of lh»»o ri. éw 'ienl, bi li*« dlrMuR of i)«i r«/tl **•« bv rilffM t« U» tIh* «aiud « ìi! iiiprtr,.ni* bomStouey H nV niu J...upi, ||««bil •----- , r«cnr«1ffi4 in thè Ue«| Cotto-1k’- **«••** »1 Toni*« Hlvur.S, All timi traci of Und «ilunte on th«* «Mtith*

»«»Iffirìy •».!•*, ttn*l •ili-•anime tht m»m r<>n*l Irom ( llcihffirtavUe to N(|ii«(iiiitiM, lo tb« lnVHbl|>,Iv. Ac.. »« »bove, livgitiiiiitjf mt • »tal.«II- <4 aito higRicny. ili»Lntcr ?,» link* Irotu Ubato.Ili rl*eii 4 corner un *n»I«I ro«d : Ibeiicc rtmoiiig a* lite »«cciif potuteli |n Um ytar X. 1» ìmìn. |, «oiith 7** »!**fr«*te* wnrt 13 choHtt tn • «takffi : ihencc, 3 infili *i 4ffiffraffi» wffiat 6 cIi»Im and A link» to ■ «tabe ; «hcncf, .1, north 70 dffigrccit ci«t li chaini

71 link« lo a «iake la Ih« middle of lite tour»



• Fiulil In inwi a< ahirrauilt). Tht* noi* proli:«* uf m an «fact il rara »re to Ira tax* 'T are liuti Uu of lite Liei««* !nw. The lo« collimile*! In Uh* «rlfinul »taliile wai

bv lite FMiu iuiim nu «to March 3d,

I Allì rinatij lugli-


1 bearing, o f Ont intenti

Trara aad V S-Tr**>. Mirate ■rond i** Ceta


fy ÌAitnrr or plunter will Ih- n^uirol lo | m.tkc rviiiru uf thè Tallite ot thè produce of hL f inti or pUnlutiott. wiibont deditelìou fur thè ! lal»ur or «errici*« of bitnaeif and hi# familr, or fl*r anv por»¡un of ««rii produce con»uuic*i by ! himu-lf und ftimiiy.

TeU*graph and irxnrc« ( Oinpaule«, an 1 All1 exprt-ramt-0 ore iaie*i tipo:» all incorile racelv* j

*• ,?*d" e«l hetwrau Januare Ito ami idcpteuibor JkHli, 11941.-

•Silarlcd m**n will rcHunt thè full am rumi of ibi* "alarlrni th**y raceire, whiuhcr flint by ton* | tuie nr ngrui-uieni or derivai fron fa«». Ac.— j Tin* »alarU-9 of F elvfd officen fiuta J<»nn >t v l l«t to Auguat 31. ln«?, raunt kho be raturned.

Letter« of inquire promptly «i»ktt*r l 'I t lS C I* Cu., lltwkit.j, s . t .

m art? l a *

JOHN J. MERRITT, Xapnrter W boleaala »tatlenar.

AfaotAnd! forWindsor nn i

R AVomì UBgc

#»to rato; ifiriit «fa#* *h» middle ol the *iud road ¡ Heccipu from advcrU<M*metita in Ihe ye»ur IBtíJl,* * “ . ,c M %mi Prlor «o S*pL fat muto be returned, a. tmUU» ihflpiHce of beg nat"C.c«»iiUmiiig raven i * f , f v « m knmU „,(.r»,,*sro<«

aere- auto JXlfii ol en »er«, bring » part of a tract, * l. t » » I from , 0 *ot ¿I acre» uto 2-lUOof an anT. mto Ur»my*otiffi W)to4* *,oc* i'1 RW componi*-» orni uni fue tu ring

pn Müh Piemium R S ,

f Comiitercial Note«. l .iUi«, R.*.!, Le­gal aad FteteU Cap»,

IV'o. IS U crk n ia ti S treet,Near Nan.-n, N E W Y O R KAI«, Proprietor and »to« Ageof for Ute foliowieg new »ud u«et»l aritele» :O liv e r5« Pntcut E rtu lvo T ip * .

dredih» f »n »er». Ural Obad uli Itcrtiert and «du ri», hair» of Uaac Il«*rhwrt, 4» c „ euaffi**>•<) to Alligai Uertu rl by dt-cd. Ac., mut 1»v den! Ir**m Ju- M pii II. i/eib|ri dt* wife lo Juneph //criteri, t»y di rd 'Ulto Muy 7th. A. II. Iso*), rwcid ti in Oceun * *»unty clerk'« offl«» »t 1 um * Uirar, In book 71 of deed-, paga !4d,

Sei*.-d a* tbe property of J )«i*pb üerbert, und •»ken in wxccuUun at ti,u anil uf Hmtrv (UittreU, aito tu b- »oi,t by Ja) H S a COUttf.VEV,

.Vurrb Id. IHVI. Hi&i )7 Pi Siici iff.

