`JD-CV-1 Rev. 2-20
`C.G.S. §§ 51-346, 51-347, 51-349, 51-350, 52-45a, 52-48, 52-259;
`P.B. §§ 3-1 through 3-21, 8-1, 10-13
`Instructions are on page 2.
`| Select if amount, legal interest, or property in demand, notincluding interest and costs, is LESS than $2,500.
` www,
`For information on
`ADA accommodations
`contact a court clerk me
`go to: www,
`Selectif amount, 'vgal interest, or property in demand, not including interest and costs, is $2,500 or MORE.
`[_] Selectif claiming other relief in addition to, or in place of, money or damages.
`Juris number (if attomey or law firm)
`TO: Any proper officer
`By authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to make due andlegal service of this summonsand attached complaint.
`Address of court clerk (Number, street, town andzip code)
`Telephone numberof clerk
`Return Date (Must be a Tuesday)
`95 WashingtonStreet, Hartford, CT 06106
`(860 ) 548 -2700
`Judicial District
`At (City/Town)
`Case type code (Seelist on page 2)
`[_] Housing Session
`[_] Number:
`Major: T
`Minor: 40
`For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of:
`Name and addressofattorney, law firm orplaintiff if self-represented (Number, street, town andzip code)
`Hersh & Crockett, 21 Oak Street, Suite 603, Hartford, CT 06106
`Telephone number
` Signature of plaintiff (if se/f-represented)
`(860 ) 527 —5253
`E-mail address for delivery of papers under Section 10-13 ofthe
`The attorney or
`iwfirm appearing for the plaintiff, or the plaintiff if
`Connecticut Practice Book(if agreed)
`self-represented, agrees to accept papers(service) electronically
`in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book.
`Yes CJ No
` Parties
`Name(Last, First, Middle Initial) and address of each party (Number;street; P.O. Box; town;state; zip; country, if not USA)
`Name: DOE, JANE
`Address: C/o Hersh & Crockett, 21 Oak Street, Suite 603, Hartford, CT 06106
`Name: KETTLE BROOK CARE CENTER, LLCd/b/a Fresh River Healthcare, 96 ProspectHill Road,East
`defendant|Address: Windsor, CT 06088 Agent for Service: Jonathan M. Starble, Esq., 341 Bidwell Street,
`|Name: Manchester, CT 06040
` Name:
`Total number ofplaintiffs: 1
`Total number of defendants: 1
`C] Form JD-CV-2 attachedfor additional parties
`Notice to each defendant
`1. You are being sued. This is a summonsin a lawsuit. The complaint attached statesthe claims theplaintiff is making against you.
`2. To receive further notices, you or your attorney mustfile an Appearance (form JD-CL-12) with the clerk at the address above. Generally,
`it must befiled on or before the second day after the Return Date. The Return Date is not a hearing date. You do not have to come to
`court on the Return Date unless you receive a separate noticetelling you to appear.
`If you or your attorney do notfile an Appearanceontime, a default judgment may be entered against you. You can get an Appearance
`form at the court address above, or on-line at
`If you believe that
`you have insurance that may coverthe claim being made against youin this lawsuit, you should immediately contact
`your insurance representative. Otherjactions you may take are described in the Connecticut Practice Book, which maybe found in a
`superior court law. library-er on-line
`If you have questions about the su
`ons and complaint, you should talk to an attorney.
`Thecourt staff is pot allowed to give\advice on legal matters.
`Commissionerof Superior Court|Name of person signing
`Signed(Sign and select proger bok)
`Cynthia I. Crockett
` If this summonsis signed‘ a Clerk/
`For Court Use Only
`a. The signing has been iehess-teat the plaintiff(s) will not be denied accessto the courts.
`File Date
`It is the responsibility of the plaintiff(s) to ensure that service is made in the manner provided by law.
`c. The court staff is not permitted to give any legal advice in connection with any lawsuit.
`1. Type orprint legibly. If you are a self-represented party, this summons must be signed bya clerk of the court.
`If there is more than one defendant, make a copy of the summonsfor each additional defendant. Each defendant must receive a copyof
`this summons. Each copy of the summons must show who signed the summons and when it was signed. If there are more than two
`plaintiffs or more than four defendants, complete the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties (form JD-CV-2) and attachit to the original
`and all copies of the summons.
