Chinese New Year Food Recipes | Cooking On The Weekends (2024)

· by Valentina · 36 Comments

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I'm presenting a handful delicious recipes for Chinese New Year Menu Ideas -- and they all have what are considered to be "lucky foods" for the holiday.

Chinese New Year Food Recipes | Cooking On The Weekends (1)

About Chinese New Year

Beginning on the second new moon, after the winter solstice, and ending on the full moon fifteen days later, Chinese New Year is a Chinese festival that marks the beginning of the new year.

Also called Lunar New Year, the celebration revolves around family and friends, special meals, fireworks, and gift giving.

The following recipes for Chinese New Year might not be authentic, but they've been made with my culinary expertise. And I think a couple might pass with flying colors.

If you're not celebrating the lunar new year, wouldn't you want a delicious Asian inspired feast anyway?

These are Asian inspired dishes that I think work well for the holiday.

Let's go with it, shall we? 🙂

7 Lucky Foods for Chinese New Year

  • fish - for an increase in prosperity
  • dumplings - for wealth
  • spring rolls - for wealth
  • sweet rice balls - for family bonding
  • good fortune fruits - these include grapes, lychee, plums, jujube, kumquats and more, and are for fullness and wealth
  • rice cakes - for a higher salary and career status
  • longevity noodles - for happiness and longevity

The dishes I'm sharing here represent many of the foods thought to bring good luck: fish, dumplings, rice, good fortune fruits, and longevity noodles.

I hope you love them as much as I do!

Delicious Recipes for Chinese New Year

Ginger-Garlic Chicken Dumplings

Chinese Longevity Noodles

Miso Broiled Black Cod

Chinese New Year Food Recipes | Cooking On The Weekends (4)

Spicy Crispy Fried Rice

Lychee Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Chinese New Year Food Recipes | Cooking On The Weekends (6)

These Chinese Tea Eggs would also be really fun to add to the menu!


Here's more about food symbolism during Chinese New Year celebrations.

More Asian Recipes

  • Chili Crunch Salmon Bites with Broccoli and Potatoes
  • Spicy Asian Slaw with Basil
  • Curry Udon with Sweet Potato
  • Miso Fried Rice

Reader Interactions


  1. Ron

    Having spent over 20 years traveling and working in China, I'd say your yi mein would suit most Chinese folks I worked with. All of your inspired dishes would be well received.
    We always celebrate Chinese New Years either by cooking up a Chinese banquet for friends or meeting up with our local Chinese friends at their restaurant. Happy year of the pig!


  2. valentina

    Well Ron, having spent that much time in China, I'm happy (and relieved!) you approve. 🙂 The Longevity Noodles are my favorite! Happy year of the pig to you too. I bet you're cooking something delicious!


  3. Andrea Metlika

    These dishes are all magnificent. Truly appreciate the inspiration of this.


    • valentina

      Thanks so much, Andrea!


    • valentina

      Do! 😉 Thank you!


  4. Shanika

    These dishes look so good! Perfect for a celebration indeed!


    • valentina

      Thanks Shanika! Hope you try some of them. 🙂


  5. Adrianne

    Wow, there are so many great ideas here!! I love the dumplings and spring rolls and I could eat noodles every day for the rest of my life - YUM!! Cheers for inspiring me with an Asian theme today.


    • valentina

      I feel the same way about noodles. 😀 Thanks for visiting.


  6. Laura | Wandercooks

    Dumplings are my all-time fav, or should I say all-year haha, but I've not tried longevity noodles before - definitely keen to give these a try!


    • valentina

      Those noodles are my favorite! I hope you try them. Thanks!


  7. Christina Conte

    An excellent array of choices for the new year celebrations, Valentina! Those noodles are calling my name! 🙌🏻


    • valentina

      Thanks Christina. Making those dumplings was my 13-yr-old's idea! xo


  8. David @ Spiced

    We've never celebrated Chinese New Year, and now I'm starting to wonder why not. This sounds like an excellent menu, and that crispy fried rice is going to be stuck in my head all day today! Everything looks delicious! 🙂


  9. Dawn

    Wow! I'd love to make a meal with a few of these in the mix. So fun knowing what's behind each dish. I'd have to make extra dumplings because I'm obsessed with those. Yours look perfect!!


    • valentina

      Thanks, Dawn! There are never too many dumplings! I always make a ton of extra and freeze them. My kids love them too. Hope you have a great week. 🙂


  10. Nancy

    This is why I should NEVER, EVER read your posts before lunch 🙂 Now, of course all I want are those chicken dumplings... and there are none to be found :-(.
    I definitely agree this menu passes with flying colors - absolutely delicious!!


  11. John / Kitchen Riffs

    Chinese New Year always sneaks up on me for some reason. Probably because it's a moveable feast. Anyway, love all of your menu ideas! Like 'em all, but I'll never turn down dumplings. Ever. 🙂


    • valentina

      I'm with you on the dumplings, John. Impossible to turn down. Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂


  12. Kelly | Foodtasia

    Everything looks so delicious! Those are definitely calling my name!


    • Kelly | Foodtasia

      *Those noodles!* - Got me so excited I forgot how to type!


      • valentina

        Thanks so much, Kelly. I do love those noodles! Thanks for visiting. 🙂


  13. angiesrecipes

    wow I want to try the whole menu, esp. those good!


    • valentina

      Thanks so much, Angie. I do love dumplings! 🙂


  14. valentina

    Thanks so much, Frank. I like to celebrate too -- especially since it's surrounded by so much good food. So nice you have good Chinese restaurants where you live. Such delicious food! 🙂


  15. Dawn - Girl Heart Food

    It's not even lunch and I'm totally craving this right now, especially some dumplings (hubby and I have bee loving dumplings lately, especially with hot oil)! Seriously, though, if any of these were in front of me (and not just on my screen), I'd be quite happy. Such a yummy round up!


  16. Kim Lange

    Love all these ideas! My faves are those Dumplings and Longevity Noodles! I'm definitely wanting a buffet of all!


    • valentina

      Thank you, Kim! Enjoy! 🙂 ~Valentina


  17. Ron

    Valentina, this still a great Chinese feast menu. As it'll just be Eva and I this year, we'll likey just steam up a fish and have some lucky noodles...


    • valentina

      Lucky noodles it is! Thanks, Ron. Enjoy and hope you're feeling well! 🙂 ~Valentina


  18. John / Kitchen Riffs

    This post is such a great resource! Lotta good dishes here. "Asian-inspired" definitely describes virtually all the "Chinese" food I make!


    • valentina

      Thank you, John! Happy Lunar New Year and Happy Valentine's Day. 🙂 ~Valentina


  19. Jeff the Chef @ Make It Like a Man!

    I'd love to have all of these, one after the other!


    • valentina

      Thanks, Jeff. As it turns out, me too. Happy Lunar New Year and Happy Valentine's Day! 😉 ~Valentina


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Chinese New Year Food Recipes | Cooking On The Weekends (2024)


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