I do hereby In pnratiMee with the third »ec tioii of the " A' t to provide inluru.il Kt-vunuu

. . t » «ii|.|'0.l ll.u (¡u\t-riim mm. mi l t" p-iy in-ü!j Iou«i, ot any otritT ng ’ieeitieiit ur jiuptcr J t*«t on the public dol»t,Mapproved Jti'y 1 .1912,

The ubine- aule at»n*l»¡THLTSÜAV, 4th duy of 1 »urne hour und pkiue,

ui 11-5w JOIIN I).

adjourned otktilJuge, at the





An act rul.itivo to clorks of county com t«.

1 Be it in <;iiucU.-<J, by the Senate and Anmeml)iy of the .State of New Jersey, That wlioro any of said clerks hIi.iIi huve licrctofors nppoiutcd a deputy, nml such deputy shall have authentic, acted or signed certificates in his own name a« deputy clerk, instead of ti e name of his principal, nil such autheir ticittions heretofore made and all certi­ficate* heretofore so signed by any act iiig deputy clerk, shall be taken and deemed as valid and eifuctnal in law ns if the *ame Imd been done iu the name oft lie clerk and under his own hand.2. And be it enacted, That this act

shall take effect immediately.Approved February 21, 1803.

An Act increasing the compensation of of the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey, • .

Whereas the servicesand responsibil­ities of the treasurer o f the state, and the expenses o f his office, have been much increased'by reason of the state loan and soldiers’ bounty, incident to the rebellion, which increase of services And expenses must continue to exist during the coming- year; there­fore,

1- Be it enacted by the senate and General Assembly of the state of New Jersey, That the compensation of the treasurer of this state be, and the same is hereby increased tbe sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the present year.

2- And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 24, 1863.

Supplement to an act entitled “ An >6.t . relative to oaths and affirma­tions-’

f Be it enacted by the Sjnate and

! by law required or authorized to be | filed iu said office, to record said agrec- imentor other papers in a book to be I provided for »uch purpose, ut the prop- it charge o f the parties for whom

j Miiiiii- is filed.2. And lie it en u ctcj, Tliut this

shall take effect iuim udiutciy.Approved .March Iff, 1 »03.

Supplement to the Militia Law.1. He it enacted bv the Senate und

Cieneral Assembly of the state of New Jt-raey, that the persons now by law liable to duty in the Militia iu the town­ship of East Orange, Essex county, ahull remain attached to tile Orange brigade »■organized hy the militia law approv­ed March twenty second, eighteen hun­dred and sixty.

2. And ho it enacted, That this net »hall take effect immediately.

Approved M uch 18, 1803.

A Further Supplement to the act enti­tled ‘ 'An net for the preservation of sheep,” approved April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and fortysix.

1. He i' enacted, by- the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey. That the uppraisment of dam­ages for sheep or lamps killed or woun. ded by a dog or dogs, made by two fret h ilders, as authorized and directed by the act to which this is a supple­ment, and the supplements to said act, shall be verified to be just and true tiy the oath or nffirmutionof the freeholders making the appraisem*nt, and also by the oatli or affirmation of the claimant, and the damages which shall bo allow, cd for the killing or wounding of any sheep or lamb shall be the real, true and actual value of the sheep or lamb so killed or wounded, but il any sheep or lamb be only wounded, and not fa­tally- injured, then the damage to be allowed for such wounded sheep or lamb shall not bo more than a compensation for the injury actually (lone such sheep or lamb.

2. And be it enacted, that all acts and parts of acts, conflicting with this act. be and the same are hereby repeal ed.

S. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 24, 1863.

A Supplement to the act entitled" An act relative to taxes oil puplic roads,” approved March twentieth, one thous­and eight hundred and fifty sev­en.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen­eral Assembly of the State of New Jer­sey, That so much of the act to which this is a supplement as prohibits work­ing on“ any road between the first day of April,” be and the same is hereby re­pealed so far as to permit the macadam­ising of roads during the month« of..'