`3. Attach the summonsto the complaint, and attach a copy of the summonsto each copyof the complaint. Include a copy of the Civil
`Summons Continuation of Parties form,if applicable.
`4. After service has been madeby a properofficer, file the original papers and the officer's return of service with the clerk of the court.
`5. Use this summonsfor the case type codes shown below.
`Do not use this summonsfor the following actions:
`(a) Family matters (for example divorce, child support,
`custody, paternity, and visitation matters)
`(b) Any actions or proceedings in which an attachment,
`garnishrient or replevy is sought
`(c) Applications for change of name
`(d) Probate appeals
`(e) Administrative appeals
`(f) Proceedings pertaining to arbitration
`(g) Summary Process (Eviction) actions
`(h) Entry and Detainer proceedings
`(i) Housing Code Enforcement actions
`Case Type Codes
`C00|Construction - All other POO|ForeclosureProperty
`C10|Construction - State and Local P10|Partition
`C 20|Insurance Policy P20|Quiet Title/Discharge of MortgageorLien
`C30|Specific Performance P30|Asset Forfeiture
`C40|Collections P90|All other
`C50|Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
`C60|Uniform Limited Liability Company Act - C.G.S. 34-243
`C90|All other T02|Defective Premises - Private - Snow orIceTorts (Other |
`than Vehicular) T03|Defective Pramises - Private - Other
`State Highway Condemnation T1411.|Defective Premises - Public - Snow orIce
`E10|Redevelopment Condemnation T12|Defective Premises - Public - Other
`E20|Other State or Municipal Agencies T20|ProductsLiability - Other than Vehicular
`E30|Public Utilities & Gas Transmission Companies T 28|Malpractice - Medical
`E90|All other T29|Malpractice - Legal
`T30|Malpractice - All other
`H10|Housing - Return of Security Deposit Tae|faaeue and Battery
`. T50|Defamation
`H12|Housing - Rent and/or Damages .
`+ T 61.|Animals - Dogi 4 i Scant
`H 4°|Housing - Housing - Audita Querela/Injunction .
`a‘ T69|Animals - Otheraa
`H 50|Housing - Administrative Appeal
`: T70|False Arrestni
`H 60|Housing - Municipal Enforcement t71_|Fire D
`H 90|Housing - All Other ae eee
`T90|All other
` [Miscellaneous M00|Injunction
`Vehicular Torts V01|Motor Vehicles‘ - Driver and/or Passenger(s) vs. Driver(s)
`V04|Motor Vehicles* - Pedestrian vs. Driver
`M15|Receivership for Abandoned/Blighted Property
`V05|Motor Vehicles* - Property Damageonly
`M 20|Mandamus
`V06|MotorVehicle’ - Products Liability Including Warranty
`M 30|Habeas Corpus(extradition, release from PenalInstitution)
`VO0S|Motor Vehicle‘ - All other
`M 40|Arbitration
`M50|Declaratory Judgment
`M 63|BarDiscipline
`M 66|Department of Labor Unemployment Compensation
`V90|All other
`M 68|BarDiscipline - Inactive Status
`*Motor Vehicles include cars, trucks,
`M 70|Municipal Ordinance and Regulation Enforcement
`motorcycles, and motor scooters.
`M 80|Foreign Civil Judgments - C.G.S. 52-604 & C.G.S. 50a-30
`M 83}
`Small Claims Transfer to Regular Docket
`Wills, Estates
`Construction of Wills and Trusts
`M 84|Foreign Protective Order wo|All otherand Trusts
`M 89|CHRO Actionin the Public Interest - PA. 19-93
`M 90|All other
`Docket No: HHD-CV-23-5078100-S
`issue Date:06/14/2024
`Sent By:—Civil/Family
`Notice Issued: 06/14/2024
`Court Address:
`Notice Content:
`Notice Issued: 06/14/2024
`Docket Number: HHD-CV-23-5078100-S
`Notice Sequence#: 1
`The foregoing, having been considered by the Court, is hereby:
`lt appearing to the court that the foregoing motion should be granted, it is hereby ordered that Kettle Brook Care
`Center, LLC d/b/a Fresh River Healthcare be madea party defendant in this action and that, on or before June 28,
`2024,the plaintiff amend her complaint and state facts showingtheinterest of Kettle Brook Care Center, LLC d/b/a
`Fresh River Healthcare in this action, and summonit to appear as a
`defendantin this action on or before the second dayfollowing July 16, 2024, by causing someproperofficer to serve
`uponit in the mannerprescribed by lawatrue and attested copyofthis Order, a true and attested or certified copy of
`the Complaint in this action as amended, and an Amended Summons-Civil Form 103.1, and due return make.
