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September 30, 2005

Date Issued: October 21, 2005Final Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431





This report was prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., under

contract to the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General, andby acceptance, it becomes a report of the Office of Inspector General.

__________________________U.S. Department of LaborAssistant Ins ector General for Audit

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for the 1U.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431

Table of Contents

Assistant Inspector General for Audit’s Memorandum……………………… ..........................3

1. A. Independent Auditors' Report on the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, NetIntra-Governmental Accounts Receivable and Benefit Expense........................ 5

B. Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-Governmental AccountsReceivable and Benefit Expense ...........................................................................7

C. Notes to the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable and Benefit Expense..........................................................8

2. A. Independent Accountants' Report on Applying Agreed-UponProcedures.............................................................................................................13

B. Schedules

Schedule of Actuarial Liability by Agency.........................................................15

Schedule of Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable by Agency.......... 17

Schedule of Benefit Expense by Agency........................................................... 19

C. Agreed-Upon Procedures and Results

Summary ...............................................................................................................21

Actuarial Liability ................................................................................................. 22

Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable ..................................................28

Benefit Expense ................................................................................................... 30


Acronyms and Abbreviations .............................................................................37

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

2 Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

U.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General 3Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431

U.S. Department of Labor Office of Inspector GeneralWashington, DC 20210

Assistant Inspector General for Audit’s Memorandum



FROM: ELLIOT P. LEWISAssistant Inspector General for Audit

SUBJECT: Special Report Relating to the Federal Employees’ CompensationAct Special Benefit Fund – FY 2005

Report No. 22-06-006-04-431

Attached is the special report on the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) SpecialBenefit Fund (the Fund) that was prepared to assist in the audit of your agency’s annual financial

statements. The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Office of

Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), administers the Fund and the DOL Office ofInspector General is responsible for auditing the Fund.

The Office of Inspector General contracted with the independent certified public accounting firm

of M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C. to prepare the special report on the Fund as of and for theyear ended September 30, 2005. This special report consists of two separate reports. The first

report is an opinion on the total actuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts receivable,

and total benefit expense of the Fund as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005. Theauditor issued an unqualified opinion on this report. The second report is an agreed-upon

procedures (AUP) report on the schedules of actuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts

receivable and benefit expense by agency as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005. Thisreport includes a description of the procedures performed and the results of those procedures.

The sufficiency of the procedures referred to in the AUP is solely the responsibility of the partiesspecified in this report. Consequently, neither the Office of Inspector General nor M.D.

Oppenheim & Company, P.C. makes any representations regarding the sufficiency of theprocedures. Because the AUP performed did not constitute an audit, the auditor did not expressan opinion on any elements, accounts or items as they pertained to the AUP report. Further,

neither the Office of Inspector General nor M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C. has any

obligation to perform any procedures beyond those listed in the attached report.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

4 U.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431

M.D. Oppenheim & Company is responsible for the attached special report dated October 7,

2005, and the conclusions expressed in the report. We reviewed M.D. Oppenheim & Company’sreport and related documentation and inquired of its representatives. Our review, as

differentiated from an audit in accordance with generally accepted government auditing

standards, was not intended to enable us to express, and we do not express, opinions on: the totalactuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts receivable, and total benefit expense of the

Fund as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005; or the AUP report on the schedules of

actuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts receivable and benefit expense by agency as

of and for the year ended September 30, 2005. However, our review disclosed no instanceswhere M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C. did not comply, in all material respects, with

generally accepted government auditing standards.

If you have any comments or suggestions on the contents or sufficiency of this report or the

procedures performed that you would like considered for future audits, please send your

comments via regular mail, facsimile, or e-mail to:

Michael T. McFadden

Director, Office of Accountability AuditsU.S. Department of Labor

Office of Inspector General

200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Room N-5620Washington, D.C. 20210

Fax: (202) 693-5237e-mail: [emailprotected]

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for the 5U.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Independent Auditors’ Report on theSchedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-Governmental

Accounts Receivable and Benefit Expense

Victoria A. Lipnic, Assistant SecretaryEmployment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,Government Accountability Office, Office of Management and Budget,and Other Specified Agencies:

We have audited the accompanying Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable and Benefit Expense (the Schedule) of theFederal Employees' Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund as of and for the yearended September 30, 2005. This schedule is the responsibility of the U.S.Department of Labor's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion onthis schedule based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted inthe United States of America, and the standards applicable to financial auditscontained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of

the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit toobtain reasonable assurance about whether the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, NetIntra-Governmental Accounts Receivable and Benefit Expense is free of materialmisstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting theamounts and disclosures in the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable and Benefit Expense. An audit also includesassessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made bymanagement, as well as evaluating the overall schedule presentation. We believethat our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts

Receivable and Benefit Expense referred to above presents fairly, in all materialrespects, the actuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts receivable and benefitexpense of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund as of andfor the year ended September 30, 2005, in conformity with accounting principlesgenerally accepted in the United States of America.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

6 Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the U.S. Department ofLabor, Government Accountability Office, Office of Management and Budget and thoseFederal agencies listed in Section 2B of this report and is not intended to be and shouldnot be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

October 7, 2005

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431



U.S. Department of LaborFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable and Benefit Expense