Uiviil»* the StH’oiid C'uilucliutt l>i»ti*ict itilo »ix* tuuii I>ivi«ion*. und tv it idra uinii I luvu appoint* ed one A-aitontit A***4or, U» ivit :

1*1 DlvUlon TownslilpH o f Harbor.

SHERIFFS SALE-virine of a certain writ ol U. fls\. to*we di

’Oifipttnle» ditriug the whole of tiie scar 191*2 f , to he return«) and taxed, i Terroni ara U* be Itotto ou incoine «t tlndr I randtfiicffi*. baton*** Una* muto otiim.uo their |

j pains far the rear letoi, ami make «.nub division tlttreêrii* Trill »nabt« each iu«:ub«r o f thu firm Io mak« return at bis or b«r owu m i«

I donee.A wifa h'ddlns propcrtT in her own riftht,

i «mi not suhjctu to her huto).mds control, uiay j mnk« rapartelo return of the »awe.

In estimating iuooui* from rants, the cost o f iraeera »rj repair*, insuransfl und Interest j

I nn inotmibr.itici'* nut be deducted. Th** coto j ¡o f oxtruordiiuQ’ repairs, new »¿raclures, Ac.. [ i cannot be do tooted.! The following deductions w 11 also bemnJo ! from the ¡»¿tyra# »(« income of an/ person, viz.J Stato «nel foc,it taxes o f the calendar year, 1 January Ito. 1862, la Dec. di, 1882, rent uc

illy paid lor to willing; house, and in case n|

This Tip H (liQcrent from anr Leretofar. bollix e»*itjr Nttfd to * « / pa-aril; i* ffinuiifactrrre«! butu VuirflitlXffid Rubberra tit» »rraut» (joalii/t U »»nil/ cl »i«fto from oi»o pencil to «nothrr; »n ( m*1>I it tn rx<r«ft)*-iffi low prior. It is the mt *v <3ffi«irat*ie srticio of tn« kind in th» market.Hiii-iif-tt'« I’ ntenl IlnhlM-k* Ink-

» (» i id a n d Rack.An opoou« inkattMil. presorvinf ink front the too*

I tot. Sunniti J. K«7lly, IVmborfutiH I Division—.VII toni pari of tkt\lowa*hÌp of

I I’umluTtos Iv in 4 on thè West »Idi* of thè mito*; di» of Uif Muin Street or road numinx tluou^h i thè borotifh und towuship of lVmberton, mito Ih« towmhip» tof Sprillali *ld an i Manali dd.—J. Heury Antrim. Itomberton. .

■Uh IHvWon—Tocrnship o f Korthunpton, J 00'',J1,r °f lWe »tb tm;*tu« tutto tdtmltortdn. J«*lia lVtei>on. 1 .......Moni' Iloti/.

5tli Divisimi Towntoiips o f Itorlln^ton. Wii- liitgboroufh. Beverly. Cliinuinlnson unto ( ’ bis- tur. II. l.mvdvn. Bitrliu^Um.

t»th Divisimi Tmv;nliip* of riiunstod, Itono ver und Clioaterfivid. II. IT. ('ourpurtliwait,

Ocean. New Jersey No. I. All timt u> rfta'n lot ûf lamí, rnnrkud

two mui one half o f 0 . ,t on n map of 4lio divi •Ion of the re.il etoute o f Istuuj Herbert, dec**: ed, situate in th»» Townabip o f Brick, in the

All persons engaged in businees, whether bolding licenses or not, if coming within the

' | provision« ot (he law requiring them to pay a I license tux to the United States, will be reqiiir-

Coimly o f Ocean, State of New Jersey, on the ¡ e;.requir­

ed on the fat duy of Muy. 18GH, to make appii

New Kgywt.7th Division ,‘M. Ith. and Oth wards of the

City of Trenton, und the township of Borden- town. William Davis, Trenton.

8th Division—fat. lid und Ath wards of the City o f Trenton. Thom is J. Mucphersoti. Trenton.

9th Division—Township uf Lawrence. Kwing and Hopewell. Alfred \V. Smith, Woodvlll«*.