`Per Order of Chadwick, J. on 6/11/24
`SM/TAC 6/14/24
`RETURN DATE: 07/16/24
`DOCKET NO. HHD-CV23-5078100-S
`JULY 17, 2024
`On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE HEALTH MANAGEMENT,LLC,was a
`Connecticut limited liability company authorized to do business in Connecticut (hereinafier referred
`to as “ICARE”).
`On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE, owned, operated, managed and/or
`possessed a nursing homebusiness at 96 Prospect Hill Road, East Windsor, CT and was doing
`business as Fresh River Healthcare.
`On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE,was in the business of providing nursing
`homecare to patients at Fresh River Healthcare.
`Onsaid date, the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, was employed by the Defendant, ICARE,in
`the dementia unit.
`Prior to said date, the Defendant, [CARE had anotherfacility in Rocky Hill,
`Connecticut called “60 West” wherein they had a unit that was equipped withsecurity, safety
`protocols and staffed to take in recentparolees.
`On April 20, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE,took in to Fresh River Healthcare
`dementia unit Miguel Lopez who had been convicted of a violent rape in Massachusetts in 2012
`despite him not meeting the entrance qualifications for the dementia unit at Fresh River Healthcare
`and overthe objections of manyoftheirstaff.
`On May19, 2021 at approximately 1:45 p.m. while the Plaintiff, JANE DOE was
`working, Miguel Lopez unlawfully detained herin his room and violently sexually assaulted her.
`Prior to May 19, 2021, the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or employees,
`knew that since Miguel Lopez had been admitted on April 20, 2021, that he had actedin a violent,
`hostile and aggressive manner toward womenincluding,but not limited to, scaring another female
`patient to discharge herself from the facility against medical advice, that he had been aggressive,
`belligerent, threatening and disrespectful toward female staff, that he had kicked doors, that staff had
`to use force to control his behavior and he had violated company policy by entering staff only areas
`and utilizing the staff computer to watch p*rnography.
`Despiteall of the foregoing, the Defendant, ICARE,failed andrefused to discharge
`Miguel Lopez ortransfer him to “60 West”or anotherfacility due to their pecuniary interest.
`Furthermore, the Defendant, ICARE LLC,its agents, servants and/or employees, did
`tot register Miguel Lopez as a sex offenderanddid not require him to doso.
`Additionally, the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or employees, failed to
`provide security, change policies and/or give staff members any information, training, protective
`devices or guidance howto deal with a sex offender.
`The Plaintiff's, JANE DOE ’s, injuries were caused by the willful, wanton, reckless
`and serious misconduct of the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or employees,in
`disregard ofthe just rights and safety of others, including the Plaintiff, JANE DOE,in one or more
`of the following respects, in that:
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly placed a convictedrapist in the facility;
`In that they willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly failed to move MiguelOrtiz, despite
`his behavior, out of the dementia unit;
`They willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly failed to place Miguel Ortiz in “60 West,”
`or anotherfacility which was staffed and equipped to deal with recent parolees;
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly failed to transfer Miguel Ortiz prior to
`May 19, 2021 to “60 West,” or anotherfacility despite his behavior,
`They willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly took the risk that their female residents
`and staff at Fresh River Healthcare, including the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, would be
`sexually assaulted;
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly violated Connecticut General Statutes
`Section 31-49 by willfully and/orrecklessly failing to provide the Plaintiff, JANE
`DOE,with a reasonably safe place in which to work;
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly failed to take actions, implement safety
`measures, implement policies, give self-defense training or otherwisetrain staffat
`Fresh River Healthcare how to work with sex offenderspriorto the Plaintiff's, JANE
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly failed to establish appropriate policies and
`proceduresin place at Fresh River Healthcare to protect employees andresidents;
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly failed to modify or establish new policies
`and procedures at Fresh River Healthcare in response to Miguel Ortiz’ behaviorprior
`to May 19, 2021 to protect employees andresidents.