As of and For the Year Ended September 30, 2005

(Dollars inThousands)

Actuarial Liability $ 26,007,693

Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable $ 3,648,135

Benefit Expense $ 2,811,329

See independent auditors' report and accompanying notes to this financial schedule.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

8 Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Notes to the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable and Benefit Expense

As of and For the Year Ended September 30, 2005

1. Significant Accounting Policies

a. Basis of Presentation

This schedule has been prepared to report the actuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts receivable and benefit expense of the FederalEmployees' Compensation Act (FECA) Special Benefit Fund. The SpecialBenefit Fund was established by the Federal Employees' Compensation Act toprovide for the financial needs resulting from compensation and medical benefits

authorized under the Act. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), EmploymentStandards Administration (ESA) is charged with the responsibility of operatingthe Special Benefit Fund under the provisions of the Act. The schedule has beenprepared from the accounting records of the Special Benefit Fund.

The actuarial liability, net intra-governmental accounts receivable and benefitexpense of the Special Benefit Fund have been considered specified accountsfor the purpose of this special report and have been reported thereon. ESA isresponsible for providing annual data to the CFO Act and other specifiedagencies. ESA's annual data is defined as the actuarial liability of the SpecialBenefit Fund. This annual data is necessary for the specified agencies to

support and prepare their respective financial statements.

The actuarial liability for future workers' compensation benefits is an accruedestimate as of September 30, 2005. The net intra-governmental accountsreceivable is the amount due from Federal agencies for benefit payments paid toemployees of the employing agency. The net intra-governmental accountsreceivable includes amounts which were billed to the employing agenciesthrough June 30, 2005, but not paid as of September 30, 2005, including prioryears, if applicable, plus the accrued receivable for benefit payments not yetbilled for the period of July 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005, less credits duefrom the public. Benefit expense consists of benefits paid and accrued for the

period from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005, plus the net change in theactuarial liability for the year.

Benefit payments are intended to provide income and medical cost protection tocovered Federal civilian employees injured on the job, employees who haveincurred a work-related occupational disease and beneficiaries of employeeswhose death is attributable to job-related injury or occupational disease.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for the 9U.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Notes to the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable and Benefit Expense

As of and For the Year Ended September 30, 2005

The actuarial liability is computed from the history of benefits paid. The benefitspaid, inflation and interest rate assumptions, and other economic factors areapplied to the actuarial model that calculates the liability estimate.

b. Basis of Accounting

The accounting and reporting policies of the Federal Employees' CompensationAct Special Benefit Fund relating to the Schedule conform to accountingprinciples generally accepted in the United States of America.

Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) Number 5,Section 38, Accounting for Liabilities of the Federal Government, requires that acontingent liability be recognized when three conditions are met. First, a pastevent or exchange transaction has occurred. Second, a future outflow or othersacrifice of resources is probable. Finally, the future outflow or sacrifice ofresources is measurable.

An estimate of claims that have been incurred but not reported (IBNR) areincluded in the actuarial liability. Therefore, the actuarial liability represents theestimated present value of future compensation and medical payments basedupon approved claims, plus a component for incurred but not reported claims.

2. Actuarial Liability (Future Workers’ Compensation Benefits)

The Special Benefit Fund was established under the authority of the FederalEmployees' Compensation Act to provide income and medical cost protection tocovered Federal civilian employees injured on the job, employees who haveincurred a work-related occupational disease and beneficiaries of employeeswhose death is attributable to a job-related injury or occupational disease. Thefund is reimbursed by other Federal agencies for the FECA benefit paymentsmade on behalf of their workers.

The actuarial liability for future workers’ compensation reported on the scheduleincludes the expected liability for death, disability, medical and miscellaneouscosts for approved cases. The liability is determined using a method that utilizeshistorical benefit payment patterns related to a specific incurred period to predictthe ultimate payments related to that period.

Consistent with past practice, these projected annual benefit payments havebeen discounted to present value using the Office of Management and Budget's

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431



Notes to the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable and Benefit Expense

As of and For the Year Ended September 30, 2005

(OMB) economic assumptions for 10-year Treasury notes and bonds. Theinterest rate assumptions utilized for discounting was 4.53% in year 1 and 5.02%in subsequent years.

To provide more specifically for the effects of inflation on the liability for futureworkers' compensation benefits, wage inflation factors (cost of living allowance orCOLA) and medical inflation factors (consumer price index-medical or CPI-Med)are applied to the calculation of projected future benefits. These factors are alsoused to adjust the historical payments to current year constant dollars. The

liability is determined assuming an annual payment at mid-year.The compensation COLA and the CPI-Med used in the model's calculation ofestimates were as follows:


2006 3.33% 4.09%2007 2.93% 4.01%2008 2.40% 4.01%2009 2.40% 4.01%2010 2.40% 4.01%

The medical inflation rates presented represent an average of publishedquarterly rates covering the benefit payment fiscal year. The compensationfactors presented are the blended rates used by the model rather than thepublished June 15, 2005 FECA-COLA factor from which the blended rates arederived.

3. Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable

Net intra-governmental accounts receivable is the total of the amounts billed toFederal agencies through June 30, 2005 but had not been paid as ofSeptember 30, 2005, including prior year’s amounts billed, if applicable, plus an

estimated accrued receivable for benefit payments not yet billed for the periodJuly 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005, less applicable credits. The SpecialBenefit Fund also receives an appropriation for special cases and older caseswhere employing agencies are not charged for benefit payments.

Each Federal agency is required by the Federal Employees’ Compensation Actto include in their annual budget estimate a request for an appropriation in theamount equal to the agency cost. Agencies not receiving an appropriation arerequired to pay agency costs from funds directly under their control.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431



Notes to the Schedule of Actuarial Liability, Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable and Benefit Expense

As of and For the Year Ended September 30, 2005

In addition, certain corporations and instrumentalities are assessed under theFederal Employees' Compensation Act for a fair share of the costs ofadministering disability claims filed by their employees. The fair share costs areincluded in the net intra-governmental accounts receivable.

4. Benefit Expense

Benefit expense for the year ended September 30, 2005 was comprised of thefollowing (dollars in thousands):

Benefits paid for compensation $ 1,692,469

Benefits paid for medical benefits 681,038

Change in accrued benefits 854

Change in actuarial liability 436,968

Total benefit expense $ 2,811,329

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431



Independent Accountants’ Reporton Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures

Victoria A. Lipnic, Assistant SecretaryEmployment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,

Government Accountability Office, Office of Management and Budget,and Other Specified Agencies:

We have performed the procedures described in Section 2C, Agreed-UponProcedures and Results, which were agreed to by the U.S. Department of Labor,Government Accountability Office, Office of Management and Budget, the CFO Actagencies and other specified agencies listed in the Schedules of Actuarial Liability byAgency, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable by Agency and BenefitExpense by Agency (Section 2B) of this special report, solely to assist you and suchagencies with respect to the accompanying Schedules of Actuarial Liability byAgency, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable by Agency and BenefitExpense by Agency (Section 2B) of the Federal Employees' Compensation ActSpecial Benefit Fund as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005.

The Department of Labor is responsible for the Schedules (Section 2B). TheSchedule of Actuarial Liability by Agency at September 30, 2005, represents thepresent value of the estimated future benefits to be paid pursuant to the FederalEmployees' Compensation Act. The Schedule of Net Intra-Governmental AccountsReceivable by Agency is the total of the amounts billed to Federal agencies throughJune 30, 2005 which had not yet been paid as of September 30, 2005 plus theestimated accrued receivable for benefit payments not yet billed for the period July 1,2005 through September 30, 2005, less applicable credits. The Schedule of BenefitExpense by Agency is the benefits paid and accrued for the fiscal year endedSeptember 30, 2005, plus the net change in the actuarial liability for the year.

This agreed-upon procedures engagement was conducted in accordance withattestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified PublicAccountants and with Government Auditing Standards, issued by the ComptrollerGeneral of the United States.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


An actuary was engaged to perform certain procedures relating to the actuarial liabilityas described in Section 2C.

We express no opinion on the Federal Employees' Compensation Act Special Benefit

Fund's internal controls over financial reporting or any part thereof.

The sufficiency of the procedures is solely the responsibility of the parties specified inthis report. Consequently, we make no representation regarding the sufficiency of theprocedures described in Section 2C either for the purpose for which this report hasbeen requested or for any other purpose. Our agreed-upon procedures and results arepresented in Section 2C of this report.

We were not engaged to, and did not perform an audit of the Schedules of ActuarialLiability by Agency, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable by Agency andBenefit Expense by Agency, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on

the Schedules or a part thereof. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Hadwe performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attentionthat would have been reported to you.

This report should not be used by those who have not agreed to the procedures andtaken responsibility for the sufficiency of the procedures for their purposes. This reportis intended solely for the information and use of the U.S. Department of Labor,Government Accountability Office, Office of Management and Budget and those Federalagencies listed in Section 2B of this report and is not intended to be and should not beused by anyone other than these specified parties.

October 7, 2005

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431



U.S. Department of LaborEmployment Standards Administration

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Actuarial Liability by Agency

As of September 30, 2005



(Dollars in thousands)

Agency for International Development $ 23,726

Environmental Protection Agency 39,380

General Services Administration 170,113National Aeronautics and Space Administration 62,430

National Science Foundation 1,382

Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8,417

Office of Personnel Management 25,653

United States Postal Service 8,663,963

Small Business Administration 28,967

Social Security Administration 284,589

Tennessee Valley Authority 580,506

U. S. Department of Agriculture 834,415

U. S. Department of the Air Force 1,399,314

U. S. Department of the Army 1,950,173

U. S. Department of Commerce 173,415

U. S. Department of Defense – other 844,007

U. S. Department of Education 18,082

U. S. Department of Energy 98,479

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 270,354

U. S. Department of Homeland Security 1,473,295

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 81,613

U. S. Department of the Interior 689,306

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431



U.S. Department of LaborEmployment Standards Administration

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Actuarial Liability by Agency

As of September 30, 2005



(Dollars in thousands)