I nth Division--All that part ot the township of Bust Windsor, lying south and west of the stream called ‘ ‘Rocky Brook.” running through said township, and the township of Washington and Hamilton. L\ Taylor. Highfatown.

llth Division—Ail that part o f tbe township of I’jast Windsor lvlng north and east of the Stream called -Rocky Crook,” naming through suid township, nnd the township of Manalupun, Milhtono und Upper Freehold. W. T. Hoff- man. Higlitstown.

fa’th Division—Townships of Prinocton and West Windsor. Elijah Leigh. Princeton.

l.'ith Division—Townships of Freehold, How­ell und Wall. Job C«totroll, Turkey.

l lth Division—Townships of Marlboro. Holm- del. Raritan und Mutavuu. Austin lteid, Mid­dletown Point,

l jtli Division—Townships of Atlantic, Mid­dletown, Ocean and Shrewsbury. John L. Conover, Middletown.

Kith Division—Tow ntoiips of Jackson, Brick. Dover, Union und Stafford. Taylor G. Irons, Tom's River,


Second District, S. J.Office “ Cowperthwait's Kxchaugo,”

May 1, ll?63. Tom’s River, N. J.

'•""¡'I" tn*oll,-nrm c>nt ot 0|)au.„ „ .nt ,,f Uix.I situate in the villspre of Ilerbertsvillu, und I n v rx \\r nthe north-east side o f the highway road lead- j ‘ »LG. W . C1

T R E E S iT R E E S A

T R E E S ±The Subscriber offers for the season of J863,

a very extensive ami desirable assortment o f

FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES,s u it U B S , P t j a J Y T S , ifi'C.This stock is largo in amount and of unsur­

passed quality.A due assortment of the SMALL FRUITS,

including the new and more rare varieties of UUA'liS. Also,

b u lb s , 1I0SES, b e d d in g -o u tPLANTS, &c., & c,

All for sale cheap, Retail or Wholesale. The attention of Dealers nnd of all who wish to buy largely, is particularly invited.

W. DROWN SMITH, Proprietor of the Syracuse Nurseries.

Syracuse, N. Y ., March ‘¿0. apl l)w

p N RULE TO LIMIT CREDITORS. t_j Executor's Notice

Samuel T. Cooknnd James it. Cook, Exceuto-n of William Cook, deceased, by order or tile Surro­gate of the county of Ocean, hereby gives no­tice to the creditors of the said Wdliain Cook, deceased, to exhibit to them, under oatli or aihinu- tion. their claims ami demands against tiic estate withiu nine months from 'lie 6th day of ,1/ey, A. D., tens, or they wdl he forever barred from proeecutiug or recovering the same


scHth te WPf Exeoatora.

went idd« of M mnsquati river, beginning nt tin “ IN*

ltd divblon ; tlivncc running degree'» nnd fifteen minntci» woxt twelve chain« to th«» middle of Lot No. u : thence (2) n,*rlh sixty-tw«> degree» onst twenty chain» ■; thenee (a) north thirty «Mix degree» uml fifteen minute» eaxt ten chain» : tlienee (i) «outh rixiv-two dc- greuM west, twenty dial ns to the? place o f be­ginning. containing twenty-three m?r*-» uml eighty-thruo Jiundredlbt» of tin «ere, being the »¡»me conveyed tw Joseph Herbert by TfcomuN

Wright und wife. umI oilier», by deed record­ed in Ocean county Clerk’* ofllr**. ut Tom’s Ri­ver. in hook .‘t o f deed*, page 'Ll. J e.

landon the north-eu«t side o f the high ing from the «aw-mill o f bite faaao Herbert, | deeomwd, to Squnnkum, in the townnhip, eonri- j ty. Ac., ns above, beginning nt u *tonostanding in the liiiddle o f the aforesaid highway, at the most westerly corner o f the aforesaid Joseph Herbert’s farm ; thence running as tin* needle pointed A. D 184It (1) north thirty-six degrees und fifteen minute» west thirteen chains and fifty-eight links to the eiwt line o f n tract form­erly belonging to Joseph Herbert, now to the inhabitant» of Saw-Mill School District: thence (2) north sixty-three degrees east nineteen chain* ninety links ; thence (J) south thirty-six degrees fifteen minutes cast thirteen chains to the north-westerly corner of Joseph Herbert’s farm ; thence (4) by the lino of the same south sixty-two degrees west twenty chains to the place of beginning, containing twenty-five nine- liundredtbs acres, being the tract conveyed to Sidney Herbert by virtue of a quit claim from the heirs o f Isaac Herbert, dec., in the division of lb« real estate, as by reference to the game will appear, nnd the same from Sidney Herbertto Joseph Herbert, by deed dated--------- . re-cordod in the OCWin County Clerk's office nt Tom s River.