`13. At all times material hereto, the Defendant’s, [CARE’s, and/orits agents, servants
`and/or employees, actions were in reckless disregard of the consequences and wereasubstantial
`factor in causing the Plaintiff's, JANE DOK’s,injuries.
`As a result of the Defendant’s, [CARE’s, conduct the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, suffered
`tne following injuries, some of which may be permanentin nature and which were caused by or
`aggravated by said detainmentand assault:
`injury to her neck;
`injury to her back;
`injury to herribs;
`injury to herbreast;
`damageto herteeth;
`contusions and abrasions to the body;
`shock to the nervous system.
`Asa furtherresult the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, suffered pain and severesuffering
`accorpanied by pain, anxiety, post-traumatic stress andloss ofsleep.
`From all of the aforementionedinjuries and the effects thereof, the Plaintiff, JANE
`DOE,has suffered and will suffer great pain and mental anguish, some of whichinjuries or the
`effects thereof are or are medically probable to be permanent.
`17. Asafurtherresult of this occurrence, the Plaintiff, JANE DOE has incurred and/or
`will incurin the future, considerable expenses for physicians, hospital, medical and surgical care, x-
`rays, medicines, physiotherapy and/orothercare and treatment, all to her loss and damage.
`As a furtherresult of this occurrence, the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, who wasgainfully
`employed, was caused to lose considerable time from her employment andshesuffered a loss of
`wages, loss of earning capacity, and a future loss of earning capacity, to her furtherloss and damage.
`19. Asafurtherresult the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, has been and will in the future continue
`to be unable to pursuethelife style and engagein the activities which she wasable to enjoy before
`the assault and she has beenrequired to drastically restrict her activities and dramatically alter her
`life style and may continue to be impaired for herlifetime.
`1. On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, [CARE HEALTH MANAGEMENT,LLC,wasa
`Connecticut limited liability company authorizedto do business in Connecticut(hereinafter referred
`to as “ICARE”).
`2. On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE, owned, operated, managedand/or possessed a
`nursing homebusiness at 96 Prospect Hill Road, East Windsor, CT and was doing business as Fresh
`River Healthcare.
`3. On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE,wasin the business of providing nursing home
`care to patients at Fresh River Healthcare.
`4. Onsaid date, the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, was employed by the Defendant, ICARE,in the
`dementia unit.
`Prior to said date, the Defendant, ICARE,had anotherfacility in Rocky Hill,
`Connecticut called “60 West” wherein they had a unit that was equipped with security, safety
`protocols and staffed to take in recent parolees.
`6. On April 20, 2021 the Defendant, ICARE,took in to Fresh River Healthcare dementia
`unit Miguel Lopez who had beenconvicted ofa violent rape in Massachusetts in 2012 despite him
`not meeting the entrance qualifications for the dementia unit at Fresh River Healthcare and overthe
`cbjections of many oftheirstaff.
`7. On May 19, 2021 at approximately 1:45 p.m. while the Plaintiff, JANE DOE was
`working, Miguel Lopez unlawfully detained herin his room and violently sexually assaulted her.
`8. Prior to May 19, 2021, the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or employees,
`knew that since Miguel Lopez had been admitted on April 20, 2021, that he had acted in a violent,
`hostile and aggressive manner toward womenincluding, but not limited to, scaring another female
`patient to discharge herself from thefacility against medical advice,that he had been aggressive,
`belligerent, threatening and disrespectful toward female staff, that he had kicked doors, that staff had
`to use force to control his behavior and he had violated companypolicy by entering staff only areas
`andutilizing the staff computer to watch p*rnography.
`9. Despite all of the foregoing, the Defendant, ICARE,failed and refusedto discharge
`Miguel Lopezor transfer him to “60 West”or anotherfacility due to their pecuniaryinterests.
`10. Furthermore, the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or employees, did not
`register Miguel Lopez as a sex offenderand did not require him to do so.