U. S. Department of Justice $ 926,336

U. S. Department of Labor 233,651

U. S. Department of the Navy 2,725,371

U. S. Department of State 60,288

U. S. Department of Transportation 1,007,910

U. S. Department of the Treasury 644,620

U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs 1,776,459

Other agencies 1 911,479

Total - all agencies (Memo Only) $ 26,007,693

1 Non-billable and other agencies for which ESA has not individually calculated an actuarial liability.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431



U.S. Department of LaborEmployment Standards Administration

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable by Agency

As of September 30, 2005


AmountsBilled Not

Yet Paid(1)(Dollars inthousands)


Not YetBilled (2)(Dollars inthousands)

CreditsDue fromPublic (3)(Dollars inthousands)

Net Intra-Governmental

AccountsReceivable (4)

(Dollars inthousands)

Agency for International Development $ 6,420 $ 1,063 $ (54) $ 7,429

Environmental Protection Agency 7,395 1,148 (59) 8,484

General Services Administration 29,942 4,653 (238) 34,357

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 13,363 1,948 (100) 15,211

National Science Foundation 246 38 (2) 282

Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1,615 282 (14) 1,883

Office of Personnel Management 3,427 689 (35) 4,081

United States Postal Service (22,418) 265,630 (13,561) 229,651

Small Business Administration 4,605 715 (37) 5,283Social Security Administration 46,408 7,228 (369) 53,267

Tennessee Valley Authority 67,294 17,655 (901) 84,048

U. S. Department of Agriculture 137,868 21,703 (1,107) 158,464

U. S. Department of the Air Force 253,745 39,369 (2,010) 291,104

U. S. Department of the Army 279,982 43,820 (2,237) 321,565

U. S. Department of Commerce 26,307 4,582 (233) 30,656

U. S. Department of Defense – other 158,045 24,831 (1,268) 181,608

U. S. Department of Education 3,437 435 (23) 3,849

U. S. Department of Energy 15,675 2,958 (151) 18,482

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 46,528 7,568 (387) 53,709

1 Amount billed through June 30, 2005 (including prior years) but not yet paid as of September 30, 2005.

2 Amounts paid and accrued but not yet billed for the period July 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005.

3 Allocation of credits due from the public through September 30, 2005

4 Total amount due to the fund for each agency as of September 30, 2005.

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Special Report Relating to theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431



U.S. Department of LaborEmployment Standards Administration

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Net Intra-GovernmentalAccounts Receivable by Agency

As of September 30, 2005


AmountsBilled Not Yet

Paid(1)(Dollars inthousands)


Not YetBilled(2)(Dollars inthousands)

Credits Duefrom Public

(3)(Dollars inthousands)

Net Intra-Governmental


(Dollars inthousands)

U. S. Department of Homeland Security 316,193 43,740 (2,233) 357,700

U. S. Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment 15,193 2,370 (122) 17,441

U. S. Department of the Interior 114,043 18,018 (920) 131,141

U. S. Department of Justice 155,066 25,881 (1,321) 179,626

U. S. Department of Labor 44,538 7,966 (406) 52,098

U. S. Department of the Navy 482,935 75,184 (3,838) 554,281

U. S. Department of State 14,584 2,349 (120) 16,813

U. S. Department of Transportation 185,540 29,305 (1,496) 213,349

U. S. Department of the Treasury 101,276 16,015 (818) 116,473

U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs 310,388 49,376 (2,520) 357,244

Other agencies 127,700 21,978 (1,122) 148,556

Total - all agencies (Memo Only) $ 2,947,340 $ 738,497 $ (37,702) $ 3,648,135

1 Amount billed through June 30, 2005 (including prior years) but not yet paid as of September 30, 2005.

2 Amounts paid and accrued but not yet billed for the period July 1, 2005 through September 30, 2005.

3 Allocation of credits due from public through September 30, 2005

4 Total amount due to the fund for each agency as of September 30, 2005.

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Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431



U.S. Department of LaborEmployment Standards Administration

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Benefit Expense by Agency

As of September 30, 2005


BenefitsPaid andAccrued(Dollars inthousands)

Change inActuarialLiability(Dollars inthousands)


Expense(Dollars inthousands)

Agency for International Development $ 3,127 $ (797) $ 2,330

Environmental Protection Agency 3,623 (901) 2,722

General Services Administration 14,713 (6,238) 8,475

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 6,147 (6,446) (299)

National Science Foundation 120 (83) 37

Nuclear Regulatory Commission 834 303 1,137

Office of Personnel Management 2,342 2,403 4,745

United States Postal Service 840,581 284,131 1,124,712

Small Business Administration 2,225 531 2,756

Social Security Administration 23,322 (3,569) 19,753

Tennessee Valley Authority 55,501 (13,955) 41,546

U. S. Department of Agriculture 68,578 (1,926) 66,652

U. S. Department of the Air Force 124,381 (19,518) 104,863

U. S. Department of the Army 176,020 12,355 188,375

U. S. Department of Commerce 14,348 (5,771) 8,577

U. S. Department of Defense - other 64,121 (3,966) 60,155

U. S. Department of Education 1,385 (1,800) (415)

U. S. Department of Energy 9,383 3,295 12,678

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services 23,977 3,965 27,942

U.S. Department of Homeland Security 141,062 75,134 216,196

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U.S. Department of LaborEmployment Standards Administration