No. 2* All that tract o f land situate on the ) south we; lerly side, and adjoining the main road from Herbcrtsvillc to Hquanqum. in the township, county, «fee., as above, beginning at a stake in the middle of said highway, distance 25 links from Obadiah Herbert’s corner on said road : thence running us the needle pointed in the year A. D. 1858 (1) south 70 degrees west 13 chains to a stake ; thence (2) north 24 de­gree* west G chains and a links to a stake ; thence (3) north 70 degrees east l i chains and 71 links to a stake in the middle of the afore­said road; thence along the middle of the said road Smith 35 degrees nnd 45 minutes east fi chain.; and 27 links to the place of beginning, containing seven acres and 45-100 of an acre, being a part of a tract o f 21 acres and 2-100 ol an acre, and twenty-one hundredths o f an aero, that Obadiah Herbert nnd others, heirs of Isaac Herbert, dec., conveyed to Ablgal Herbert by deed, «fee., nnd by deed from Joseph H. Herbert and wife to Joseph Herbert, by deed dated May 7th, A. D. i860, recorded in Ocean county Clerk’* Office at Tom’s River, in hook 21 ot deeds, page 110.

Seized as tbe property of Joseph Herbert, and taken in execution at the suit of Benjamin N. Parker, and to be sold hy

B. F. AUMACK, Late Sheriff.Dated March 2d, 1863, tiiarlStd

to ion f or lie cfor the year ending May Moth, holding nnexpireil licences will boI , * | l Hid. Tiu-v MViMiu iuiuA|rtivii iium-iM tun uu

o. j . tw Wto'JU-d mi j uHKi.3«od only far the period between the exnira- n* i °,r.i . «on o f said license and the first day of May. ldui.

All persons neglecting or refnsing to make re­turns of income will be orae&iedby the Assis­tant As-se*mrs according to th»dr best judgment and informalimt. and all persons neglecting or refusing to make application for lice nies re­quired by them will be subject to the find and penalties prescribed by lav,-.

When the atimtal lisls are completed, public notice will be given, and fifteen days-will be allowed for revising said lists by appeals or otherwise: utter that the lists will be cloned and no hearing allowed upon petition fat

The above Sale stands adjourned until THURSDAY, the 4th o f June, at the same time and place. myl-l td


8 . V - R . P A T E R S O N ,(Surveyor General.


«a - All pMTonn wishing information or £*tT*et from the reoarda will ptfase apply as abov«.

Feb. 18,180.4- ly


Office "Oowpcrthwait’s Exchange,” Tom’s River, N. J.

Tom's Hiver, N. J., May 1, 1863.

s ^ I l j e f o b t a x e s . "NOTICE Is In-roby glv.-a that hy virtae of a

warrant Issued liy Amos Atkinsoa, Ksq , to make tlu-taxes laid on milinprovtsl aadimtea- nnted Inad, and on I tint teaantod hy persona not the lawful proprietors, alio tire unable, to pay the taxes in the township o f I’ lamsted. countv of Ocean, the sabrertber, collector of said Township, will, onSATURDAY, THE Oth DAY OF JUNENext, at the hour of 2 o’clock, I*. M., at, the Inntse o f Samuel F. I’ancoast, in New Egypt, ill said township,sell the timber, wood, herb­age, »tup other vendable property, found on the premise«, taxed to the undernamed persons, to make the taxes and coats unaexod to their respective names;

Tax.Forty McNiel, $4.20John Uieliards’’ estate, . 2. JOJanies Stephenson, 00William Tllmnn, 00

WM. QUICKC ALL,May 4th, 18fi3.-4w Collector.



C a n a icg h a m . F r o s t Oh Ster o c lim o r toI mportkrs and JOUHRRS l.N


DOMESTIC DRY GOODS?i & 73 Worth Street,

Betwren Broadway and Church St.Wm. J. Cnnningliain, (Kara M. Frost, )Barherie Throckmorton, i Chas. I ». Throckmorton, f Feb. lHii'2.- tf'


SQJANKUM MARL COMPANY,The Subscriber will be ready to furnish

N f g t u m k i i m M a r l ,• OF THE

IS J E S T Q U M I T Y ,(Sand or Clay,) at any of the Stations on the Raritan and Delaware Ray Railroad, by or be­fore the 1st of May. Persons wishing to be supplied at once should send in their orders without delay.