`11. Additionally, the Defendant, ICARE, its agents, servants and/or employees,failed to
`provide security, change policies and/or give staff members any information,training, protective
`devices or guidance howto deal with a sex offender.
`12. The Plaintiff's, JANE DOE.’s, injuries were a direct and natural consequence ofthe
`intentional misconduct of the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or employees, in one or
`more of the following respects, in that:
`a. They knowingly andintentionally placed a convictedrapist in thefacility,
`knowing that in doing so the female residents and staff at Fresh River Healthcare,
`including the Plaintiff, JANE DOE would bein danger of sexualassault;
`b. They knowingly andintentionally failed to move Miguel Ortiz, despite his
`behavior, out of the dementia unit, knowing that in doing so the female residents
`and staff at Fresh River Healthcare, including the Plaintiff, JANE DOE werein
`danger of sexual assault;
`c. They knowingly andintentionally failed to place Miguel Ortiz in “60 West,”
`which wasstaffed and equippedto deal with recent parolees or another facility,
`knowingthat in doing so the female residents and staff at Fresh River Healthcare,
`including the Plaintiff, JANE DOE were in dangerof sexual assault;
`They knowingly andintentionally failed to transfer Miguel Ortiz prior to May 19,
`2021 to “60 West” or anotherfacility despite his behavior, knowingthat in doing
`so the female residents and staff at Fresh River Healthcare, including the Plaintiff,
`JANE DOEwerein dangerof sexual assault;
`They were aware ofthe danger and knowingly and intentionally took the risk that
`their female residents and staff at Fresh River Healthcare, including the Plaintiff,
`JANE DOE, would be sexually assaulted;
`They knowingly and intentionally violated Connecticut General Statutes Section
`31-49 by knowingly andintentionally failing to provide the Plaintiff, JANE
`DOE,with a reasonably safe place in which to work;
`They knowingly andintentionally failed to take actions, implementsafety
`measures, implementpolicies, give self-defense training or otherwise train staff at
`Fresh River Healthcare how to work with sex offenders prior to the Plaintiff's,
`JANE DOF’s, sexual assault which failure Defendant knew orshould have
`known wassubstantially certain to cause injury to Plaintiff, other employees or
`residents at Fresh River Healthcare;
`They knowingly andintentionally failed to establish appropriate policies and
`procedures in place at Fresh River Healthcare to protect employees and residents;
`i. They knowingly andintentionally failed to modify or establish newpolicies and
`procedures at Fresh River Healthcare in response to MiguelOrtiz’ behavior prior
`to May 19, 2021 to protect employees andresidents.
`13. At all times material hereto, the Defendant, ICARE,its agents, servants and/or
`employees knew theiractions created a dangerous conditionat the Plaintiff's workplace at 96
`Prospect Hill Road, East Windsor, Connecticut, for the Plaintiff,JANE DOK,and in doing so made
`the Plaintiff, JANE DOE ’s, injuries substantially certain to occur.
`As aresult of the Defendant’s, ICARE’s, conduct the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, suffered
`the following injuries, some of which may be permanent in nature and which werecaused by or
`aggravated by said detainment and assault:
`injury to her neck;
`injury to her back;
`injury to herribs;
`injury to her breast;
`damageto herteeth;
`contusions and abrasions to the body;
`shock to the nervous system.
`15. Asafurtherresult the Plaintiff, JANE DOE,suffered pain and severe suffering
`accompanied by pain, anxiety, post-traumatic stress andlossof sleep.
`Fromall of the aforementionedinjuries and the effects thereof, the Plaintiff, JANE
`DOE,has suffered and will suffer great pain and mental anguish, some of whichinjuries or the
`effects thereof are or are medically probable to be permanent.
`As a furtherresult of this occurrence,the Plaintiff,JANE DOE hasincurred and/or
`will incur in the future, considerable expenses for physicians, hospital, medical andsurgical care,x-
`rays, medicines, physiotherapy and/or othercare andtreatment, all to her loss and damage.
`As a furtherresult of this occurrence, the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, who was gainfully
`employed, was caused to lose considerable time from her employmentandshesuffered a loss of
`\ ages, loss of earning capacity, and a future loss of earning capacity, to her furtherloss and damage.