Federal Employees’ Compensation Act Special Benefit Fund

Schedule of Benefit Expense by Agency

As of September 30, 2005


BenefitsPaid andAccrued(Dollars inthousands)

Change inActuarialLiability(Dollars inthousands)


Expense(Dollars inthousands)

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 7,597 2,991 10,588

U. S. Department of the Interior 58,105 24,450 82,555

U. S. Department of Justice 80,316 97,000 177,316

U. S. Department of Labor 20,397 (2,909) 17,488

U. S. Department of the Navy 236,754 (18,670) 218,084

U. S. Department of State 7,190 304 7,494

U. S. Department of Transportation 92,410 (12,590) 79,820

U. S. Department of the Treasury 49,937 (33,652) 16,285

U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs 158,833 23,564 182,397Other agencies (1) 87,032 39,333 126,365

Total - all agencies (Memo Only) $ 2,374,361 $ 436,968 $ 2,811,329

1 Non-billable and other agencies for which ESA has not individually calculated an actuarial liability.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results


Our objective was to perform specified agreed-upon procedures on the Schedules ofActuarial Liability by Agency, Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable by Agency,and Benefit Expense by Agency as of and for the year ended September 30, 2005.These procedures were performed in accordance with attestation standards establishedby the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Government AuditingStandards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States.

We applied the following agreed-upon procedures as summarized below:

Actuarial Liability - Consistent with prior years, the actuarial liability was evaluated by anindependent actuary. Agreed-upon procedures were performed on the methodology,assumptions and information used in the model. The 2005 benefit payments predictedby the model for 2004 were compared to actual payments made in 2005, and analyticalprocedures were performed relating the change in the liability amount by agency to thechange in the aggregate liability.

Net Intra-Governmental Accounts Receivable – Accounts receivable balances as ofSeptember 30, 2005, were confirmed with the CFO Act agencies and other selectedFederal agencies. Agreed-upon procedures were performed on FY 2005 accountsreceivable and compared with FY 2004 accounts receivable regarding new receivablesand collections. We reviewed the 4th quarter estimation methodology forreasonableness and compared the estimate to the actual.

Benefit Expense - Agreed-upon procedures were applied to the benefit payments madeduring the current fiscal year by District office and by agency as compared to benefitpayments of the prior fiscal year. Agreed-upon procedures were applied to DOL’s 4thquarter estimation methodology. We calculated the change in the actuarial liability fromthe prior year to the current year.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431




An independent actuary evaluated the actuarial model and the resulting actuarialliability. The independent actuary issued a report stating the aggregate actuarial liabilitywas reasonably stated in accordance with Actuarial Standards. We performed agreed-upon procedures on the calculation of the actuarial liability by employing agency. Ourprocedures included considerations of how the change in each agency's liability relatedto the change in the total estimate, its own history, its group, and to the benefitpayments made during the current year.

Procedures and Results

Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Engaged a certified actuary to review thecalculations of the actuarial liability as to:

• Whether or not the assumptions usedby the model were appropriate for thepurpose and method to which theywere applied.

• Whether or not such assumptionswere applied correctly and if othercalculations within the model wereperformed in a manner as to generateappropriate results.

• Whether or not tests of calculationsprovided a reasonable basis regardingthe integrity of the model as a whole.

• Whether or not the overall resultswere reasonable.

The actuary’s review of the model indicated thatthe assumptions were appropriate for thepurpose and method applied. The actuary testedthe calculations included in the model andreported that they were performed consistent withthe model's stated assumptions.

The actuary’s review of the model indicated thatthe assumptions were applied correctly and thatcalculations were performed in such a way as togenerate results which are appropriate overall.Additional detailed checks of calculations anddata flow revealed no errors in the methodologyused.

The methodology and assumptions applied to thecalculations tested provide a reasonable basis inregard to the integrity of the model as a whole.

The actuary indicated that the model calculationof the liability and the overall results werereasonable under the method and assumptionsused.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Confirmed with the American Academy ofActuaries and the Casualty ActuarialSociety as to whether the actuary wasaccredited and in good standing with theassociations. Obtained a statement ofindependence from the actuarial firm andtwo references from clients of theactuarial firm as to the actuary's work.

The actuarial specialist was accredited and ingood standing with the American Academy ofActuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society.The actuarial consulting firm certified that theywere independent from the DOL. The actuarialconsulting firm provided references statingexperience in the type of work required for thisengagement. The references were contacted,and they confirmed the actuary possessed theexpertise and experience required for thisengagement.

Compared and evaluated the economicassumptions used by the model for 2004to the assumptions used during thecurrent year.

The model utilizes estimates of prospectiveinflation and interest rates to project and thendiscount future benefit payments. As publishedby OMB, prospective interest rates of 10-yearTreasury bills decreased from 5.2% for the prioryear to an average of 4.97% for the current year.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) estimatesof COLA increased from a 10-year average of2.40% for the prior year to a 10-year average of2.53% for the current year, and CPI-Med factorsincreased by .01% to a 10-year average of4.03%.

In combination, these rate changes resulted in adecrease in the net effective rate (interest rateless inflation rate) of approximately 14% (from2.47% to 2.12%). The result of the changes inestimated prospective rates was to increase theestimated actuarial liability by approximately3.7% from what the liability would have been had2004 rates been used for the year 2005calculation.