I'rlcc, 6 Cents per Bushel, Cash, at all sta­tions between Fort Moumouth or Lc-ug Branch and Manchester, inclusive. Marl also for sale at the Pits. Apply to

, ISAAC a iriSSBITT, Agent, £qnaakuj& Si-aties. Itor. & Del. Buy ft- R.ap9t.f

Pamphfoti. Pouter», Bills, Oataloguus, , printed r.t tnls oflftco with R^vtnesa and dio-

V *■’

m inkstand, pre.8 rumpwdira elTvct ut I ghiG iteu ’s Patent Ink Kcasei-aiid

Paper Cleaner.The best »rtiefa nude fur rubbing oat pencil m.itk-t, nccomplfaldiu tbe wui Is iu one liait tketune uf ordiutiy rubber.'I’hc Patent ConihlnatloM Pa­

per Cutter uiul Ruler.\ new and meful article, curubiuiug ta on» lb» uses of two indi-petuMibl * »r tic Ira.

WUDLF.SALE o n l y .Am-riote! Stationary Warcboaao Piatt’s Pntcut Portable Copy-

fitff Pres«,% li^ht, choap and imefol ariielo*Merritt & lU-own's Ply Pen,A very miportor sfaffl pen, made and iciectcd with the greatest care, put up 2 dozen in a box. fi box­es inclined in another neatly finished b-*x— the wort convenient tdiape puratbl«*. fur retailing.

I bare Just received a lull and complete araort- mont of the UfeLVUiAE ARNOLD'a WRITING Fluid.The National Portrait Chess

ami Checker Boanl.A neat, durable and cheap article for »he million, comprising on the uunrad rqimrc» fliiu hfo-Hke pliotogruphlo pictures of »11 our prominent Geuer* ala and cuimuaudura; ai»u the Fruxidetn, becreUiry of State. A,*'. The pictures alums are worth at lca.vt duuble die c*nt of the RomoI.


18 Ileekm an-st.,aiyl t tf NEW YORK.


No. 186 Greenwich Street.Noi th Itivfr »1(1* of t;i■■■■ City la-tween Fulton »ud


(IvtoaOliMlird in 1«^.)NBW YORK,

Odor for 8»dc by the package, or in qmntioa to **iiit purchaaor»* a complete assortment or trcKh im- portKil Drills, incdiciiiCK, Faints, Oils, Gian ware Frttcnl Q nedioines, Fi-rfumerv. y« Htuifs. Acids.It ikeih Grocer»’, oufcclimiers’ , HntterftT,and Jew e lers' Article». Alcohol, Burning Plnfd, campbette, t »Mother with every nrticie embraced in their line of bu»j»»M, at the lowest mni ket prittu.

MAXPACTUBER OFBn»b, Gftk A. Foiunsnn’s Superior Water-proof Frio ion Matches, the articlua »o*fonf? and favorably fimwn as tlie Bush ami liillycr Matcko».

Kelt. 2d. 1862.—ly.

Special Notice.On and aftiw July 1st. 1h63, the privilege

of converting the present Issue o f legal ten­der notes into itie National six per cent, lonn (commonly called '■ Five Twenties” ) willcense.

All who wish lo Invest In the Five-Twen­ty l,unn must, therefore, apply before tbe 1st day of July next. JAY COOKE,

Subscription Agent,my 1 3m No. l i t S. 3d St, l-hiladn.

C H O F F M I E E ,B O O T & S H O E -M A K E R ,


Thu Subscriber is prepared lo do every kind of work in his line, in the



M a u lin g an d R e p a ir in gDONE WITH NEATNESS AND

DISPATCH.Course Foote for Common Wear, Laities'

Gentlemen's and Misses I'ino French Calf, andEVERY STYLE OP ¡.BOOTS AND

SHOES MADE TO ORDER.tSB- DON'T FORGET the place, hu bo »nr»

to call at -

H O F F M I R & ,my 14 tf NuarNixon’d.

■&" ^ 11 LI AM \ \ WiriTX, Of Now ll* 5«withovizeu to receive SBUc-ripfit^ .¿\vl f>r ?h#

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.