`19. Asafurtherresult the Plaintiff, JANE DOE,has been andwill in the future continue
`to be unableto pursuethe life style and engagein the activities which she wasable to enjoy before
`the assault and she has beenrequired to drastically restrict her activities and dramatically alter her
`life style and may continue to be impaired for her lifetime.
`(NegligentInfliction of Emotional Distress as to ICARE HEALTH
`1.-19. Paragraphs 1 through 19 of Count One are hereby repeated and re-alleged as
`Paragraphs | through 19 of Count Three,as if fully set forth herein.
`The Defendant should haverealized that their conduct involved an unreasonable risk
`of causing emotional distress and that that distress, if caused, mightresult in illness or bodily harm.
`As a result of the Defendant’s conduct, the Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress,
`including, but not limited to severe humiliation, embarrassment, nightmares, reliving of the event,
`and harmto her psyche and reputation, requiring intensive psychological treatment.
`Thedistress created by being violently and sexually assaulted, was of such a nature as
`mightresultin illness or bodily harm, and did so result.
`Asa furtherresult of the Defendants’ conduct, the Plaintiff has been deprived ofher
`dignity, employment, income, wages,benefits, and the ability to enjoy a normallife.
`COUNTFOUR:(IntentionalInfliction of Emotional Distress as to [CARE HEALTH
`1.-23. Paragraphs | through 23 of Count Twoare hereby repeated andre-alleged as
`Paragraphs | through 23 of Count Four, asiffully set forth herein.
`The Defendant engaged in extreme and outrageous conduct. For example:
`a. The Defendant knowingly and willfully placed or allowed to be placed, a known,
`convictedrapist into a dementia unit that was not designed to receive such
`b. The Defendant knew that the convicted rapist did not meet the qualifications for
`the dementia unit at Fresh River;
`c. The Defendant placed a convicted rapist in the dementia unit, despite the
`foregoing, and even thoughthere wereother facilities including, but not limited
`to, 60 West, which were equipped to handle residents with Mr. Lopez’s
`d. The Defendantplaced the convicted rapist in the dementia unit where the Plaintiff
`worked overthe objections of staff members including butnot limited to the
`e. The Defendant kept Mr. Lopez in the dementia unit for their benefit even though
`he had repeatedly violated policies, such as entering staff only areas, using staff
`The Defendant kept Mr. Lopez in the dementia unit fortheir benefit even though
`he had repeatedly disrespected, threatened, intimidated, andfrightened other
`female patients andstaff;
`g. The Defendant failed to provide adequate security andtraining forthe staff in the
`dementia unit of Fresh River Healthcare.
`The Defendantintendedto inflict emotional distress, or knew or should have known
`that their conduct would likely result in emotionaldistress.
`26.|The Defendants’ conduct was the cause ofthe Plaintiffs emotionaldistress.
`As a result of the Defendant’s conduct, the Plaintiff has suffered severe emotional
`distress, including, but not limited to severe humiliation, embarrassment, nightmares,reliving of the
`event, anxiety, and harm to her psyche andreputation, requiring intensive psychological treatment.
`As a further result of the Defendants’ conduct,the Plaintiff has been deprived of her
`dignity, employment, income, wages, benefits, and the ability to enjoy a normallife.
`COUNT FIVE (Willful/Reckless/Wanton as to Kettle Brook Care Center, LLC d/b/a Fresh
`River Healthcare)
`On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, Kettle Brook Care Center, LLC was a
`Connecticut limited liability company authorized to do business in Connecticut and was doing
`business as Fresh River Healthcare (hereinafter referred to as “Kettle Brook”).
`2. On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, Kettle Brook, owned, operated, managed and/or
`possessed a nursing homebusiness at 96 Prospect Hill Road, East Windsor, CT and was doing
`business as Fresh River Healthcare.
`3. On May 19, 2021 the Defendant, Kettle Brook, was in the business of providing nursing
`homecareto patients at Fresh River Healthcare.
`4. Onsaid date, the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, was employed by the Defendant, Kettle Brook,
`in the dementia unit.
`5. Prior to said date, the Defendant, Kettle Brook, had anotherfacility in Rocky Hill,
`Connecticut called “60 West” wherein they had a unit that was equipped with security, safety
`protocols and staffed to take in recentparolees.