Compared the interest (used fordiscounting the future liability to thepresent value) and inflation rates used bythe model to the source documents fromwhich they were derived.

The interest rates used in the model were thesame interest rates stated in OMB’s publication.The inflation rates used in the model werederived from the indices cited. No exceptionswere noted.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Compared the estimated actuarial liabilityby agency, as reported in a Memorandumto the CFOs of Executive Departmentsissued by DOL’s Chief Financial Officer,to the liability calculated by the model andreported on the Projected LiabilityReports.

The liability reported in the Memorandum issuedto the CFOs of Executive Departments of theunaudited, estimated actuarial liability for futureworkers' compensation benefits agreed with theliability calculated by the model and reported onthe Projected Liability Reports.

Compared both the current year benefit

payments by agency and the aggregate2001-2005 benefit payments used by themodel with the amount of benefitpayments reflected in the SummaryChargeback Billing Report. Determinedwhether the benefit payment data used bythe model was the same data on whichagreed-upon procedures for benefitpayments were performed.

There were three errors resulting in less than

.003% impact on the liabilities of any agenciesaffected.

The 2001-2005 benefits input into the modelagreed to the previous years’ Chargeback BillingReports without exception.

Determined whether the implementationof the new compensation payment

system, iFECS, in FY 2005 or the FY2004 implementation of the medical billpayment system, CBP, resulted in anyadjustments to the actuarial liabilitycalculation in the current year.Requested an explanation for anyadjustments made and determined ifreasonable.

The $15 million adjustment made to the liabilitycalculation in 2004 (related to the implementation

of CBP) was not carried forward as an increase in2005 and was not reversed in the current year.DOL concluded no further adjustment wasnecessary in 2005. The actuarial reviewperformed determined the methodology andassumptions were reasonable.

In FY 2005 a delay in processing compensationpayments was identified due to theimplementation of iFECS. The impact on theactuarial liability was calculated to beapproximately .2%. No adjustment to the liabilitywas deemed necessary by DOL.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Determined the basis of the agencygroupings and performed tests tocompare the consistency of the groupingwith the prior year. Determined the impacton applicable agencies of such inclusionin a grouping.

The groupings were consistent with the prioryear.

The liabilities are allocated to five agency groupsbased on identifiable risk characteristics that canbe expected to produce similar loss developmentpatterns and similar loss cost per exposure unit.The agency group liability is then allocated toeach agency in accordance with that agency’sspecific characteristics: open claims, claimdevelopment history, etc. The impact on theagencies is to produce more stable and accuratepredictions.

Calculated the change in the actuarialliability by agency and in the aggregate.Compared the variances of agencyactuarial liabilities that changed by morethan 10 percent with the results of aLiability to Benefits Paid (LBP) ratiopredictive test (which applies the LBPratio to each agency’s prior year liabilityadjusted for their change in benefitpayments and economic assumptions).For agencies whose change in actuarialliability was not within 10 percent ofpredictive test results, identified thereason or requested an explanation.

The aggregate liability increased approximately1.6%. Agency liabilities that changed by morethan 10% include OPM (96.17%) and DOJ(11.70%).

Both agencies had an increase in benefits paid in2005 (OPM 75% and DOJ 8%). Predictive testsfor OPM and DOJ were lower than the modelcalculation by -5.9% and -3.6%, respectively,which is within 10% of the actual liabilities.Therefore, no additional explanation wasnecessary.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Calculated the ratio of the liability to thebenefit payments (LBP) by agency andcompared this to the agency group ratio.Identified and requested explanations forthose agencies for which the ratio variedby more than 10 percent from their groupratio and laid outside the range of groupaverages based on predictive test results.

The Liabilities to Benefits Paid ratio (LBP) was11.0. By group, the ratio ranged from 10.2(Group V-USPS) to 12.3 (Group III).

The following agencies varied by more than 10%from their group’s ratio and fell outside the grouprange: USAID (7.6-Group III), State (8.7-GroupIV), NASA (9.3-Group IV) and OPM (16.9-GroupIII).

The model calculated within 10% of a predictivetest based upon each agency’s prior year liabilityadjusted for their change in benefit payments andeconomic assumptions for all but USAID. Themodel calculation for USAID was lower than theprediction by approximately 19.2%.

We noted that USAID's benefit paymentsincreased by 9.9% in actual dollars during 2005.The model would gradually reflect such changesif maintained, whereas the prediction wouldimmediately calculate in increase.

Compared the benefit payments predictedby the model for 2005 to the actualbenefit payments. Identified the agencieswhere the model computed benefitpayments that varied by more than 20percent and $2 million from actual benefitpayments made during 2005.

Actual payments were approximately 16.7%lower than predicted by the model.

The following agencies’ actual payments variedfrom the prediction by more than 20% and $2million: Treasury -22.1% ($14.3 million), DHS-36.9% ($80.8 million), DOL -20.9% ($5.0million), and USPS -21.8% ($234.3 million).

For all four agencies the model calculated within10% of predictive test results performed by theauditor based upon each agency’s prior yearliability adjusted for their change in benefitpayments and economic assumptions.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Compared an estimate of the liability byagency (calculated from the agency’sprior year balance, the change in theirbenefit payments, and the overall effect ofthe change in economic factors) to theliability computed by the actuarial model.