`6. On April 20, 2021 the Defendant, Kettle Brook, took in to Fresh River Healthcare
`dementia unit Miguel Lopez who had beenconvicted of a violent rape in Massachusetts in 2012
`despite him not meeting the entrance qualifications for the dementia unit at Fresh River Healthcare
`and overthe objections of manyoftheirstaff.
`7. On May 19, 2021 at approximately 1:45 p.m. while the Plaintiff, JANE DOE was
`working, Miguel Lopez unlawfully detained herin his room and violently sexually assaulted her.
`8. Prior to May 19, 2021, the Defendant, Kettle Brook,its agents, servants and/or
`employees, knew that since Miguel Lopez had been admitted on April 20, 2021, that he had acted in
`a violent, hostile and aggressive manner toward womenincluding, but not limited to, scaring another
`{:male patient to dischargeherself from the facility against medical advice, that he had been
`aggressive, belligerent, threatening and disrespectful toward femalestaff, that he had kicked doors,
`that staff had to use force to control his behaviorand he had violated companypolicyby entering
`staff only areas andutilizing the staff computer to watch p*rnography.
`9. Despite all of the foregoing, the Defendant, Kettle Brook,failed and refused to discharge
`10. Furthermore, the Defendant, Kettle Brook, its agents, servants and/or employees, did not
`register Miguel Lopez as a sex offenderand did not require him to do so.
`11. Additionally, the Defendant, Kettle Brook, its agents, servants and/or employees, failed
`to provide security, change policies and/or give staff members any information,training, protective
`devices or guidance how to deal with a sex offender.
`12. The Plaintiff's, JANE DOE ’s, injuries were caused by the willful, wanton, reckless and
`serious misconduct of the Defendant, Kettle Brook,its agents, servants and/or employees,in
`disregard of the just rights and safety of others, including the Plaintiff,JANE DOE,in one or more
`of the following respects, in that:
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly placed a convictedrapist in the
`In that they willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly failed to move Miguel Ortiz,
`despite his behavior, out of the dementia unit;
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly failed to place MiguelOrtiz in “60
`West,”or another facility which was staffed and equipped to deal with recent
`. They willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly failed to transfer Miguel Ortiz prior to
`May 19, 2021 to “60 West,” or anotherfacility despite his behavior;
`They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly took the risk that their female residents
`and staff at Fresh River Healthcare, including the Plaintiff, JANE DOE, would be
`o. They willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly violated Connecticut General Statutes
`Section 31-49 by willfully and/or recklessly failing to provide the Plaintiff, JANE
`DOE,with a reasonably safe place in which to work;
`p. They willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly failed to take actions, implement safety
`measures, implementpolicies, give self-defense training or otherwisetrain staff at
`Fresh River Healthcare how to work with sex offenders priorto the Plaintiffs,
`JANE DOE’s, sexual assault;
`q. They willfully, wantonly and/or recklessly failed to establish appropriate policies
`and proceduresin place at Fresh River Healthcare to protect employees and
`residents; and/or
`r. They willfully, wantonly and/orrecklessly failed to modify or establish new
`policies and proceduresat Fresh River Healthcare in response to Miguel Ortiz’
`behaviorprior to May 19, 2021 to protect employees andresidents.
`13. At all times material hereto, the Defendant’s, Kettle Brook’s, and/or its agents, servants
`and/or employees, actions werein reckless disregard of the consequences and were a substantial
`factor in causing the Plaintiff's,JANE DOEF’s, injuries.
`As a result of the Defendant’s, Kettle Brook’s, conduct the Plaintiff, JANE DOE,
`suffered the followinginjuries, some of which may be permanent in nature and which were caused
`by or »ggravated by said detainmentand assault:
`injury to her neck;
`injury to herribs;
`injury to herbreast;
`damageto herteeth;
`contusions and abrasionsto the body;
`shock to the nervous system.
`15. Asafurtherresult the Plaintiff, JANE DOE,suffered pain and severe suffering
`eccompaniedby pain, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and loss ofsleep.
`From all of the aforementioned injuries and the effects thereof, the Plaintiff,