The calculated amounts were within 10% ofamounts derived by DOL’s model for all agenciesexcept NRC (16%) and USAID (-19.2%).

Performed a limited survey of interest andinflation rates utilized by the USPS, OPM,

and two other sources with governmentalactuarial liabilities experience.Determined how the surveyed, neteffective rates compared to the interestrates used in the model and explained theeffect of the rate difference.

Surveyed rates for compensation ranged from+1.73% to +3.50% and for medical ranged from

-2.98% to +1.43%. The model's rates compute tonet effective rates of approximately 2.4% forcompensation and 1.0% for medical. The model'srates fell within the range of surveyed rates.

Compared the actuarial liability for theUSPS calculated by the model to theactuarial liability calculated by the USPS’sindependent model.

We obtained and reviewed the USPS calculation.The USPS calculated liability was 17% lower thanDOL's calculation.

We adjusted the DOL calculation of the USPS

liability to match the USPS economicassumptions. The USPS calculation of $7.2billion was 7% or $600 million lower than ouradjusted calculation of $7.8 billion. Therefore, thedifference in assumptions accounts forapproximately $900 million1 (60%) of the $1.5billion difference. Based on our otherprocedures, the economic assumptions used byDOL appear reasonable.

We also noted that Postal's LBP ratio was lowcompared to most of the agencies in the model

indicating that their liability was not high inrelation to the other agencies. Our predictive testwas within 5%.

1 Original difference of $1.5 billion less the adjusted difference of $600 million equals a change in thedifference of $900 million.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431




Confirmation letters regarding the accounts receivable due as of September 30, 2005,were mailed and confirmed with the CFO Act agencies and other selected Federalagencies. Agreed-upon procedures were performed on FY 2005 accounts receivableand compared with FY 2004 accounts receivable concerning new receivables andcollections. We reviewed the 4th quarter estimation methodology for reasonablenessand compared the estimate to the actual.

Procedures and Results

Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Compared prior year ending net intra-governmental accounts receivable balances tothe current year net intra-governmentalaccounts receivable balance by Federalagency. Determined whether the increase ordecrease was in proportion to the change inamounts billed and collected.

The change in the net intra-governmentalaccounts receivable balances was inproportion to the increases in benefit paymentsbilled to and paid by each Federal agency.

Compared the Summary Chargeback BillingReport for the period July 1, 2004 throughJune 30, 2005, to the amounts billed to theFederal agencies.

The amounts billed to the Federal agencies forthe period July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005,agreed to the chargeback billing report.

Confirmed accounts receivable balances dueas of September 30, 2005, for all CFO Actagencies except DOL and other selectedFederal agencies.

Confirmations were reviewed and explanationsfor any differences were obtained from theagencies and/or DOL. A confirmation was notreceived from the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission. The DOL accountant responsiblefor reconciling intra-governmental activity

works monthly with other Federal agencies toresearch and correct any differences.

Recalculated the allocation of credits due fromthe public.

No exceptions were noted.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

For a non-statistical sample of at least 50claimant receivables, determined whetherclaimant accounts receivable were properlyestablished and classified.

Of the 50 claimant accounts receivable tested,we noted 12 instances in which theestablishment, recording, or processing of thereceivable or related recoveries (cash receiptsand benefit recoupments) was not done inaccordance with established policy and/orrelated accounting standards.

Reviewed the 4th quarter estimationmethodology for reasonableness andcompared the estimate to actual.

The difference between the estimate and theactual was $977 thousand or -0.77%.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431




Agreed-upon procedures were applied to compensation and medical benefit payments in totaland by agency for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2005, the chargeback period endedJune 30, 2005, and the sampling period of October 1, 2004 to April 30, 2005. Changes in theactuarial liability from the prior year to the current year were calculated. Agreed-uponprocedures were applied to DOL's current year 4th quarter estimation methodology.

Procedures and Results

Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Compared the benefit payments recorded inthe Integrated Federal Employees’Compensation System (iFECS) and CentralBill Processing (CBP) databases to theDepartment of Treasury’s SF-224s as ofApril 30, 2005 and September 30, 2005.

The benefit payments recorded in iFECS andtheCBPdatabasesvariedfromtheSF-224sby$3million(.2%)asofApril30,2005.AsofSeptember30,2005,theiFECSandCBPdatabases varied from the SF-224s by $42million(1.7%).

Performed a trend analysis on the total

benefit payments for the last 5 chargebackyears ended June 30. We requestedexplanations from DOL for variances over10 percent.

The 2005 benefits decreased by 0.24% over

2004. No variances over 10% were noted.

Compared the Summary Chargeback BillingReport to the total benefit payments in theiFECS and CBP databases for the fiscalyear ended September 30, 2005.

Comparison of the Summary ChargebackBilling Report to the total benefit payments inthe iFECS and CBP databases for the fiscalyear ended September 30, 2005 resulted in a3.7% or $86 million variance.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Compared by agency, benefit payments forthe nine months ending June 30, 2005, withtotal benefit payments made for the ninemonths ending June 30, 2004. Werequested explanations from DOL for anyvariances over 10 percent.

Benefit payments for the nine months endingJune 30, 2005 decreased by 3.1% overall fromJune 30, 2004. Benefit payments increased ordecreased by more than 10% for the followingagencies:

OPM 141.55%NASA -15.42%NRC 22.95%

DOL stated that NRC is a very small agency, sothe increase could be one or twohospitalizations or surgeries. During FY 2005,a small activity, which included about 164cases, was transferred from the Department ofDefense (AODF) to the Office of PersonnelManagement (OPM).

NASA is a small agency with an aggressiveworkers’ compensation initiative that includessafety, timely filing and return to work. Theyhave significantly reduced the number of lostproduction days due to on-the-job injury.

Compared by agency, benefit payments forthe fiscal year ending September 30, 2005with benefit payments made for the fiscalyear ending September 30, 2004, andverified that explanations obtained as ofJune 30 were consistent with September 30results.

Benefit payments for the fiscal year endingSeptember 30, 2005 decreased by 1.96%overall from September 30, 2004. Benefitpayments increased or decreased by more than10% for the following agencies:

OPM 117.74 %NASA -12.45%

The explanations obtained as of June 30, whichare shown in the preceding results section,were consistent with the September 30 results.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector General

Report Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Compared the benefit payments made byeach District office for the nine monthsended June 30 2005 to the prior year data.We requested explanations from DOL forvariances over 10 percent.

For the nine months ended June 30, 2005,benefit payments increased or decreased overthe nine months ended June 30, 2004 by morethan 10% for the following districts:

• DO 03 Philadelphia 18.35%• DO 10 Chicago -10.86%• DO 25 Washington -22.55%• DO 50 National Office -14.72 %

DOL stated that cases were transferred fromWashington to Philadelphia and Clevelanddistrict offices. Chicago has a high costcatastrophic case. During the October 1 to June30, 2004 period, two large medical paymentswere made on the case that totaled over $3million.

The National Office stopped providing routinemaintenance for cases awaiting hearing, andreturned the jurisdiction of issues unrelated to

the hearing to the District offices. Therefore,payments previously processed in the NationalOffice are now processed in the District offices.

Compared by District office, benefitpayments for the fiscal year endingSeptember 30, 2005 with benefit paymentsmade for the fiscal year endingSeptember 30, 2004, and verified thatexplanations obtained as of June 30 wereconsistent with September results.

As of September 30, 2005, benefit paymentsincreased or decreased from September 30,2004 by more than 10% for the followingdistricts:

•DO 03 Philadelphia 19.6%•DO 25 Washington DC -17.3%

The benefit payments decreased overall by .3%from September 30, 2004 to September 30,2005. The explanations obtained as of June 30,which are shown in the preceding resultssection, were consistent with the Septemberresults.

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Agreed-Upon Procedures & Results

Prepared by M.D. Oppenheim & Company, P.C., for theU.S. Department of Labor—Office of Inspector GeneralReport Number: 22-06-006-04-431


Agreed-Upon Procedures Performed Results of Procedures

Calculated a 12-month projected benefitpayment based on the April 30, 2005 iFECSand CBP databases (7 months). Comparedthe projected 12-month total benefitpayments to the actual 12-month totalbenefit payments for the year endedSeptember 30, 2005.

The actual 12-month total benefit paymentswere 7.45% less than the 12-month projectionfor the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005.

Compared the FY 2005 4th quarter benefit

payment estimate to the actual benefitspaid for the 4th quarter per the iFECS andCBP databases.

Compared 4th quarter benefit payment

estimate to the actual 4th quarter benefitpayments per the databases resulting in a$32million variance (5.5%).

Calculated the change in the actuarialliability reported on the current year andprior year’s compilation report prepared byDOL.

The change in the actuarial liability wascalculated correctly by DOL for the fiscal yearended September 30, 2005.

Obtained and reviewed the most recentIndependent Service Auditors’ Report onthe ACS Central Bill Processing System.

An Independent Service Auditors’ report on theACS Central Bill Processing System for theperiod ending April 30, 2005 was obtained and

reviewed. These results have beenincorporated into the Independent ServiceAuditors’ Report on the Integrated FederalEmployees’ Compensation System and CentralBill Process, dated September 15, 2005, andissued to DOL and Federal agencies withresponsibilities under the FECA program.

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ACS Affiliated Computer Services

AODF All Other DefenseAUP Agreed Upon Procedures

CBP Central Bill Processing System

CFO Chief Financial Officers’ Act

COLA Cost of Living Allowance

CPI-Med Consumer Price Index for Medical

DHS U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DOJ U.S. Department of Justice

DOL U.S. Department of LaborESA Employment Standards Administration

FECA Federal Employees' Compensation Act

IBNR Incurred But Not Reported

iFECS Integrated Federal Employees’ CompensationSystem

LBP Liability to Benefits Paid

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NSF National Science Foundation

OMB Office of Management and Budget

OPM Office of Personnel Management

OWCP Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

SBA Small Business Administration

SFFAS Statement of Federal Financial AccountingStandards

SSA Social Security Administration

USAID U.S. Agency for International Development

USPS U.S. Postal Service

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